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  2. Go Battlehawks I'm 0-1 this weekend and it's not looking good.
  3. You have hit upon the problem. He has the right to appeal his child support when his income changes just like anyone else. Acting like a scumbag doesn't tend to please the court though. There are also ways to prevent these issues in the first place so, again, not too much sympathy here.
  4. There are only so many things to talk about. Particularly this time of year.
  5. The difference between Hamler and Claypool (beyond the size) is that he had multiple seasons over 860 yards each and was a talent that teams were not only acquiring - but trading assets for, even last year. And he's never not been 53 man rostered. Hamler's a guy that hasn't had a total of even 650 yards in all of his seasons and was cut twice in under a year, without anyone interested in trading for him or even poaching him off of a Practice Squad.
  6. Roger I don't remember, was there that much support for Rosen over Allen? As to Coleman, maybe I'm off, but the majority angle here anyway appears to be positive? No? Exactly! But as to the scouting departments, consider how many times they're off. So no, I don't necessarily trust them anymore than I trust anyone else. My track record, the public one, is better than theirs on the top picks anyway. It's largely because I don't care if I'm wrong on a few, I call it as I see it. I'm not trying to keep a job doing that and therefore hiding behind the prevailing analyses. Here's the thing, when reviewing players, I far too often see the end results of assessments/analyses highlighting only the highlights, which again, are often against competition that's not typically found in the NFL, or situations that aren't. Point being, it's our professional "expert" scouting staff(s) that produced the likes of players in rounds 1 & 2 like Rousseau, Basham, Ford, Zay Jones, Lawson, Darby, Ragland, Watkins, Kouandjio, Spiller, Troupe, Hardy, and others. I offered my diametric dissension on a bunch of those, at least insofar as being drafted in rounds 1 or 2 went, and particularly players like Watkins and Jones (and now Coleman by similar standards), and Hardy from years prior. Sure I've been off, but not as much as the professionals. So I'm quite comfortable with my methodologies and I'd be happy to put 'em up against anyone in the business, at least for the handful of picks that I do look at. I make my mistakes, just not as frequently. I was big on Edmunds, but so were they, obviously. But you're right, none of it matters, and I didn't say the above as a LAM, just to say that I trust my own anaylses more than I trust those of others, again, for the picks that I actually spend time on. In fairness, media guys don't have that kind of time to analyze a couple hundred players like that, but entire scouting departments should have all the time in the world, particularly for the players that they're heavily interested in. So no excuses at all there. And they travel to games too.
  7. Jaylen Brown's just out to prove the all star voters wrong and it's a sight to see.
  8. Luka plays D- he’s just not athletic enough to play good man d. He plays solid help and isn’t too bad playing post D against bigger guys. Active hands. Cement feet. The ringless top 3 thing is a fair comparison for sure. I can see that point of view Luka’s efficiency flaw is the exact same as Josh, turnovers. His FG% isn’t poor at all.
  9. if Hamler is 100% and has his speed he shouldn’t be taken lightly. He also is still young, I think 24. people forgot he was even signed He may be a PS guy Claypool has been on what 3 different teams yet folks have him on the roster. I’ve been saying this is very wide open roster being Coleman, Shakir, and Samuel are the only locks right now 2QB+3RB+FB/TE+9OL+3 TE+5WR=23 players 9 DL+5LB+9DB=23 players LS+P+K+Returner=4 players 50 players 3 wild cards based on injuries for in season IR, rookies/ young players who could get claimed , and extra depth one of these spots could go to an additional WR.
  10. I think the Josh/Luka comparison is based off them both being guys viewed as a top 3 player in the game yet haven’t won it all yet. Both have efficiency flaws (Luka fg % and Josh turnovers) but both are elite, show up in big games and are incredibly clutch.
  11. That was a fake statistic. The numbers were about the same. However, I agree that randomness plays a much bigger role than folks are willing to admit.
  12. If Trump can't make a buck and set the record straight? F it. House of cards.
  13. Why would you think that the Negr0 Leagues' history would be "erased"? There are 37 members of the Negr0 Leagues in the Baseball HOF, only three of them having played in National or American Leagues, so the Negr0 Leagues are considered on a level with the "major leagues" during the Jim Crow era. There is also the Negr0 Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City.
  14. The past two playoff games against KC could have gone either way, but since they didn't, people rush in with their Narratives about KC dominating, etc. As long as the Bills don't devolve into head cases and freeze up when they play them next, the law of averages will assert itself and they'll beat KC as often as they beat them. In fact, I can easily see KC never going to the Super Bowl again. The role of happenstance in football is a lot bigger than people think. So is biased refereeing. Did everyone see that Mahomes has had 53 interceptions overturned by penalty? Allen has had 7 overturned.
  15. My first time flying SW, I was walking through the terminal and saw a sign at one of their service desks that said "Ask me about upgrading your position in line" or something like that. I stopped, showed them my ticket, it was a same day purchase so something like C35. They do their tapping on the computer and say they can get me A5 for..... $15. Sold.
  16. The only thing the two have in common is they both don't play defense.
  17. There are definitely some strongly held beliefs on this forum. There are people on here that think Reich was better than Kelly. The Flutie Jonhson debate could still get 100 pages easily God forbid you criticize McDermott on here. 7 seasons, 6 mostly successful but no championships and not even a AFC Championship game in the last two years. Losing record in the playoffs. Some of us would have been fien moving on from him after 13 seconds, others think he can do no wrong. Pretty certain almost everyone agrees OJ was a great athlete and a despicable guilty double murderer person.
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