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Who Sent the Flowers?


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T.O. tweeted last night that he received a flower delivery at camp yesterday from someone anonymously calling him a pansy!



Also, 4 the Buff Bills fan tht's NOT a fan of mine tht sent me flowers, tissue, called me a pansy b/c of my toe...Thanx the flowers r nice!!

But he seems to be taking it just fine...

Just wanted 2 say thanx again 2 whomever sent the flowers, my dorm room needed the touch! i may twitpic the flowers!

He also tweeted that we fans don't need to worry as he is going to be fine and back soon. Great news.

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The card appears to read:


"To T.O.


The world's biggest pansy!


[Cannot read this line] your little toe!


From a Buffalo Bills fan


Not a fan of you"


And you can see a small package of tissues is attached.

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It's strange that one can have something so easily delivered to TOs room. What if it weren't so innocent. Maybe I'm looking to into it.


I'm sure it was a professional flower shop that delivered them.


This is just an idiotic thing to do. What did the sender hope to accomplish?

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I'm sure it was a professional flower shop that delivered them.


This is just an idiotic thing to do. What did the sender hope to accomplish?

Get a couple tweets, TweetPics and even a thread on TBD created about it.


Flowers like those probably cost at least $30-40.

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