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Last post wins!


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I win.


Now which one of you jackasses is gonna ruin it for me this time?

See even you say jack won.


























9,000 #

Edited by mead107
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Give us the gory details :unsure: .... hopefully you heal quickly.


I work in a candy packaging Factory. We get bulk product from various companies, and package it into the nice bags/ tubs you see in the store. I'm the line operator for whatever big line we run on any given night. (Usually have 8-10 people working for me.)


Last night I had to run 8 different orders, mainly almonds and pecans. Since we had so many changeovers, my workers were to busy too take the full cardboard cart back to the baler. So I took it back and grab a new one.


Get it all the way back to line, and start to line it up against the wall. I go to make the final turn and the handle snaps. The handle snaps up towards a metal bar on the side. Unfortunately my finger was in between the bar and handle.


It smashed my fingernail, and made my finger swell up twice the normal size. My fingernail turned black, and had to get a splint on it last night. Still hurts like a son of a b*tch though.

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You're doing a good job typing with 9. I know--I'm just getting back to normal from a broken finger about 8 weeks ago.



You assume that all other digits remain intact .... for all we know he may have been a knife thrower in a sideshow act before his current gig ... could have lost one or two there. :unsure:

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Im so I cool I made up my own language

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i've stayed away for awhile but I thought I'd pop in and claim my rightful position as front-runner. I am a natural born leader after all.


- What's up with Mike Singletary and that 8" wooden crucifix around his neck? I used to love watching him man the middle in Chicago with those intense eyes. But come on man, are you coaching, preaching, or warding off vampires??? :unsure:

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