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Del Rio Upset with henderson

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Except that TO can go across the middle with the best of them, as well as long.


You still need protection to make use of the receivers lined up wide for over the middle work. And if TO is receiving the ball 5 yards or less from the LOS on hot routes, his game is being wasted and his tendency toward the dropsies will be magnified.


Right now, if you are putting a game plan together against this team, you run the ball and take the underneath stuff against the defense because they guard heavily against the big play at the expense of yardage, field position and clock. Defensively, you stack the box and blitz Edwards. Allows you to kill the running game, hit the QB and force him to dump the ball short to RB's, the slot receiver(Reed) and the TE's which is not where Buffalo has the big bucks invested or the real matchup advantage. Basically the same defense that derailed the Bledsoe/Moulds/Price/Henry offense in the second half of Bledsoe's first season in Buffalo.....and it was made much easier to do because the Bills defense did not stop the run and put pressure on the offense to score. And that offense had better dump off options with Centers and Riemersma.

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I think Del Rio's comments are very inflammatory, and Henderson would have to take a big gulp of humility to just let that slide. I think Henderson should openly call for a trade. But he better watch out or he might end up a Lion.

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You still need protection to make use of the receivers lined up wide for over the middle work. And if TO is receiving the ball 5 yards or less from the LOS on hot routes, his game is being wasted and his tendency toward the dropsies will be magnified.

Crossing routes, and slants in particular, don't take a lot of time to develop. As for his "tendency toward dropsies," you're the first person I've heard claim that he has a bigger problem with drops with these type of routes than others. I'd like to see those numbers. And if you haven't seen TO run a crossing route, check it out. He's not wasted running them.

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Knowing that history, if they could get Henderson it would be a real reason for some optimism.


I couldn't agree more. Henderson and Stroud would beat people up, just like they did in Jax. They both would have to be accounted for all the time, which would open doors for Schobl and Maybin.


In a second, I would give up Parrish and a reasonable draft pick. What type of draft choice would you be willing to part with?

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I couldn't agree more. Henderson and Stroud would beat people up, just like they did in Jax. They both would have to be accounted for all the time, which would open doors for Schobl and Maybin.


In a second, I would give up Parrish and a reasonable draft pick. What type of draft choice would you be willing to part with?

I'd offer a 3rd and Parrish.

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The opening is there now. Del Rio's comments went way beyond disappointment.

Exactly. These comments are very disrespectful. If Henderson has any ego, he has to be boiling.

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Ross Tucker weighs in.


Also a nice simple explanation of the league pension plan.



Here's the biggest problem with Tucker's article, IMO:

Smart coaches in the NFL rarely talk out of turn. What may seem like an angry outburst often turns out to be a calculated move intended to get a team back on track.


He should have said, "Smart coaches in the NFL rarely talk out of turn. Nobody has ever accused Del Rio of being a smart coach, though."

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Ross Tucker weighs in.


Also a nice simple explanation of the league pension plan.


"Back when I played, and even prior to that, I don't think anybody would have had to miss a snap for [that injury]," Del Rio said. "I think it's a minor bruise of sorts. I would think Vince Lombardi is probably rolling over right now. It's not something that should keep anybody out of work. But John feels like he can't go, so we'll let him wait until he can."


That's a mega-foolish thing to say. Especially in the offseason. He shouldn't be pushing players to play with injury during meaningless practices. If I were Henderson I'd only show up for mandatory practices from now on. If Del Rio wants to get that across to players leave it in the locker room.


I can't imagine too many other coaches doing that. I think he not only lost a lot of respect from Henderson but probably from a lot of the players.

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