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If the Bills got Vick, we would welcome him with open arms

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How f-d up of a franchise do you have to be to pass on Cutler and pursue Vick. I mean really does our legacy mean nothing. I know all this is rumor now. But seriously this will just prove how far this franchise has fallen. Everyone should have a shot at redemption. But he can redeem himself outside the NFL. This is a privilege. The guy can make amends first and then we'll discuss it.

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I don't see how anyone here is comparing what Vick did to anyone else. Cows and hunting are you kidding me? This guy had dogs secured to rape racks had them tortured with electricity and even had some of their teeth surgically removed. Mind you this was over an extended period of time not a one time random event. Anyone who thinks what Vick did wasnt totally inhumane really needs to watch the episode of dogtown where they rehabilitated 22 of the dogs rescued from Vicks compound. there is nothing even remotely similar between livestock, hunting and what this scumbag did. For the record yes I am against animal testing/torture and inhumane slaughterhouses as well. And as far as animal fighting being accepted in other parts of the world well lets just say the age of consent in the phillipines is 12 now how would you feel if that was your daughter or son for that matter would it be acceptable because its legal halfway across the world?

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nope. Mark my words. If the Bills get Vick, Im done. Season tickets, viewership, TBD, all interest will be gone. Verify it how you want I have no doubt that I would drop the team like yesterday's trash.


Fully concur. Bills sign Vick, I trash 25 years of Bills Fandom and become a Steelers fan.

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How f-d up of a franchise do you have to be to pass on Cutler and pursue Vick. I mean really does our legacy mean nothing. I know all this is rumor now. But seriously this will just prove how far this franchise has fallen. Everyone should have a shot at redemption. But he can redeem himself outside the NFL. This is a privilege. The guy can make amends first and then we'll discuss it.

You should have stopped right there. You are getting all pissed off because a writer with nothing else to say starts a rumor with absolutely no foundation. You agree it's just a rumor yet trash the Bills for considering this. That does not make sense.

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Who killed someone and still plays in the NFL???

Leonard Little killed a woman in 1998 with a .19 BAC. He has since been arrested for DUI at least once more.


Reggie Rogers was the 7th pick in the 1987 draft, killed 3 teenagers in a DUI crash, served 16 months in prison and was released by Detroit. He was brought back into the NFL in 1991 by the Buffalo Bills.


Ray Lewis probably killed at least one guy in a fight and paid off witnesses to change their stories in court. He has subsequently reached out of court settlements with the children of the 2 dead men. I'll admit that this is a probably.


In the NHL, Dany Heatley killed a teammate in a vehicle accident where his Ferrari was traveling at an excessive rate of speed and basically split in half on impact. Not only does he play, he's an All-Star.


Lawrence Phillips dragged a woman down a flight of stairs by her hair and was still drafted 6th overall. Granted, he didn't kill her but he had a host of additional DV issues before he was eventually put in prison.


Read this article from the NY Times in 1991 to learn more about the Bills' attitude toward Rogers after signing him. Some pretty interesting quotes in there both from Rogers and Levy.

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To follow up on Little -- a good column from a good guy:

On the Mark: Vick needs us to find new cause


With Cleveland receiver Donte Stallworth awaiting trial on manslaughter charges for killing a pedestrian while driving drunk, the time has come to end DUIs in the NFL.


It's not too much to expect a young guy with some money in his pocket to call a car service. Our football writer, Alex Marvez, tells me that a lot of teams even have hotlines players can call. Punch in the number and a guy magically arrives to drive you and your Bentley home.


It's 2009. There's no excuse for NFL players to be driving drunk or stoned. Still, two years after commissioner Roger Goodell got tough on bad behavior, the problem seems like an epidemic.


For a while now, the San Diego Union-Tribune has been compiling an extraordinary and profoundly troubling roster of NFL players arrested since 2000. Going back to May 1, 2008, there are 59 incidents. By my count, 26 of these arrests are for guys driving a vehicle recklessly, drunk, or in possession of marijuana. A few of these cases were dropped, like Cedric Benson's arrest for boating while intoxicated. A couple — like Marshawn Lynch, who hit a 27-year-old pedestrian with his Porsche — make no mention of booze or drugs. Maybe that's because the charge against Lynch — who was arrested again in February while driving with a loaded gun — was basically a hit and run.


Nevertheless, each of these incidents has the same horrific potential as the Stallworth case. It's nothing new, either. Eleven years ago, Rams defensive end Leonard Little killed a woman named Susan Gutweiler while driving drunk after celebrating his 24th birthday. Susan Gutweiler was 47, a wife and mother to a 15-year-old son.


Little got 90 days and community service. Vick has been in jail since November 2007.

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Leonard Little killed a woman in 1998 with a .19 BAC. He has since been arrested for DUI at least once more.


Reggie Rogers was the 7th pick in the 1987 draft, killed 3 teenagers in a DUI crash, served 16 months in prison and was released by Detroit. He was brought back into the NFL in 1991 by the Buffalo Bills.


Ray Lewis probably killed at least one guy in a fight and paid off witnesses to change their stories in court. He has subsequently reached out of court settlements with the children of the 2 dead men. I'll admit that this is a probably.


In the NHL, Dany Heatley killed a teammate in a vehicle accident where his Ferrari was traveling at an excessive rate of speed and basically split in half on impact. Not only does he play, he's an All-Star.


Lawrence Phillips dragged a woman down a flight of stairs by her hair and was still drafted 6th overall. Granted, he didn't kill her but he had a host of additional DV issues before he was eventually put in prison.


Read this article from the NY Times in 1991 to learn more about the Bills' attitude toward Rogers after signing him. Some pretty interesting quotes in there both from Rogers and Levy.


Well said, good sir. Wear it, ladies.


You moral-soap-boxers slay me. I can understand the sentiment: Michael Vick is a bad person who did some disgustingly-heinous things, but, come on. You guys feel that strongly about this guy that you would stop cheering for your team of many years? You sat through Rob Johnson, JP Losman and the drafting of Mike Williams, but this would send you packing for good? Give me a break. I don't want the guy in the least, but I almost hope we pick him up now to put you gentleman to the test.


The Reggie Rogers thing is the real clincher. If you've been a fan since '91, I'm not sure how you've lived with yourselves.

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You should have stopped right there. You are getting all pissed off because a writer with nothing else to say starts a rumor with absolutely no foundation. You agree it's just a rumor yet trash the Bills for considering this. That does not make sense.


Well, it feels like a rumor. But some pretty reliable news outlets are carrying it like cnn.com and some of their top writers are reporting that the Bills have interest. I'm trusting the franchise to use better judgment. But at the same time, I have to think there's a teeny fire somewhere for someone to think the Bills would even consider this. I can't imagine this would even be considered during the Levy/Polian/Butler years.


And for the record, I don't get joy out of trashing the Bills. But you have to wonder about some of the more recent decisions.

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Funny to see and the hunters on here, the mighty taco beef eaters, the dog lovers, gerbil lovers, the cow fighters and all the debate raging.


Folks, animals get mistreated all the time because they are animals. There is no way to justify abusing a dog but depending on where you live, the dog is a part of a diet and is killed and or eaten. Cows are sacred in parts of the world, yet we treat them terribly so are we all bad here?? You can come up the better way to kill something debate but dead is dead any way you slice it.


Go back to your childhood and try to think if you ever mistreated an animal and see if your life can move on and you will be forgiven, then get back to me. Until then, get a grip and realize that all animals however dumb or smart end up victims to humans or each other.


P.S. I am in no way defending VIck for doing retarded things and he is a adult that lives in a US inside a fairly obvious culture of not legally abusing dogs. Had he lived in south america, he's a hero that blends with the crowd.

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The Reggie Rogers thing is the real clincher. If you've been a fan since '91, I'm not sure how you've lived with yourselves.


well I was 12 at the time and didnt have internet, and even now I dont recall who the hell he was. Looking at him now he is scum and I wouldnt be happy if he currently ended up on the Bills.


Even so, this is a completely different situation than those listed. The canine cruelty issue is important to me and I will not cheer for a guy who performed evil like Vick did.


I expect and wouldnt complain if the NFL reinstated him. However, I would never root for the guy, even on the Bills.

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Well, it feels like a rumor. But some pretty reliable news outlets are carrying it like cnn.com and some of their top writers are reporting that the Bills have interest. I'm trusting the franchise to use better judgment. But at the same time, I have to think there's a teeny fire somewhere for someone to think the Bills would even consider this. I can't imagine this would even be considered during the Levy/Polian/Butler years.


And for the record, I don't get joy out of trashing the Bills. But you have to wonder about some of the more recent decisions.

I guess my problem is that he is still under suspension by the league so unless info is leaking from the commissioners office, he probably can't play this year. Why would any team show interest knowing training camp is close and he is not even available to play?

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Well, it feels like a rumor. But some pretty reliable news outlets are carrying it like cnn.com and some of their top writers are reporting that the Bills have interest. I'm trusting the franchise to use better judgment. But at the same time, I have to think there's a teeny fire somewhere for someone to think the Bills would even consider this. I can't imagine this would even be considered during the Levy/Polian/Butler years.


And for the record, I don't get joy out of trashing the Bills. But you have to wonder about some of the more recent decisions.

I've seen people like Florio and King speculating that he might draw interest from the Bills...but the only legitimate report says we aren't interested

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Well, it feels like a rumor. But some pretty reliable news outlets are carrying it like cnn.com and some of their top writers are reporting that the Bills have interest.


I didn't need a link when the whole world is saying that we are expressing an interest in Vick. I also know that regardless of who the Bills choose to field, a huge majority of these "fans" that are going to bolt if he hits the field for the Bills will find a way to embrace him with love.


T.O. becoming a Buffalo Bill seemed about as likely last season as an asteroid striking the earth, lo and behold.

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