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I just don't understand Obama's uber civility

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Be careful...mention Dear Leader's name out of context, even in jest and your post may up and disappear.

An ironic sentiment considering we've just emerged from 8 years of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Gonzales/etc. Black is white, Peace is war, slavery is freedom, Orwell was right.



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please tell me what this guy has done other than making it easier for terrorist to harm us?



all hype, no substance.



Cue the crickets.

Nothing that matters one lick to folks of your viewpoint. Go back to watching Fox News to get your marching orders. I think another "grassroots" tea party is coming up.



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Nothing that matters one lick to folks of your viewpoint. Go back to watching Fox News to get your marching orders. I think another "grassroots" tea party is coming up.




I love how everytime someone mentions anything remotely negative about Barack Obama they're automatically labeled as ultra conservatives who need to go watch Fox News. Very original, you really couldn't come up with anything other than channel 32 once again?

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I love how everytime someone mentions anything remotely negative about Barack Obama they're automatically labeled as ultra conservatives who need to go watch Fox News. Very original, you really couldn't come up with anything other than channel 32 once again?

Every time you hear someone tell a conservative to "go watch Fox News," you've probably found someone who watches MSNBC, which is, without question, the liberal answer to Fox. Everyone knows that. It's no secret. For every Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity, there is a Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews and Rachel Madcow.


Here's the difference.


Who owns MSNBC and NBC? General Electric.


Who is the CEO of General Electric? Jeffrey Immelt.


Who sits on Obama's team of economic advisers? Jeffrey Immelt.


Who stands to benefit from the upcoming Cap-and-Trade program? General Electric.


So a pro-Obama news agency is owned by a major corporation that is about to earn millions of dollars from an upcoming energy policy based on economic advice from the corporation's CEO, and what is the answer? Nothing.


Now, if this were Halliburton....

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LABillz is correct......Obama has revealed he is just like every other politician. Gee, can you imagine well connected people in his administration making billions of dollars from his policies? Just goes to show you he is not above everything political etc...he claimed to be.

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Every time you hear someone tell a conservative to "go watch Fox News," you've probably found someone who watches MSNBC, which is, without question, the liberal answer to Fox. Everyone knows that. It's no secret. For every Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity, there is a Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews and Rachel Madcow.


Here's the difference.


Who owns MSNBC and NBC? General Electric.


Who is the CEO of General Electric? Jeffrey Immelt.


Who sits on Obama's team of economic advisers? Jeffrey Immelt.


Who stands to benefit from the upcoming Cap-and-Trade program? General Electric.


So a pro-Obama news agency is owned by a major corporation that is about to earn millions of dollars from an upcoming energy policy based on economic advice from the corporation's CEO, and what is the answer? Nothing.


Now, if this were Halliburton....


Very interesting, thanks for pointing that all out.

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I am puzzled - did anyone seriously expect Presidential greatness from an inexperienced local pol with 7 years in the Illinois state legislature and half a term in the US Senate?


...after 100 days, no less?



Fact is, though, the media for the most part has annointed him a raging success. Time ran an article last week explaining why he was the best president ever (literally, the "superpresident" - based on having an approval rating in the high-60s, which is lower than Kennedy's, but Kennedy doesn't count because he's not Obama.) Obama's presidency so far is highly overrated, not for anything having to do with Obama as much as the morons reporting on him.

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Nothing that matters one lick to folks of your viewpoint. Go back to watching Fox News to get your marching orders. I think another "grassroots" tea party is coming up.



In other words....you came up with pretty much nothing either.

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