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Best Super Bowl team you ever saw


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I cannot call any team better than the Steel Curtain of the 70s. They were solid at every position, and they beat some great AFC teams, let alone the Cowboys with Staubach and Co.


Honorable Mention goes out to the 1977 Raiders. They didn't have the balance of the Steelers; their defense was good, not great. But, their offense was flat out dominant. I am talking about Branch, Stabler, Biletnikoff, and Dave Freakin Casper. That, and what I think was the best offensive line ever assembled.


And to be honest, the first Cowboy team to beat us was one of the best ever. :thumbsup: Aikman said before and during the next season that the team was weaker. We could have won that last one. :blink:



If the question isn't year specific and covers eras, then I'd have to agree. Any team that can win back to back titles.......TWICE.......in the period of 6 years should be considered among the best ever.

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85 Bears were incredible. When you look at that team. I was at that game. I still cant believe Ditka did not get Payton the ball for a touchdown. And all the b.s about him saying he didn't realize it till after the game. Let me tell you over half the stadium was chanting Walter in the second half whenever the Bears would get close to the endzone. Dominant Team and great personality. They had an entire nation following them. Lots of drama but they backed it up on Sunday.





I agree... Thanks for the Hookup... NICE and Crispy!

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85 Bears...their attitude was on the complete opposite spectrum of Dickless Jauron and company. That defense was mean, nasty, vicious and charasmatic. Also like our Super Bowl teams, I hear they were a wild bunch off the field as well. The name Junkyard Dogs fit them perfectly.

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Best Super Bowl team, not game.


I was very impressed with the SB XXIX 49ers and how they rolled the Chargers. I'd also have to begrudgingly agree with PushthePile - the 92 Cowboys were a damn good team.


Sorry, the 2007 Giants. Better. :worthy:


Although we are only talking about one game here and not so much overall team strength, I tend to agree with you. Last years Superbowl was deemed as probably one of the biggest mismatches in SB history.


To me, what the Giants pulled off makes them one of the best Superbowl teams ever :blink:


There's someone who gets it!! :D


Other than the Giants I'd say the 85 Bears. They were coached extremely well and weren't afraid to let The Fridge run it in at the goal line. They were a fun team too!

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Sorry, the 2007 Giants. Better. :D




There's someone who gets it!! :blink:


Other than the Giants I'd say the 85 Bears. They were coached extremely well and weren't afraid to let The Fridge run it in at the goal line. They were a fun team too!

I don't know about crowning the 07 Giants as the best team ever. They got the job done against the pats and we are all eternally grateful but lets not get carried away. Eli Manning is still Eli Manning and he'd get exposed badly against some of the alltime greats. They also needed a few miracles to win the one they got. Those Giants really got after the QB but so did many other teams. Just my opinion.

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I don't know about crowning the 07 Giants as the best team ever. They got the job done against the pats and we are all eternally grateful but lets not get carried away. Eli Manning is still Eli Manning and he'd get exposed badly against some of the alltime greats. They also needed a few miracles to win the one they got. Those Giants really got after the QB but so did many other teams. Just my opinion.


Ok, ok, I'm mainly picking the Giants due to being able to laugh my ass off for the rest of my life so take my 85 Bears as the answer. :lol: Happy Now!!


The 49ers team with Craig was a great team too. Craig was one of the best RB's ever.

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1984 49ers:




Lost 1 game by 3 points...and any 15-1 team that dismantles Miami is a friend of mine


1984 Niners had it all, Great D, Great O Line, Great TE, Great RB, And Montana running the Show. 85 Bears in 2nd, better D but much inferior QB. 92 Cowboys could beat you in every aspect of the game, plus I bet on them every week and cleaned up for about 4 years!

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Personally, the 1985 Chicago Bears are the best super bowl team I've ever seen. Forget the undefeated dolphins of 72, the Bears of 85 are something I'm not sure I will ever see again.


Your thoughts?

Man--impossible question. 85 Bears, 87 niners,83 LA Rams, 92,93 Cowboys, 89 niners, 94 niners,86 giants,...all pre -salary cap days where you could have a ton of hall of famers and near hall of famers on one team. Steve Young back up QB??? un effelling believable.

You can't have teams like that anymore. Financially impossible.

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the '89 49ers were ridiculous. montana, rice, roger craig, ronnie lott, bill romanowski, brent jones, tom rathman, charles haley and some guy Steve young as the backup qb, all in their primes. i believe it was the biggest margin of victory in a SB too

John taylor--one of the greatest WRs ever--as your #2 receiver....and probowl level DBs everywhere surrounding the alltime great Lott....-and i am NOT a Niner fan.

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