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JP Losman

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Except for the part where he needs to be accurate on short routes (JP sucks at that) and at the same time go through progressions quickly (JP is HORRIBLE at that) and recognize blitzes and have a feel for the pocket (JP is inept at that).


So other than the deficiencies I noted above, JP will certainly lose some games for another team soon. My guess is that he'll end up in Oakland where their idiot owner is obsessed with QBs that have a big arm and no brain.




In fact, JP has shown consistent accuracy on short routes. It's just not a problem, despite the haters consistent contention that it is. Look at his completion percentage, and realize that 90% of his throws were not long ones. This just isn't a problem for him. Recognizing blitzes also hasn't been a problem for him.


The problem he has is a tendency to hold the ball for too long. This is a problem which can be eliminated, with time, experience and most importantly, good coaching. Typical that a post which attacks JP doesn't even understand where his problems lie.


Careful, that slaver has run down your face and it's getting all over your shirt.

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Are you insane? There are three critical things that JP can't do:

1. Read a defense. He ALWAYS seems confused on where to throw if it isn't his 1st read.

2. He can't feel the blitz or pocket pressure. He NEVER has been able to do this. Ever.

3. He his HORRIBLY INACCURATE on his short throws. HORRIBLE.


These three things are all he's been consistent with! Unfortunately, these three things are essential to be a successful NFL QB. Without these three things, JP will continue to be a horrible QB. And this is coming from a guy who once was a big JP supporter.


Every time I've been to camp, JP has never practiced these things. He's always practiced his long ball skills. This has obviously been to the detriment of the other things a QB needs to do.


Dude - JP sucks as an NFL QB. If you are too blind to that fact, I'm not sure if there's any medication that can help you.


That said, JP is a good guy, and if I ever see him I would love to buy him a beer.




Um, when you went to camp, did you figure out the system? Apparently not. You don't practice whatever you want to practice. You practice what the coaches tell you to practice, when they tell you to practice and how they tell you to practice. The fact that you haven't figured that out explains why you have also misunderstood what his problems really are.

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JP isn't the problem. He was a bust as a 1st round pick. Every year there are 1st round busts.

The problem is with the irrational fans of his who blame everyone & everything except JP for his failure. They keep saying how he's better than this QB or that QB when the truth is JP just isn't good enough to play in the NFL.

So we keep hearing over & over again that JP was screwed by this coach, or the one before him when they benched a guy who wasn't getting the job done. We keep hearing that competent coaches would have made JP a good player. Look, nobody could make Joey Harrington, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, or any other 1st round busts who were drafted a lot higher than JP into NFL QBs. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact your team messed up when they drafted a guy not good enough & stop blaming his coaches, other players etc for his inability to play in the NFL.

Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.



This is exactly how I feel. The guy is just not good enough to be in the NFL. Thinking the Jets or NE will pick him up next year is downright laughable. They got to see first hand the debacle known as JP Losman twice a year. Do I blame him for everything that has went wrong with the bills the last 4 years? Of course not. This organization has alot of problems. But the fact is over the last 4 years the bills are 10-23 when JP losman starts & 16-15 when Trent Edwards/Holcolmb has started. That is a pretty big difference. This guy is just not good enough.


Senator, the more I read your posts, the more I start to realize you really do not have a clue about what you are talking about.

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Sorry it didn't work out here, JP. I don't doubt for a moment that you gave it your best. Yeah, the losses hurt, but I remember long TD bombs and some wild scrambles, too. You were pretty fun to watch when you were successful. Best of luck to you.


The people who have less than kind things to say at this point? Simply aholes. They may know a lot about football (or not), but they haven't figured out how to be decent people, and I'm glad to not know them.

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JP did not work out here for the same reason he will not work out anywhere.....he is just not good. If he was good it would show by now. He is a horrible decision maker (the most important part of being a QB), he is inaccurate, and he turns the ball over a lot. He will not succeed in the NFL....that is not any coaches fault it is just because he is a bad QB.

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This is exactly how I feel. The guy is just not good enough to be in the NFL. Thinking the Jets or NE will pick him up next year is downright laughable. They got to see first hand the debacle known as JP Losman twice a year. Do I blame him for everything that has went wrong with the bills the last 4 years? Of course not. This organization has alot of problems. But the fact is over the last 4 years the bills are 10-23 when JP losman starts & 16-15 when Trent Edwards/Holcolmb has started. That is a pretty big difference. This guy is just not good enough.


Senator, the more I read your posts, the more I start to realize you really do not have a clue about what you are talking about.


He'll be on a roster next year. QB talent in the NFL is thin and also because 31 other teams realize he's been in a bad offensive program led by bad coaching.

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He'll be on a roster next year. QB talent in the NFL is thin and also because 31 other teams realize he's been in a bad offensive program led by bad coaching.



He probably will be on a roster next year due to the fact of the qb play in this league, but when some people are saying he is going to light the bills up next year or the jets are going to sign him & he will end up sticking it up our a** for the next 10yrs, what planet do these people live on that honestly believe this?

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In fact, JP has shown consistent accuracy on short routes. It's just not a problem, despite the haters consistent contention that it is. Look at his completion percentage, and realize that 90% of his throws were not long ones. This just isn't a problem for him. Recognizing blitzes also hasn't been a problem for him.


OMG. Do you know what a football is? It is that odd -shaped leather thing. I think we might need to get that basic with you.

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Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.

Why? What is it to you? If everyone's so deluded just shake your head and move on. Don't take a thread designed to wish JP well and crap all over it.

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This is exactly how I feel. The guy is just not good enough to be in the NFL. Thinking the Jets or NE will pick him up next year is downright laughable. They got to see first hand the debacle known as JP Losman twice a year. Do I blame him for everything that has went wrong with the bills the last 4 years? Of course not. This organization has alot of problems. But the fact is over the last 4 years the bills are 10-23 when JP losman starts & 16-15 when Trent Edwards/Holcolmb has started. That is a pretty big difference. This guy is just not good enough.


Senator, the more I read your posts, the more I start to realize you really do not have a clue about what you are talking about.

You know who else really sucks?


Eli Manning, Superbowl MVP of the 12-3 NY Giants.


I know this, because it is so-stated by some very knowledgeable bloggers....


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #1


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #2


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #3


I could site self-proclaimed football geniuses ad nauseum, but let's just face facts - most bloggers who resort to the 'you don't have a clue' argument are, in fact, quite clueless themselves. :blush:

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He'll be on a roster next year. QB talent in the NFL is thin and also because 31 other teams realize he's been in a bad offensive program led by bad coaching.



Explain how every QB that replaced him did better than him, both record and stat wise?


Explain that Mularkey, who is the worst coach ever here, is doing wonders with Matt Ryan and did wonders with Kordell Stewart before that?


Explain that now 2 separate coaching staffs (who have their jobs on the line) gave up on Losman?


He sucked as a Bills QB. You people who defend him are the ones killing this thread. No one wants to hear how a million dollar failed because of all these bs excuses you make for him. When he was on the field, more often than not, he sucked. He is too slow too read defenses and can't consistently make throws.


Do people who support Losman also defend George W. because he had some unfortunate events occur during his presidency? "George just had bad thigns happen that weren't his fault. He will be a great prim minister of Canada and help them take over the US one day and you'll all be sorry." Because it makes as much sense as defending Losman.


Losman was a good guy in the city of Buffalo (though he cancelled his clean up as soon as he lost his starting job), worked his butt (no cpmplains about hat), but bottomline, he sucked as a result of his own suckiness. Good luck JP in the future and let's all move on. :blush:

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You know who else really sucks?


Eli Manning, Superbowl MVP of the 12-3 NY Giants.


I know this, because it is so-stated by some very knowledgeable bloggers....


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #1


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #2


Extremely Knowledgeable Blogger #3


I could site self-proclaimed football geniuses ad nauseum, but let's just face facts - most bloggers who resort to the 'you don't have a clue' argument are, in fact, quite clueless themselves. :blush:



Eli Manning and Losman are not even i nthe same universe. Manning was consistently a playoff QB. Last year, defense carried the Giants to the Super Bowl. Losman had a defense carry him to a victory against he Jets and he screwed it up.


And if Eli had a different last name and brother and father and wasn't the #1 overall pick, he would have lost his job well before the Super Bowl run. They had no good backups, so they had no choice to leave Eli in.


So in short, Eli good starting QB who was given more slack than most young QBs. Losman sucks and every QB that replaced him was better than him.

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In fact, JP has shown consistent accuracy on short routes. It's just not a problem, despite the haters consistent contention that it is. Look at his completion percentage, and realize that 90% of his throws were not long ones. This just isn't a problem for him. Recognizing blitzes also hasn't been a problem for him.


The problem he has is a tendency to hold the ball for too long. This is a problem which can be eliminated, with time, experience and most importantly, good coaching. Typical that a post which attacks JP doesn't even understand where his problems lie.


I wanted to let this go. I really did, but is is so utterly nonsensical that it merits a response.


A good short game? Completing a 2 yard pass on 3rd and 8 lends itself to good stats, and losses (a Losman specialty). JP has zero touch on short passes He tosses Nolan Ryan fastballs at guys right in front of him. Or, he puts it on the ground ala infield practice, this when he can refrain from putting the football at giraffe level.


I suppose you are upset because oh so soon we will be rid of a player you hold so dear. Still, you have let your sadness interfere with reality, which is the fact that his departure cannot come soon enough. JP has regressed from being a cookie cutter lousy quarterback to a national joke.


Btw, I hold no ill will toward him. I wish him good health an a speedy departure. After having to watch his crappy game for 5 years, enough is more than enough.

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I wanted to let this go. I really did, but is is so utterly nonsensical that it merits a response.


A good short game? Completing a 2 yard pass on 3rd and 8 lends itself to good stats, and losses (a Losman specialty). JP has zero touch on short passes He tosses Nolan Ryan fastballs at guys right in front of him. Or, he puts it on the ground ala infield practice, this when he can refrain from putting the football at giraffe level.


I suppose you are upset because oh so soon we will be rid of a player you hold so dear. Still, you have let your sadness interfere with reality, which is the fact that his departure cannot come soon enough. JP has regressed from being a cookie cutter lousy quarterback to a national joke.


Btw, I hold no ill will toward him. I wish him good health an a speedy departure. After having to watch his crappy game for 5 years, enough is more than enough.


Sure you do...slammed him for a hundred words or so then offered up a kind wish, followed by a finishing slap in the puss... :blush:

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Sure you do...slammed him for a hundred words or so then offered up a kind wish, followed by a finishing slap in the puss... :blush:

not to mention lying about the guy

JP has zero touch on short passes
something I watched pretty closely in camp when I went this year...anyone saying he has zero touch on short passes is so full of it, their breath smells like crap
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not to mention lying about the guy

something I watched pretty closely in camp when I went this year...anyone saying he has zero touch on short passes is so full of it, their breath smells like crap



Yah JP was always a superstar in camp...... :blush:

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