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JP Losman

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Hey Philster, why dont we wish Jabari Greer a Merry Christmas? He probably is playing his last game as a bill also. At least he has made some plays over the last few years. But lets all feel bad for poor JP Losman, who has made millions over the last several years & all he had to do was be one of the five worst qbs in the league. It is what it is, Losman is a lousy qb who probably has set the bills back 2-3 years in their developement. This thread is stupid.



I like JP, but am pretty glad he won't be starting a game for the Bills again. I wish him no ill will, and while I don't see that he will ever be much better than he has been in Buffalo, I would be happy for him if it worked out for him elsewhere. I don't think his problems are necessarily systematic (although taking advantage of his mobility would be smart for his next team), which is why I don't think he will ever be a legit starting QB. I can't tell you how shocked/disappointed I was with his play, when given the chance, this year. He was terrible.


All that being said, why all the good will heaped on JP? He did some nice things in the community, and embraced the city. Other guys have done that, whether out of desire, or contractual obligation, and we blast them, and get giddy when they get hurt. We do seem to have an unhealthy fixation with our QB's...call me a fool, but I really wanted Rob Johnson to prove Buffalo wrong...don't forget, Losman was given Sam Wyche to act as his personal mentor. You think the Bills/Wyche weren't mindful of how much Buffalo fans hated the last California surfer dude to play QB in Buffalo (ie: Rob Johnson)? I think the previous adiministration placed a high priority on having a QB that was seen in a positive light by Bills fans.


Anyways, good luck JP. Thanks for trying...

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jp never put the effort in to learn the game and play well.


he is a lazy bum and will make the team better by leaving it.

I have to disagree with your lazy bum assessment. JP showed up in February and apparently worked very hard to learn the QB position. So he certainly put in the effort.


Whether the coaching was lousy or JP just lacked the mental sharpness for the game, I don't know, but he tried hard (from what the papers reported).


So, another one bites the dust. Another QB hopeful could not get job done. But not for lack of effort.

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Thanks, JP. I agree with the sentiments of the OP, and a few people here. I wish nothing but the best for JP as he moves on, unless he's playing against the Bills.


That said, some of you people really are a-holes. The kid didn't work out...partially because he just wasn't a good fit here, probably needed to go to a team who could afford to play him for a full three seasons, and mostly due to unfortunately being drafted by an incompetent organization top to bottom. But he came to Buffalo, gave 100%, embraced the city, and called himself out. I hope people don't forget that. He's the one that said the Jax game was it or bust for him. Frankly, I recall him being the only one that played with heart in that game. He didn't get it done, took his demotion with class, and now he's leaving with class. That can't be said for some of the "fans" here.

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Thanks, JP. I agree with the sentiments of the OP, and a few people here. I wish nothing but the best for JP as he moves on, unless he's playing against the Bills.


That said, some of you people really are a-holes. The kid didn't work out...partially because he just wasn't a good fit here, probably needed to go to a team who could afford to play him for a full three seasons, and mostly due to unfortunately being drafted by an incompetent organization top to bottom. But he came to Buffalo, gave 100%, embraced the city, and called himself out. I hope people don't forget that. He's the one that said the Jax game was it or bust for him. Frankly, I recall him being the only one that played with heart in that game. He didn't get it done, took his demotion with class, and now he's leaving with class. That can't be said for some of the "fans" here.



He certainly has been one of the most honest players here. I don't get the a-holes who hate him so much. He didn't work out and they need to get over it regardless of the reasons why. Life is short, move on.


He proved me to be very wrong but I still wish him luck. If Jauron had the balls Losman did, he'd say that this game against the Patriots is make or break for him as the head coach. But Dick doesn't have the balls to do that and is a perfectly happy man going 7-9 three seasons in a row. He clearly isn't upset about it.

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He certainly has been one of the most honest players here. I don't get the a-holes who hate him so much. He didn't work out and they need to get over it regardless of the reasons why. Life is short, move on.


He proved me to be very wrong but I still wish him luck. If Jauron had the balls Losman did, he'd say that this game against the Patriots is make or break for him as the head coach. But Dick doesn't have the balls to do that and is a perfectly happy man going 7-9 three seasons in a row. He clearly isn't upset about it.

Never understood the hatred for JP myself. Particular, the snide mocking of anyone who dares questions the sometimes questionable play of Almighty Trent - every one of those threads seemed to get turned into a JP-bashing marathon. I can certainly understand being upset with Losman's playmaking decisions when they cost us a game - but there's some real visceral, personal, and totally irrational hatred for a guy who tried his best and certainly embraced the City of Buffalo.


I'll be rooting for JP, except for those 2 times a season when the Bills play against him. He'll do well with the Jets, and probably burn us twice a season for a long time to come.

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Never understood the hatred for JP myself. Particular, the snide mocking of anyone who dares questions the sometimes questionable play of Almighty Trent - every one of those threads seemed to get turned into a JP-bashing marathon. I can certainly understand being upset with Losman's playmaking decisions when they cost us a game - but there's some real visceral, personal, and totally irrational hatred for a guy who tried his best and certainly embraced the City of Buffalo.


I'll be rooting for JP, except for those 2 times a season when the Bills play against him. He'll do well with the Jets, and probably burn us twice a season for a long time to come.



You think they would sign JP after what they saw him do against them this year..LOL...NO WAY do the Jets even think about signing JP...

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Thanks, JP. I agree with the sentiments of the OP, and a few people here. I wish nothing but the best for JP as he moves on, unless he's playing against the Bills.


That said, some of you people really are a-holes. The kid didn't work out...partially because he just wasn't a good fit here, probably needed to go to a team who could afford to play him for a full three seasons, and mostly due to unfortunately being drafted by an incompetent organization top to bottom. But he came to Buffalo, gave 100%, embraced the city, and called himself out. I hope people don't forget that. He's the one that said the Jax game was it or bust for him. Frankly, I recall him being the only one that played with heart in that game. He didn't get it done, took his demotion with class, and now he's leaving with class. That can't be said for some of the "fans" here.


I agree, good post.

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You think they would sign JP after what they saw him do against them this year..LOL...NO WAY do the Jets even think about signing JP...

so they take one bad performance and use that to outweigh all the solid performances that he had against them?

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JP isn't the problem. He was a bust as a 1st round pick. Every year there are 1st round busts.

The problem is with the irrational fans of his who blame everyone & everything except JP for his failure. They keep saying how he's better than this QB or that QB when the truth is JP just isn't good enough to play in the NFL.

So we keep hearing over & over again that JP was screwed by this coach, or the one before him when they benched a guy who wasn't getting the job done. We keep hearing that competent coaches would have made JP a good player. Look, nobody could make Joey Harrington, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, or any other 1st round busts who were drafted a lot higher than JP into NFL QBs. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact your team messed up when they drafted a guy not good enough & stop blaming his coaches, other players etc for his inability to play in the NFL.

Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.

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Nice idea behind the thread, Steve....just a shame that too many people have such a pathological hatred for someone who did his best which wasn't good enough, unfortunately. Hopefully he can do well elsewhere but even if he doesn't, maybe the fans will treat him better. He tried hard and was a classy guy from beginning to end


DJ is a classy guy, as well, but people still want his head.


JP is a great citizen of Buffalo. He just can't QB his way out of a paper bag. Great arm, poor brain. The last play he'll be remembered for is the fumble against NY. He couldn't execute a High School level play that was called for him.


Great guy, great citizen, poor QB. He's welcome to stay in the city, but just not QB here.

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The hypocrisy dripping from your post makes me laugh out loud.


He certainly has been one of the most honest players here. I don't get the a-holes who hate him so much. He didn't work out and they need to get over it regardless of the reasons why. Life is short, move on.


He proved me to be very wrong but I still wish him luck. If Jauron had the balls Losman did, he'd say that this game against the Patriots is make or break for him as the head coach. But Dick doesn't have the balls to do that and is a perfectly happy man going 7-9 three seasons in a row. He clearly isn't upset about it.

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He is a massive upgrade over their current group of backups. My guess is that he will be a very good backup QB in that system with the talented players they have.


Except for the part where he needs to be accurate on short routes (JP sucks at that) and at the same time go through progressions quickly (JP is HORRIBLE at that) and recognize blitzes and have a feel for the pocket (JP is inept at that).


So other than the deficiencies I noted above, JP will certainly lose some games for another team soon. My guess is that he'll end up in Oakland where their idiot owner is obsessed with QBs that have a big arm and no brain.

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Are you insane? There are three critical things that JP can't do:

1. Read a defense. He ALWAYS seems confused on where to throw if it isn't his 1st read.

2. He can't feel the blitz or pocket pressure. He NEVER has been able to do this. Ever.

3. He his HORRIBLY INACCURATE on his short throws. HORRIBLE.


These three things are all he's been consistent with! Unfortunately, these three things are essential to be a successful NFL QB. Without these three things, JP will continue to be a horrible QB. And this is coming from a guy who once was a big JP supporter.


Every time I've been to camp, JP has never practiced these things. He's always practiced his long ball skills. This has obviously been to the detriment of the other things a QB needs to do.


Dude - JP sucks as an NFL QB. If you are too blind to that fact, I'm not sure if there's any medication that can help you.


That said, JP is a good guy, and if I ever see him I would love to buy him a beer.


No, he hasn't. Trent, now, in spite of all the games he has missed for injury, has played 2/3rds of the games that JP has. JP has played just about exactly half of the number of games that Eli Manning had played that day against New England, the last day of the regular season last year when he finally got it.


You can say he's had plenty of time. That doesn't make it true. Which is why he'll get another job next year. And there's a decent chance that he will, after some time in a reasonable environment, start kicking butt. He's been shockingly inconsistent so far. But so has Trent. Because they're both in the same environment and they're both relatively inexperienced.

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No, not one performance. He sucks, so they will hold that against him.


Whether or not his overall performance as an NFL QB is bad or not, JP had a very solid history against the Jets before this month...which is what I was saying

Are you insane? There are three critical things that JP can't do:

1. Read a defense. He ALWAYS seems confused on where to throw if it isn't his 1st read.

2. He can't feel the blitz or pocket pressure. He NEVER has been able to do this. Ever.

3. He his HORRIBLY INACCURATE on his short throws. HORRIBLE.


These three things are all he's been consistent with! Unfortunately, these three things are essential to be a successful NFL QB. Without these three things, JP will continue to be a horrible QB. And this is coming from a guy who once was a big JP supporter.


Every time I've been to camp, JP has never practiced these things. He's always practiced his long ball skills. This has obviously been to the detriment of the other things a QB needs to do.


Dude - JP sucks as an NFL QB. If you are too blind to that fact, I'm not sure if there's any medication that can help you.


That said, JP is a good guy, and if I ever see him I would love to buy him a beer.

Not gonna touch your first two points because they are pretty accurate but I've seen him do a lot better on short throws than you give him credit for...both in games from time to time and at camp. It's not his strength but he has shown the ability to do it.

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JP isn't the problem. He was a bust as a 1st round pick. Every year there are 1st round busts.

The problem is with the irrational fans of his who blame everyone & everything except JP for his failure. They keep saying how he's better than this QB or that QB when the truth is JP just isn't good enough to play in the NFL.

So we keep hearing over & over again that JP was screwed by this coach, or the one before him when they benched a guy who wasn't getting the job done. We keep hearing that competent coaches would have made JP a good player. Look, nobody could make Joey Harrington, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, or any other 1st round busts who were drafted a lot higher than JP into NFL QBs. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact your team messed up when they drafted a guy not good enough & stop blaming his coaches, other players etc for his inability to play in the NFL.

Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.

And now we have moved on to our 3rd round bust QB. At least we skipped the 2nd round.


I hope when we run Trent out of town we base our criticism to how he is a horrible QB with no arm and an inability and unwillingness to face bad weather. It will show we have learned and I wouldn't want Trent's feelings hurt with him being a Los Gato and all.

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Well said. Good luck to JP wherever he ends up next. It's not his fault the Bills front office was dumb enough to trade a boat load of picks thinking he was a franchaise QB.




And then not put him in a position where he could succeed. You're right. It's not his fault.


He could have played better, you have to wish that he did. But he has now played approximately half of the games that Eli Manning played in before the light came on. Till then, Eli had moments of fine play but was extremely inconsistent and left many wondering if he would ever be a successful starting QB in the NFL. Eli only took 4 full seasons before it came to him. JP has played in less than two seasons worth of games.


Who knows whether he will succeed in a new situation with more experience.


Many think they know, but that just shows that they don't know the difference between facts and guesses.

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You think they would sign JP after what they saw him do against them this year..LOL...NO WAY do the Jets even think about signing JP...




That's right, and no way the Giants ever sign David Carr after ... oh, yeah, they did sign him.


Are you in the Jets head office, Stenbar? Then you are just guessing.

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JP isn't the problem. He was a bust as a 1st round pick. Every year there are 1st round busts.

The problem is with the irrational fans of his who blame everyone & everything except JP for his failure. They keep saying how he's better than this QB or that QB when the truth is JP just isn't good enough to play in the NFL.

So we keep hearing over & over again that JP was screwed by this coach, or the one before him when they benched a guy who wasn't getting the job done. We keep hearing that competent coaches would have made JP a good player. Look, nobody could make Joey Harrington, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, or any other 1st round busts who were drafted a lot higher than JP into NFL QBs. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact your team messed up when they drafted a guy not good enough & stop blaming his coaches, other players etc for his inability to play in the NFL.

Most of us who post negative things about JP do not have any ill will towards JP-we're just annoyed that the JP supporters go to such lengths to ignore his lack of talent, that it appears we're lashing out at JP, when in reality we're just trying to slap some sense into his fans who can't admit he's a bust & will never be a quality QB in the NFL.




That's what they said about Jim Plunkett. And Johnny Unitas. And many many more over the years. He'll never be an NFL ... oh, he did it. People improve. You just don't know.

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