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A Random Thought

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Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.

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Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.




Lighting up early today huh?

She was pretty big at the time and she probably threatened to eat the head of the studio's children.

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Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.


Liz Taylor won the "Razzie" Award for her role as Pearl Slaghoople

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Who the hell thinks of Rosie O'Donnell while in the shower? That's just !@#$ing sick.


BTW I had a great idea when I lived on the west side of LA. I always wanted to do some t-shirts with Fred and Barney as a gay couple and on the top it would say West Hollyrock and underneath it would say "We'll have a gay ole time." Funny, Hanna-Barbara never took my calls on that.

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Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.

You've answered your own question ya dummy, she made it more gross.

Now take heed of previous posters and never mention shower & Rosie in combination ever again. You can continue to think about her while you are in the shower, just keep it between you and your therapist.

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Come on people, give the guy a break. The shower is where I do most of my creative thinking.


I do my best thinking while sitting on the toilet


Does displaying a picture of a man in my avitar make me gay?? If you see it that way, oh well.

By itself no. But coupled with a name like Mr Fancy Pants :D Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Lighting up early today huh?

She was pretty big at the time and she probably threatened to eat the head of the studio's children.


If he was stoned he'd be thinking about the cereal. :D


The only good thing that came out of The Flintstones was Fruity Pebbles.


Pebbles was gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.



Who the hell thinks of Rosie O'Donnell while in the shower? That's just !@#$ing sick.


BTW I had a great idea when I lived on the west side of LA. I always wanted to do some t-shirts with Fred and Barney as a gay couple and on the top it would say West Hollyrock and underneath it would say "We'll have a gay ole time." Funny, Hanna-Barbara never took my calls on that.


That is a mystery. Perhaps Scooby and Shaggy could help you with that. :D



Topic: A Random Thought

Popped into my head while showering

Rosie O'Donnell




We're gonna have to ask for your Man card.


His therapist can hold it for him.


If you're thinking about Rosie O'Donnell when you're in the shower you need some serious help. That's just disturbing :wacko:


Now to bring some sanity back to TSW, I present you with a gratuitous Hayden Panettiere pic


Please add that to the Women you find attractive thread! :D

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