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Lawrence Phillips--Remember him?

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That guy had potential but could not keep his anger in check. He should have turned it loose on the field- he would have been good. He was handed too many 2nd chances and blew them all.



I don't think Phillips was as talented as made out to be by the media. He always looked a bit sluggish and slow in the NFL. He should have been an NFLer with a solid career, but I don't think he was worthy of going top 10 in the draft based on his talent alone.

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I do recall many a Bills fan calling for the team to sign him...



I was more disappointed with his ENABLER Nebraska coach. What a piece of work that guy was.--Imagine if it were your sister or daughter who was dragged around by the hair by that piece of garbage--Just to have a coach put him back in the lineup cuz he wanted to win football games.

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I don't think Phillips was as talented as made out to be by the media. He always looked a bit sluggish and slow in the NFL. He should have been an NFLer with a solid career, but I don't think he was worthy of going top 10 in the draft based on his talent alone.



I have to disagree with you there, while I do think its common for a "troubled player" talent to be overate after the fact by the media, I don't this was the case Lawrence. He possessed a combination of speed, power and tremendous balance that few have ever held. Watch what he did to the Miami Hurricanes as a sophmore (the defense that featured Ray Lewis and Warren Sapp) he made them look like a junior varsity squad. The problem w/ Phillips was not only was he mentally unstable and violent, he also lacked the work ethic to improve himself physically. Basically you had a athlete who relied solely on god given ability; to me the only backs that have come out of the draft in the past 10 years that were more physically talented then him are: 1. Adrian Peterson 2. Jamaal Lewis (pre injury) 3. Fred Taylor 4. Stephen Jackson 5. L.T.


Keep in mind the guy was pretty much a back up/suspended (due to the ugly GF assault incident) his Junior Year (draft year). Yet he was still drafted 6th overall and almost every team ahead of in the draft said he was #1 on their board talent wise just couldn't justify pulling the trigger on him. Anyway Lawrence Phillips is a world class piece sh--...disgusting human being, but really he was one of the most talented backs I have seen play (he was so impressive live) he looked like a man playing with boys.

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Phillips was allegedly upset after losing a pickup football game to the youths and accused them of stealing some of his possessions.


:wallbash: What a loser, literally, in that game.


"When he gets angry and he feels disrespected, he acts out with blind rage," Hicks said in a telephone interview after the sentencing.




If that guy was humble and had self control he'd be a very rich dude today.

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OJ, Lawrence and Travis sitting in a cell K.I.S.S.ING....first comes football then comes crime..then something foreign through the back door this time.


What a waste. I just can't understand how people can throw their lives away like these guys did.

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OJ, Lawrence and Travis sitting in a cell K.I.S.S.ING....first comes football then comes crime..then something foreign through the back door this time.


What a waste. I just can't understand how people can throw their lives away like these guys did.


IMO, it's the culture of treating athletes like Gods. All of their lives they get away with :wallbash: . If they get bad grades in school they are fixed so they can keep playing. If they rape a girl it's covered up or everyone shames her and doesn't believe her. It's a football player and she wanted it.


In Texas a backup football player ran over a goth kid and then backed over him to make sure he was dead. A girl who was in the car testified the sicko laughed about while he was doing it. The jury came back with a verdict that gave him house arrest. He ended up violating that and had to go to jail. IIRC, it was approx. a two year term. A lot of people in the area were outraged by the verdict. If it had been the other way around the goth kid would be in prison for life or getting the death penalty.


If you were treated like that it would be very hard to remain humble. That's why people like Steve Tasker, Donte Whitner and Poz are amazing people.


It amazes me that all of the Beatles went through the most Godlike treatment in recent history and yet they all remained good people.

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IMO, it's the culture of treating athletes like Gods. All of their lives they get away with :wallbash: . If they get bad grades in school they are fixed so they can keep playing. If they rape a girl it's covered up or everyone shames her and doesn't believe her. It's a football player and she wanted it.


In Texas a backup football player ran over a goth kid and then backed over him to make sure he was dead. A girl who was in the car testified the sicko laughed about while he was doing it. The jury came back with a verdict that gave him house arrest. He ended up violating that and had to go to jail. IIRC, it was approx. a two year term. A lot of people in the area were outraged by the verdict. If it had been the other way around the goth kid would be in prison for life or getting the death penalty.


If you were treated like that it would be very hard to remain humble. That's why people like Steve Tasker, Donte Whitner and Poz are amazing people.


It amazes me that all of the Beatles went through the most Godlike treatment in recent history and yet they all remained good people.


Spot on! :worthy:


Some players can handle " the life" and others unfortunately cannot.

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It's a sad story. A lot of people tried to help him, but it just wasn't there. I also think the main reason he didn't make it in the NFL wasn't because of his personal problems, but rather a lack of talent. He played a power game at Nebraska but at the pro level he wasn't powerful enough.

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OJ will be doing "Hertz" commercials from his prison cell. OJ will have the biggest/ baddest prisoner banging him from behind and OJ will look into the camera and say "HERTZ".



:wallbash::worthy: :worthy:



Have fun scumbag............... :worthy:







B-) I'm guessing in prison he'll be a rental.


It's a sad story. A lot of people tried to help him, but it just wasn't there. I also think the main reason he didn't make it in the NFL wasn't because of his personal problems, but rather a lack of talent. He played a power game at Nebraska but at the pro level he wasn't powerful enough.


He could have at least been a starter for awhile and then a backup for years at the very least.

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