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Seattle fans talking crap over on their boards...

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as long as they keep of there and stay the hell outa here, who give a schitt what they say or think?


duwamp is a sinking city - sinking 'cause it's built on schitt and sawdust and all the folks there are stupid - they got a schitty team named after an ugly raptor wearing the queerest uniforms you'll ever see and plays in that crap-filled aviary called qwest, i think


wasn't qwest some kind of green soap or something? they could use some qwest soap to wash all that schitt off themselves


!@#$ duwamp !@#$ the shithawks


Proud BuffTown's Buffalo Football Bills- 41

DuWamp's Seafaring Shitt-Eating Flying Garbage Eaters - 0


19 and 0 baby!!! :lol:



PosLUSZny!!!!! :rolleyes:

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the kind of activity in seattle that passes for normal would get Larry Craig voted president.


ugly beak nosed lesbian women, skinny vegan homosexuals, and lonely lumberjacks in from the wild for a don't ask don't tell glory hole adventure.


the seahawks can meet their salary expense solely on the sales of used jocks to fans.

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This is all you need to know about the Seahawks. About six or seven years ago I was looking through team fan sites for whatever reason, and their entire site was built around their superstar quarterback Warren Moon.


Moon, mind you, hadn't played for the team in like three or four years or something ridiculous.


That, and I barely remembered the fact that he even played for Seattle.


So that has been the joke of choice between my friends and I whenever anybody brings up the Seahawks.


Yeah, they're huge fans, so leave them alone. Check out my Gale Gilbert site.


Seattle was relevent one season. Kind of.

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That may be the largest bunch of low class scums I have ever seen on a message board. Posting good old fashion smack talk about your opponent that week is one thing but to post a picture of Kevin Everett facedown on the turn is just a no class thing to do. This is a bunch of keyboard inflated jackoffs who post things that they would never actually say to a Bills fan in person out of fear that they might get that crappy little late slaped out of their hand.


I feel neutral about the Seattle Seahawks and I have always respected some of the guys they have like Haselback and Peterson but their fans are bunch of losers.

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I've been to Seattle and actually saw a game there. Their fans are pathetic and the tailgating is poor. They are a bunch of latte chugging mo's who are huge fairweather fans. There were also women in "searat" jersey's knitting and many of their fans seemed uniterested or even bored. Capuccino and espresso bars in a stadium....WTF!


Action on the field tomorrow will certainly speak louder than anything or anyone on their boards. Prepare to be thumped searat fans because after tomorrow, you will be starting the season at 0-1.



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That may be the largest bunch of low class scums I have ever seen on a message board. Posting good old fashion smack talk about your opponent that week is one thing but to post a picture of Kevin Everett facedown on the turn is just a no class thing to do. This is a bunch of keyboard inflated jackoffs who post things that they would never actually say to a Bills fan in person out of fear that they might get that crappy little late slaped out of their hand.


I feel neutral about the Seattle Seahawks and I have always respected some of the guys they have like Haselback and Peterson but their fans are bunch of losers.


Holy F*** is that Seahawks board run by 12 year old kids who sneaked behind their dads computer to get online or what? Totally classless and extremly respectless towards any American Football Player. Everett may be walking again but he will live the rest of his live in pain. I'm trully and utterly disgusted.


I'm not a supporter of the NFL Fan conduit policy but imho this crosses a lot of morale lines.

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the seachickens inspire feelings of neutrality and uncaring. they do this because the fundamentally just don't matter.


Dude... seriously keep the posts coming on the Seahawk board, they are the funniest things I've ever read. I signed up, as did a few other people I know. Their board is getting overrun by Bills fans and its quite hilarious.

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