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Sideline reporter for Seahawks-Bills...

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Why not, she's got about as much relevant experience as Sarah Palin?

I see. You would prefer to have the 'inexperience' at the top of your ticket? 'Cause Ms. Palin served 2 terms as a city councilwoman, 2 terms as mayor, chaired the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, and is in her first term as Governor.


One could argue, quite successfully, that's as much - maybe even more - 'relevant experience' as Barack Hussein Obama's 7 years as a state senator and partial term in the US Senate.

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I see. You would prefer to have the 'inexperience' at the top of your ticket? 'Cause Ms. Palin served 2 terms as a city councilwoman, 2 terms as mayor, chaired the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, and is in her first term as Governor.


One could argue, quite successfully, that's as much - maybe even more - 'relevant experience' as Barack Hussein Obama's 7 years as a state senator and partial term in the US Senate.


And who would that be, a 7 year old?

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And who would that be, a 7 year old?

What's your question? You're going to explain to me how a first term senator's seven years in the Illinois State Senate make him any more qualified or experienced than Ms. Palin's resume for the offices they seek?


Go ahead - I'm gonna love this one. :thumbsup:

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She is cute and all, but I have to say that I think the addition of sideline reporters to take up camera time is one of the worst developments in football broadcasting. Sure, it is good to have people ready to report on injuries and the like, but most of the time the sideline reporters are merely reading the same kind of talking points from the media guide that used to be given to the color commentator. The rest of the time they are running after the coach around halftime asking in-depth questions such as: "How do you expect to turn things around?" or "Does it feel good to be ahead at this point?" and they receive meaningless answers from distracted coaches in return...


Just shut up and show the game. Add more shots of the cheerleaders if you need to show pretty girls.


[/grumpy old man]

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Guess that other jerk isn't the only one with reading comprehension problems - if my stating that I might vote for Obama makes me "McCain", I guess it makes you idiot as well.


You praised her "relevant experience." I'm telling you about that experience.

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You praised her "relevant experience." I'm telling you about that experience.

I "praised" it? Where? Certainly, I raised it; nowhere did I praise it.


I do have to say that I like that she's an avid outdoorswoman, she hunts, eats what she kills - mooseburgers and moose stew, works on a commercial fishing boat with her husband - those are pretty unique traits for a soccer-mom of five kids, and refused to abort her 5th child even when advised he would be born with Down Syndrome, even when advised to do so by her doctors.


But those are all issues that'll be discussed and debated ad nauseum between now and November.


My bad, and my apologies, for the thread hijack. Just please don't assume, like that other jerk, that I'm of a certain political ilk or predisposed to vote for a certain candidate because of their political affiliation, or against one because of his race.


Let's get back to that hottie from Venice Beach...


Link - Charissa Thompson

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