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The knives on the bus

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nope, more lax laws, we can get nudity on canadian television, and more language I believe


And we probably do have Fox news somewhere on the cable channels, I believe we do have MSNBC, and CNN


FCC rules do not apply to anything except broadcast television in the US.

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I would think one time would warrant it, but that's just me. I guess it takes more ruthless murders for you to feel the need to protect yourself and family from that possibility. Do you think most murder victims were "paranoid enough to think it would happen to them"? probably not.

I have a concealed carry permit!

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Thats just sick. I dont care where you're from. I've read some gross sh-- in my day but that is pretty bad. Poor bastard was minding his own business next thing you know some psycho is shredding him.


Hey, thanks for the double header.

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I think this is one of the big differences between Canadians and Americans


An American would look at this situation and say, "Well, theres more reasons why carrying a gun is a necessity, I have to be prepared for if a situation like this were to ever happen again, because I need to protect my family"


A Canadian would look at the situation and say, "That is messed up. I can't believe it happened, I have never heard of this happening before. Sounds like something from a movie" And they might be just a little nervous of a weird looking complete stranger sitting next to them the next time they ride a bus.


I can honestly say, I find the entire situation disturbing, but it doesn't make me immediatly think I need to start carrying a gun to protect myself from it.


I thought the typical Canadian reaction would be to blame America. :thumbsup:




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37 passengers, a driver, 50 to 60 stabs. Didn't it occur to at least a couple of people to tackle the SOB, beat him silly then sit on him? :wub:


From the story I heard the bus driver and another passenger tried to subdue him but buses have small isles and they couldn't get close to the guy because he came at them with the knife.


Thank God nobody is allowed to carry a firearm in Canada or this guy might have been hurt!


Let's talk about the big hero's who want to carry a gun for this kind of thing. First of all if you feel the need to carry a gun for this kind of thing you'd probably be :thumbsup: ing your pants and crying behind one of the seats only planning to use the gun if he comes for you because he hears you whimpering in your seat. Let's say a couple of you big hero's decide to shoot at the guy. A lot of people are not good shots and when they are quaking in their boots they are worse so they would probably hit a lot of innocent bystanders possibly killing some. So keep up your bravado but it isn't convincing me. Face it most of you would be wetting and :bag: ing your pants in the real world. :wub:

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A Canadian would look at the situation and say, "That is messed up. I can't believe it happened, I have never heard of this happening before. Sounds like something from a movie" And they might be just a little nervous of a weird looking complete stranger sitting next to them the next time they ride a bus.

That attitude is why Canada banned gun possession in the first place, right? Wrong.


The liberals in your government thank you for buying into their drivel.

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37 passengers, a driver, 50 to 60 stabs. Didn't it occur to at least a couple of people to tackle the SOB, beat him silly then sit on him? :thumbsup:


alot easier said then done... Human instinct is Better him than me... unless it is friend or family of course. I'm confident in my skills to bring someone down, however, I dont know how quick I'd be to try and apprehend a psycho who is decapitating my fellow bus passenger if you know what I mean.

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Even if this poor kid had a gun, it probably would have been of no use. Another article I read quoted a witness and she said the guy immediately started stabbing him in the neck,,,blood was spurting out all over the place. I seriously doubt the victim could even fight back after the initial stabbing. I think in reality, most people would have acted as these people did. Run AWAY from the maniac and they did keep the door from opening and disabled the bus so he couldn't drive away. It's easy to sit back and think we could all be hero's.

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alot easier said then done... Human instinct is Better him than me... unless it is friend or family of course. I'm confident in my skills to bring someone down, however, I dont know how quick I'd be to try and apprehend a psycho who is decapitating my fellow bus passenger if you know what I mean.


Yes, indeed.

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From the story I heard the bus driver and another passenger tried to subdue him but buses have small isles and they couldn't get close to the guy because he came at them with the knife.




Let's talk about the big hero's who want to carry a gun for this kind of thing. First of all if you feel the need to carry a gun for this kind of thing you'd probably be :thumbsup: ing your pants and crying behind one of the seats only planning to use the gun if he comes for you because he hears you whimpering in your seat. Let's say a couple of you big hero's decide to shoot at the guy. A lot of people are not good shots and when they are quaking in their boots they are worse so they would probably hit a lot of innocent bystanders possibly killing some. So keep up your bravado but it isn't convincing me. Face it most of you would be wetting and :bag: ing your pants in the real world. :wub:



Damn it, my life has no meaning if I haven't convinced some jackass on the internet of my "bravado". Typical anti-gun argument with the "you would shoot a bunch of bystanders" argument. I can assure you I would not be hiding behind the seats crying, and not because I'm brave, but because I would not be able to live with myself if I stood by and watched another human be brutally murdered. Apparently you have no problem with that.

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Reports that I have heard is that the Bus Driver, a truck driver and another person were going to attempt to go at the guy with wrenches. As soon as they stepped back on the bus the guy started coming at them. Smart move, they quickly retreated.


The poor people and bus driver are going to need some serious help after this. That's just another reason why the federal government in Canada and the U.S. need to enact stiffer penalties, etc.

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Reports that I have heard is that the Bus Driver, a truck driver and another person were going to attempt to go at the guy with wrenches. As soon as they stepped back on the bus the guy started coming at them. Smart move, they quickly retreated.


The poor people and bus driver are going to need some serious help after this. That's just another reason why the federal government in Canada and the U.S. need to enact stiffer penalties, etc.


Stiffer penalties???? :thumbsup: I think murder is gonna get you in as much trouble as you can get in.

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