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I just signed up for an account and it is pretty neat finding people that I have not talked to in years....I do feel old though...it seems to be better than MySpace, which kind of gives me the creeps....



What's creepy about MySpace?


I've found a ton of old friends on there, just like one can do on facebook.

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I just signed up for an account and it is pretty neat finding people that I have not talked to in years....I do feel old though...it seems to be better than MySpace, which kind of gives me the creeps....


Is this you or your son making this post? Stick to ogling girls at the mall, perv..

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What's creepy about MySpace?


I've found a ton of old friends on there, just like one can do on facebook.


considering your avatar, I'm pretty sure your sense of "creepy" is broken. :rolleyes:

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it just seems different with all of the songs playing, crazy layouts...just not for me


Facebook does seem more "scholarly" or something. I agree, I was very skeptical when I first set up a page, but I have become reaquainted with some great old friends who are doing some pretty cool things. I've been sold.


The sexual deviant ratio also seems fairly low compared to myspace.

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Facebook is the myspace for older folks.



agreed, i have both, but lately i have been using facebook a lot more than myspace.... myspace is getting annoying and very childish.... or wait, maybe i'm actually growing up :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure I get the complaints about myspace...or facebook for that matter. I have a myspace account that I use all the time. It's got most of my family (including my grandmother....couldn't believe that one), a few friends from high school and some friends from different places I've lived over the years. It's an excellent way to keep in touch with everyone.


Are people that think it's all childish and crap going out and just surfing random peoples pages, or what? I don't understand how you would come across these bad pages. Actually, there is one friend I have whose page is a little clustered, so I just never go to it. We talk all the time through messages, but I don't have to go to her page.


And I got my page locked, and have never once received anything from someone trying to spam me.


Guess I just think it's only crap if you're specifically trying to make it crap. For me, it's been a great way to supplement phone calls and letters to family and friends that mostly live half a world away. In fact, it increases those things. I'll see someone throw up some new pics and I'll call to ask about them. I got back in touch with a cousin I grew up with but hadn't talked to in years. She just came out and vacationed with me and I got to meet her daughter for the first time! All good stuff. :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure I get the complaints about myspace...or facebook for that matter. I have a myspace account that I use all the time. It's got most of my family (including my grandmother....couldn't believe that one), a few friends from high school and some friends from different places I've lived over the years. It's an excellent way to keep in touch with everyone.


This is of course assuming one wants to keep in touch with the people from their past.

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I just signed up for an account and it is pretty neat finding people that I have not talked to in years...


yes, but it also sucks when someone you have no interest in at all friends you up on face book. Somebody who you weren't really friends with in high school and now they want to be your friend.

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