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Says the guy w/ 50% of the posts in the Lost thread... :rolleyes:


Hahahaha, awesome. :rolleyes:


The only downside about Facebook are all the programs within it. Other than that, it is a lot easier to manage, browse, and search for people than myspace. But they should have kept it where you had to have a college e-mail and/or (I think) business e-mail address.

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I got both. Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old college friends. Find out who's coming back for what games, where people are living now, etc. It has gotten more cluttered with all the recent application changes, but it's still useful. Just a great way to stay connected.


Myspace I don't use as much, but still fun to have around. I'm not sure why people hate these sites....either they work for you or they don't. But I can't imagine having strong negative feelings against either (aside from the predatory risks of myspace of course).

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But I can't imagine having strong negative feelings against either (aside from the predatory risks of myspace of course).

I haven't used Facebook...out of curiosity, now that's it's opened up, is there something about it that makes it safer for that type of thing than MySpace?

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I haven't used Facebook...out of curiosity, now that's it's opened up, is there something about it that makes it safer for that type of thing than MySpace?

Not that I know of...I don't really know too much about the security details of either. As far as I know, both can be locked down pretty tight and opened up completely depending on user preference. It's probably no more or less safe than myspace now.


I was just referring to the sexual predator stigma that myspace garnered when it first came around. It never affected me personally, but I could see how it could slant a person's view of the application. Hell, when Meazza told people here that he had a myspace account, he was called a pedophile for like 2 years.... :lol:

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I was just referring to the sexual predator stigma that myspace garnered when it first came around. It never affected me personally, but I could see how it could slant a person's view of the application. Hell, when Meazza told people here that he had a myspace account, he was called a pedophile for like 2 years.... :lol:

Wait, did we stop calling him a pedo? :lol:


BTW, started seeing these commercials on TV for cybertipline. They're really interesting....




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