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annoying clothing trend


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Oh... Ever see a dude get a ass whooping in clogs?... I did as a child, and swore I would never wear them! Again, fine for the chicks. This dude back in the 1970's? Ya, he got is ass beat... Took the clogs off so he could run! The wooden clogs were perfect for the giving you a beatin'!




I guess the rubberesque Crocs of today pose as less of a weapon...



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Never seen them before. Might get a pair, though, as long as they're not too expensive...they look pretty convenient for the workshop.


If anyone ever sees me out in public in a pair of those, though...you have my permission to kill me.

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But if this is the worst fashion trend (and it is a bad one) that you can find you're crazy, I can't go anywhere without asking myself what the :lol: are these people thinking when they get dressed

Worst fashion trend? Do not even get me started. How about all the walking billboards? I hate branding! People who walk around with "Tommy" written on them. The Nike shoosh is one of the five most popular tatoos. Tatoos- another horrible fashion trend. Seeing a hot girl with a tramp stamp is a turn off for me. People that dress casual all the time. I mean it is one thing if you are working out or on the computer, but if you are going out- don't be a !@#$ing slob. Faux mohawks. WTF? People that use too much hair gel. Capri pants. I want to see more leg then your shins! Those girdles they sell on TV. WTF? Lose weight- don't try and hide it with a girdle. Seriously- I could go on all day.


I am heading out right now to the store. I am sure I will see some horror shows which will inspire me to add to this list

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Worst fashion trend? Do not even get me started. How about all the walking billboards? I hate branding! People who walk around with "Tommy" written on them. The Nike shoosh is one of the five most popular tatoos. Tatoos- another horrible fashion trend. Seeing a hot girl with a tramp stamp is a turn off for me. People that dress casual all the time. I mean it is one thing if you are working out or on the computer, but if you are going out- don't be a !@#$ing slob. Faux mohawks. WTF? People that use too much hair gel. Capri pants. I want to see more leg then your shins! Those girdles they sell on TV. WTF? Lose weight- don't try and hide it with a girdle. Seriously- I could go on all day.


WHAT??? You had me until your ripped capri pants. Capri pants are one of the highlights of early summer.

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WHAT??? You had me until your ripped capri pants. Capri pants are one of the highlights of early summer.

maybe that was a little harsh. I think they are a tease though. I want to see some thigh! Some other annoying trends- fat girls that wear a short shirt that shows their belly. People that walk around with stupid statements on their tshirt. Pretty much any tshirt that can be bought at Spencers or Hot Topic. People that wear sunglasses inside...... to be continued

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I'm not a fan of those super huge, insectoid looking, redonkulous sunglasses chicks wear these days...

:lol: good one! Let's keep this thread rolling. What else does everyone have for ridiculous fashion trends? I will throw zubrose pants or whatever they call them- those ridiculous baggy, striped, multicolored eye sore pants!

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I don't have crocs but have been wearing "plogs" since 1995. They are the most comfortable shoes I have. The plastic molds to your foot over time and is a perfect fit.


Of course, I only wear them occasionally outside the operating room. The beauty of plogs are that any blood, crap, snot, or general badness that gets on them easily is removed in the washing machine or with a blow torch. :lol:


Crocs are useless as all that stuff will get in between your toes if you aren't careful.



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I'm not a fan of those super huge, insectoid looking, redonkulous sunglasses chicks wear these days...


A lot of chicks that wear those shades look way better with them on. I've noticed thanks to the beach being 15 minutes away.


Took me a minute to find out what these were called. Uggs are possibly one of the worse things I've ever seen anywhere.


I guess they are called uggs for a reason

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When you live by the beach and enjoy watersports like sea kayaking... these things are the way to go.

Water, sand and pebbles just wash right through.


In fact... the New Zealand Olympic team will be wearing them.

NZ Olympic Team crocs


And yes... I'm wearing a pair right now.


However, in a crappy climate like WNY these may not be too good.

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Remember the whole Bastad clog thing in the 1970's?... This is it all over again.

From the thread title - that's what I thought this was going to be - that Bastad clogs were back in style - not crocs. Two years ago I met up with an old friend in OBX - and he was wearing bright neon green rubberish shoes and we were just staring at them going "WTF are those?" - they were crocs that he picked them up at one of the local beach stores kind of as a goof - who knew he was on the leading edge of fashion. My kids love their crocs BTW - just slip them on and out the door.


Anyway - Bastad clogs - I smile every time I think of them. They were big in my HS in the early 80's (boys and girls) - I never had a pair, but my brother (one year older) got a pair (he also got a perm his senior year - which was also the cool thing to do :lol: ) - and the thing I remember most was we went to visit my cousins in Rochester one time and they were looking at him funny for a while - then finally said "Why are you wearing girl shoes?". Apparently the fashion trend hadn't made its way to Rochester....

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Anyway - Bastad clogs - I smile every time I think of them. They were big in my HS in the early 80's (boys and girls) - I never had a pair, but my brother (one year older) got a pair (he also got a perm his senior year - which was also the cool thing to do :lol: ) - and the thing I remember most was we went to visit my cousins in Rochester one time and they were looking at him funny for a while - then finally said "Why are you wearing girl shoes?". Apparently the fashion trend hadn't made its way to Rochester....


I wore a pair in the late seventies, early eighties to NYC and everyone thought I was gay. They all wondered why my girlfriend was with me ? Who knew ! I found that out after my NYC trip.

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They do come with slipper type liners that look way better... But, to go out on the town with them is like going out in house slippers, IMO.


And guys? Johnny are you queer boy?


The big glasses on chicks, WTF? Are they trying to impress Harry Carey in the afterlife?






Another thing that flabbergasts me... Big headphones... Like what the heck! You see people wearing these monstrousities out and about... Are they noise cancelling... I hope they walk into a train then!

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When you live by the beach and enjoy watersports like sea kayaking... these things are the way to go.

Water, sand and pebbles just wash right through.


In fact... the New Zealand Olympic team will be wearing them.

NZ Olympic Team crocs


And yes... I'm wearing a pair right now.


However, in a crappy climate like WNY these may not be too good.


Agree... But if you aren't at the beach or out in the yard... WTF? Stylish?


You know what bothers me? Olympic years... We get to watch the worst fashion show ever when each Olypmic team parades into the stadium!


On that note... Straw cowboy hates on chicks... My God, how effing tacky! :lol::D


Don't get me started Pete... :lol: I guess you did! :(

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