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How Many People Do You Know That Believe The Earth

Steely Dan

Age Of The Earth  

74 members have voted

  1. 1. How Old Do You Think The Earth Is? Read All Choices B4 Deciding.

    • 10, 000 years
    • Millions of years
    • 10,000 years and if you think different you can't be Christian
    • You can be Christian and believe the earth is millions of years old
    • People who think 10,000 years are nuts.
    • People who think millions are nuts.

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As a Christian, I believe God created the heavens and the earth.


I also believe that the earth is billions of years old. The scientists are correct on this one.


BTW, the Bible NEVER states how old the earth is. The 6000 year old argument is one that was created when a bishop went back and counted how many years passed backward from Moses to Adam (supposedly...how many generations were skipped?). That's why I believe the earth is clearly older.


If that makes me an infidel...so be it. Believing that the earth is 6 billion years old vs. 6000 years old doesn't make one any less of a Christian. God is infinite...He has always been here.


Yeah, your Catholic, right? It seems that most Catholics have that view. Largely because their interpretation of the Bible isn't quite so literal. A lot of the stories are generally parable. It's when you get into those deep-south Baptist religions that some of the extreme stuff shows up.

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Yeah, your Catholic, right? It seems that most Catholics have that view. Largely because their interpretation of the Bible isn't quite so literal. A lot of the stories are generally parable. It's when you get into those deep-south Baptist religions that some of the extreme stuff shows up.


Nope, I'm not Catholic. I teach Sunday School in an Assembly of God church and grew up evangelical Protestant.


And my interpretation of the Bible is literal...but I simply cannot find the 6,000 year old earth part, so I refuse to believe it, considering all the scientific evidence.


I'm also a lot more educated (B.A., J.D.) than many of my fellow brethren...which in some of their eyes, makes me dangerous. :thumbsup:

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This is one of my favorite topics. A long time ago we had a thread about this. But read the creation story again and look for the part where Cain and Abel start taking wifes and having children with women who magicaly show up from another village . What? Where dis this other village of other people come from, we just had the first people created in the garden of Eden ? Does not compute ! Does not compute Will Rodgers !


I stopped taking the bible seriously after this little gem. Not one person I have ever met can explain this away. I believe in God, and don't take the bible as literal. It is parables on how to live life in harmony.

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I knew a lady once who did not believe in evolution...absolutely did not, to the point of not believing that bacteria could not become antibiotic-resistant. "Oh, I don't think that happens. It's just a scam by the drug companies." I think she believed the planet was 4.5 billion years old...just not that anything could evolve. Apparently new species of animals just sprung up from the ground randomly...



Although my favorite is the guy who believes that, because dinosaurs had long tails but rhinos don't, evolution isn't true...and therefore wants to use it to breed a master race... :thumbsup:

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How can we believe anyone when it comes to exactly how old the Earth is???

Funny how scientists say it..oh defiantly its a fact but if a Christian even opens their mouth....fugghedaboudit, they re idiots. Yep, scientists have no 'hidden agendas' :thumbsup:

Point is: Nobody here REALLY knows.

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I knew a lady once who did not believe in evolution...absolutely did not, to the point of not believing that bacteria could not become antibiotic-resistant. "Oh, I don't think that happens. It's just a scam by the drug companies." I think she believed the planet was 4.5 billion years old...just not that anything could evolve. Apparently new species of animals just sprung up from the ground randomly...



Although my favorite is the guy who believes that, because dinosaurs had long tails but rhinos don't, evolution isn't true...and therefore wants to use it to breed a master race... :devil:


What?! What the :thumbsup: do rhino tails and dinosaur tails have to do with anything :censored:


How can we believe anyone when it comes to exactly how old the Earth is???

Funny how scientists say it..oh defiantly its a fact but if a Christian even opens their mouth....fugghedaboudit, they re idiots. Yep, scientists have no 'hidden agendas' :wallbash:

Point is: Nobody here REALLY knows.


Number one, science doesn't say exactly how old the earth is they approx. within a few million years. Christians can trace the earth's formation back to the day and time according to the Bible. Science enters into experimentation with an idea and tests the idea to see if it holds up. Christians believe whatever the Bible says and no testing of the myths are needed. Noah built an ark and got every single animal on it from around the world. Even the land they didn't know existed at the time. Science can use experimentation to prove things. The Bible is all the proof Christians need.


What's funny to me is that the fundamentalists are so skeptical of science until it comes to their health. Then they are willing to accept drugs that are made stronger to deal with the evolving critters that make us sick. When a family lets their child suffer because they believe God will save them almost everybody thinks they're nuts.


The fundamentalists also point to the so called "moral crisis" we are experiencing due to gay marriage and abortion and other reasons that are looney. The idea being I guess that back in the day before these things were legal God liked us better and yet we are capable of easing the pain of disease and we can cure many more diseases than they could back when God was happier with us. So explain how that makes any sense?!


1654 Archbishop Usher (Ireland), genealogy in Bible

Earth was created October 26, 4004 BC, 9:00 am

Earth was 6000 years old.

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Although my favorite is the guy who believes that, because dinosaurs had long tails but rhinos don't, evolution isn't true...and therefore wants to use it to breed a master race... :thumbsup:

A master race of short tailed rhinos?


You ever watch a rhino wag it's tail? Really ineffective.

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What?! What the :thumbsup: do rhino tails and dinosaur tails have to do with anything :wallbash:


Classic thread, probably lost in the board crash. Someone was opining that evolution was flawed because birds didn't evolve back in to dinosaurs after dinosaurs went extinct, using as proof such scintillating rationalizations such as "Triceratops and rhinos are truculent, but triceratops were better herbivores because their long tails were more effective defenses against predators while they ate silicon plants."


It's not directly relevant to the thread...save that it all comes down to a basic ignorance about science that is pervasive in American society. Which itself tends to boil down to the belief that "theory" is defined as "foregone conclusion"...hence everything from health care to global warming to economics to geology becomes an issue of dogma.

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Classic thread, probably lost in the board crash. Someone was opining that evolution was flawed because birds didn't evolve back in to dinosaurs after dinosaurs went extinct, using as proof such scintillating rationalizations such as "Triceratops and rhinos are truculent, but triceratops were better herbivores because their long tails were more effective defenses against predators while they ate silicon plants."


It's not directly relevant to the thread...save that it all comes down to a basic ignorance about science that is pervasive in American society. Which itself tends to boil down to the belief that "theory" is defined as "foregone conclusion"...hence everything from health care to global warming to economics to geology becomes an issue of dogma.


My Karma ran over my Dogma. :thumbsup:









I know it's old but it's still funny! :wallbash:

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...it all comes down to a basic ignorance about science that is pervasive in American society. Which itself tends to boil down to the belief that "theory" is defined as "foregone conclusion"...hence everything from health care to global warming to economics to geology becomes an issue of dogma.

I miss Holcomb's Arm. :thumbsup:

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I miss Holcomb's Arm. :thumbsup:


I find myself wondering if he's okay (well...the boy was never okay. I find myself wondering if he's healthy). He's overdue here for his quarterly beating. Maybe if I type his name 3.5 times he'll appears...



Holcomb's Arm

Holcomb's Arm

Holcomb's Arm


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I knew a lady once who did not believe in evolution...absolutely did not, to the point of not believing that bacteria could not become antibiotic-resistant. "Oh, I don't think that happens. It's just a scam by the drug companies." I think she believed the planet was 4.5 billion years old...just not that anything could evolve. Apparently new species of animals just sprung up from the ground randomly...



Although my favorite is the guy who believes that, because dinosaurs had long tails but rhinos don't, evolution isn't true...and therefore wants to use it to breed a master race... :lol:


I wouldn't put it past them. <_<

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