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What's the first Super Bowl you REALLY watched?

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Raiders 32 Vikings 14. Supe XI if I'm not mistaken. Was 7 at the time, and i loved the Raiders uni's. Thought "the snake" was the coolest nickname for a QB.Thought Dave Casper looked cool. I was hooked on the NFL from that day on. :D

Man , you guys are young - Chiefs-Vikings IV.

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SB X -- My parents grew up in the Twin Cities, so we were always secondary Vikings fans. After they were robbed in the "Hail Push-Off" game, I was rooting hard for Pittsburgh to beat the Cowboys and I've hated Dallas ever since.

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Prolly Bears vs Patriettes.


I remember a bit from some earlier ones.....Remember that one Raider running for a lot of yardage (and touchdown) past the Eagles. Kenny King? :D




Mine too--but I barely remember it. I was only 7 or 8. After that one, I really got into football and recall the 1987 super bowl with much greater detail.

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The first one I REALLY watched was Eagles-Raiders, but I do have memories of the Steelers last two SBs in the late 70s.

Exact same story for me. I wanted the Eagles to win - especially since I was living in Cleveland at the time and the Raiders had gotten lucky in Beating the Browns in the playoffs. Good old Brian Sipe threw a pick into the endzone on 3rd down from the Raiders 14 yd line. The Browns were down 14 -12, he could have thrown it away, they kick the FG = win. The Raiders went on to beat each team they played with some sort of BS/lucky calls/other teams doing something stupid. Kinda like the Patriots. :D

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Super Bowl XII.


For the first (and I think, only) time in my life, I rooted for the Denver Broncos. But I knew, deep down inside, that they had no chance against Dallas.


My Dad was a Redskins fan, so I was raised to hate the Cowboys. Still do, but I may hate Denver more now.

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Superbowl III - The Jets vs the Colts


I was 12 and remember Broadway Joe and how he guaranteed a win. Not only did he fulfill it, but he told the defense where he was going to throw the ball, much like Babe Ruth calling the hit. Nobody has ever done that before or since. Unbelievable.




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Super Bowl IV, KC over Minnesota. I was 7 I think. That loss made me give up the Vikes as my #2 team and pick up the Cowboys - where they stayed until jj took over the team and destroyed it.



word! i always liked the Landry-led Cowboys. Great names on both sides of ball during that span.

Randy White

Roger Staubach

Robert Newhouse

Too Tall

Harvey Martin

DD Lewis


Drew and Preston Pearson


i'm sure i left a few off the list.

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I remember Super Bowl XXIII, but I don't think I had the faintest idea of what was going on before Super Bowl XXV.


I remember Super Bowl XXVII, only bits and pieces, and I remember my parents went to XXVIII in Atlanta (I was 5, almost 6) and being excited that the Bills were winning at halftime. I think we all know where it went after that.

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The first Super Bowl moment I can remember was "the Kick" from Super Bowl XXV. I was too young (I think I was four) to really know anything about football, so I just remember that football sailing wide right as I ate my nachos. The next year was the first one I remember having a reaction out of, as my dad was really pissed off that the Redskins won, and it was all down hill after that. It took me a quite a few years later to realize that my first Super Bowl memory is about one of the worst to have for a Bills fan. Oh well, I guess it comes with the territory.

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I've seen 'em all. :D

Loved it when the AFL got a string of wins going, but I recall the Baltimore victory over Dallas was a little hollow.

Afterall, the Colts were an old NFL team. Truthfully for me, that took a little luster off those Pittsburgh victories.

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I also remember watching the AFC Championship game that was played in the Rockpile on TV & seeing a sign that said "Bills in Super Bowl, Chiefs in soup bowl"

Did you watch this game in Buffalo, because I thought this game, as well as all AFL and NFL home games in that era were blacked out?


Rockpile, can you confirm?


Me, I remember bits and pieces of I and II, but I remember vividly watching Jets v. Colts in III.

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