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Three observations from the Jets/Pats game

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Before you knock JP, Pennington had the luxury of sitting on the bench three years figuring things out before getting thrown into live action. No doubt that Pennington is one the smartest QB's in the league. But I believe JP will develop that same savvy--especially being in the same system with the same players next year.


But, but, but - I thought the reason we had to start JP last year was because you can't develop sitting on the bench!

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jealous....table for one...Jealous????? forgot one observation...that "non"-starter was playing today, our "superstar" was not(superstar was my addition not your quote)


1. My 2 year old daughter has a stronger arm than Chad Pennington. How in God's name is he a starter in the NFL?


2. Bill Belichek dresses like a freaking homeless person. For a guy with an ego as big as his, you'd think he'd have a bit more pride.


3. Did they actually call two penalties on Teddi (Jesus) Bruschi?

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But, but, but - I thought the reason we had to start JP last year was because you can't develop sitting on the bench!

Yeah, and that's the same reason we started him this year, and, it's the same reason we will be starting him next year :pirate:


B word all u want. U and the rest of the "I hate JP because he makes me wrong" club(<5 members) cannot deny the signifcant progress he made this year. Progress he would not have made watching Holcomb from the sidelines. This is a silly argument you guys continue to make, in spite of staggering evidence that contradicts your position, because:


1. It's wrong on it's face

2. We all know the only reason u keep saying this stuff is because u can't stand being proven wrong - especially by play on the field(rather than baseless speculation)

3. Every time someone talks about a "caretaker" QB like Holcomb, Pennington, Huard, they never talk about winning the Superbowl in the same sentence - oh, wait, I forgot about those TWO TIMES out of FORTY it actually worked - Dilfer with the Ravens and Hostetler against us - yeah that's what we want - a plan that works 5% of the time - genius. :P

4. We just saw today the effect of having a "smart, determined, leader-type" no-talent QB. YOU LOSE! When the game is on the line you need a guy who can make the downfield throws(this means +20 yards for those of you who think Pennington's mastery of the 12 yard pass is downfield) accurately and on a straight line, not on a curve! Why? Because if he cannot do that, and worse, if the opposing defense knows that he cannot do that, sooner or later they will sit on/jump all the underneath routes. Hmmmmm - what happened today? Pennington threw a pick to a guy who sat on a route. Are you tools trying to tell us that's merely a coincidence???? Of course it's not. In fact they were sitting on them all day. I saw at least 5 passes that could have gone either way - INT or catch. Is that how you win Superbowls? Chucking dying quails downfield and hope your receivers can out-muscle the DBs? Of course it's not.


You guys would be boring me to death if it wasn't so fun busting you up. Keep prattling on about how Pennington is the man - even on the very day that he proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not the guy you want to be QB when the game is on the line in the 4th quarter. Where was the big play that got them back in the game? - Sorry - no big arm = no big plays. QED Pennington cannot ever be the man.


And yeah - how do any of you explain how we smoked the Jets at their own place?? Where was Pennington's legendary determination? I thought that's all you needed to win :P

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So was Chad "determined" to throw that pick today? How is losing the game for your team indicative of being a "winner". That ball took FOREVER to get there - and so it got picked. You can be "determined" to be a good QB, but without the talent what difference would it make?


It's kinda like you being "determined" to make a reasonable point/argument, but without the ability to do so, we end up with your post above. :pirate:


Face it - Pennington's lack of talent is the exact reason the Jets lost today - period. JP will rule this guy next year - as well as Brady - because he will have combined his talent(which is superior to both) with a solid mental/technical approach and superior coaching from Fairchild/Schonert.

pennington is far from the jets' biggest problem. i have always thought he was a decent qb, and he had a good year coming off some very serious injury problems. he looks bad compared to brady, but he's better than most, and up until the bye week this season was head and shoulders above losman. since then i'd say they're about even.

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1. My 2 year old daughter has a stronger arm than Chad Pennington. How in God's name is he a starter in the NFL?


2. Bill Belichek dresses like a freaking homeless person. For a guy with an ego as big as his, you'd think he'd have a bit more pride.


3. Did they actually call two penalties on Teddi (Jesus) Bruschi?



Bill is secretly a monk.



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Chad Pennington is smart, tough and he is a true leader. Far better than our QB who has the physical talent but not the determination of Pennigton or Brady. I am so sick of hearing about arm strength. Penningto is a winner and he always will be. I bet he will a Super Bowl before JP w/ his determination, toughness and his coach.


I know this is a joke post -- it has to be -- but I can't resist...


To question JP's toughness is like arguing that the sky is in fact pink. JP is only the third QB in Bills' HISTORY to take every snap of the season for the team. When is the last time Pennington did that? :pirate:


Thanks for playing....goodbye

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The Patriots are by far the better team with better talent and they had a built a good lead and the Jets were running short on time so hence Pennington had to take more chances. I will tell you this for the first three quarters the Jets looked like Patriots


Too bad for the Jests, football is played for 4 (FOUR) quarters.


i.e. making them earn every yard,


That would be the Jests "defense", and not Chad.


toughness and determination on Offense,


Chad was damn determined to throw that pick, wasn't he?


not giving up the big play, etc..


Again, that would be the Jests "defense". You seem to have a real problem separating Offense and Defense contributions.


The Jets really scare me. I see them overtaking the Patriots for the division in the coming years.


As long as Chad leads the team, the Jests will not scare me. Chad reminds me of Jay Fielder.

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The biggest glaring weakness of pennington is his arm. It costs that team dearly. Pennington does enough that if you're in a close game he can control the clock and slowly move the ball down the field. With a good running game and solid defense you can win a lot of games like that however. When it comes to situations where you need 80 yards and a td in 2 minutes or less pennington will never be that guy. Or say situations with about 10 seconds left ball at midfield. Down 17-10 right before halftime. Most coaches in that situation would take a shot and hey ya never know. Not if your qb is chad pennington.



New York Jets at 00:09

1-10-NE49 (:09) (Shotgun) C.Pennington pass short left to B.Askew to NE 26 for 23 yards (M.Vrabel, R.Colvin).


Yes Im sure a fb will race to the endzone from midfield. When your bread and butter on offense is bringing in brad smith and relying solely on the run after catch ability of your wr's you will always be limited in what you can do offensively.

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The Jets really scare me. I see them overtaking the Patriots for the division in the coming years.


The Pats have two 1st round picks in next years draft.....Until the Pats figure to mess up their drafting, they will always be at the top of the AFC East. Can Marv outdo Pioli and Belichek ?



Look at the # of extra 1st rounders the Pats have had in the last 6-8 years....It is just amazing how teams are willing to deal with the Pats their 1st round picks when eventually the player they get never works out.

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Yeah, and that's the same reason we started him this year, and, it's the same reason we will be starting him next year :pirate:


B word all u want. U and the rest of the "I hate JP because he makes me wrong" club(<5 members) cannot deny the signifcant progress he made this year. Progress he would not have made watching Holcomb from the sidelines. This is a silly argument you guys continue to make, in spite of staggering evidence that contradicts your position, because:


1. It's wrong on it's face

2. We all know the only reason u keep saying this stuff is because u can't stand being proven wrong - especially by play on the field(rather than baseless speculation)

3. Every time someone talks about a "caretaker" QB like Holcomb, Pennington, Huard, they never talk about winning the Superbowl in the same sentence - oh, wait, I forgot about those TWO TIMES out of FORTY it actually worked - Dilfer with the Ravens and Hostetler against us - yeah that's what we want - a plan that works 5% of the time - genius. :P

4. We just saw today the effect of having a "smart, determined, leader-type" no-talent QB. YOU LOSE! When the game is on the line you need a guy who can make the downfield throws(this means +20 yards for those of you who think Pennington's mastery of the 12 yard pass is downfield) accurately and on a straight line, not on a curve! Why? Because if he cannot do that, and worse, if the opposing defense knows that he cannot do that, sooner or later they will sit on/jump all the underneath routes. Hmmmmm - what happened today? Pennington threw a pick to a guy who sat on a route. Are you tools trying to tell us that's merely a coincidence???? Of course it's not. In fact they were sitting on them all day. I saw at least 5 passes that could have gone either way - INT or catch. Is that how you win Superbowls? Chucking dying quails downfield and hope your receivers can out-muscle the DBs? Of course it's not.


You guys would be boring me to death if it wasn't so fun busting you up. Keep prattling on about how Pennington is the man - even on the very day that he proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not the guy you want to be QB when the game is on the line in the 4th quarter. Where was the big play that got them back in the game? - Sorry - no big arm = no big plays. QED Pennington cannot ever be the man.


And yeah - how do any of you explain how we smoked the Jets at their own place?? Where was Pennington's legendary determination? I thought that's all you needed to win :P



I guess you missed the 77 yard play to Cotchery (sp). The JETS were beaten by the Patriots and best QB in the league and there is no shame in that. Do you honestly believe that JP and the Bills will ever beat out the Patriots for the Division, not if Brady is healthy. I believe that Pennington is far more intelligent than JP as evidenced by the way he plays and he actually was a Rhodes Scholar finalist and JP received a 12 on his Wonderlic. Losman is one of the guys whose Wonderlic saw a dramatic rise from one season to the next, prompting speculation in some circles that he had access to the test before he took it the second time. Word is that the Bills privately are saying that Losman's initial score (which was somewhere in the teens) resulted from the fact that (egads!) he really had to pee.




Supposedly, Losman left the testing room so that he could relieve himself, and he didn't get back in time to generate a respectable score.




The hole in all of this, as we see it, is that the Wonderlic test is only 12 minutes long.




Twelve minutes! Unless J.P. was in danger of getting uromycsotisis poisoning a la Jerry Seinfeld in the garage of the shopping mall, there's no reason why he couldn't have held it in for 12 minutes.




If the excuse is true (and we doubt that it is), it's further evidence of Losman's stupidity.




Smart guys would have pissed before the 12-minute test began. Alternatively, they would have realized that leaving the test room for a pit stop might have affected adversely their ability to answer all 50 questions within the 12-minute span, which without a visit to the pee-pee palace requires players to progress through the page at a rate of more than four problems per minute.




We're also hearing that Losman's apparent cognitive limitations already have surfaced in team practices. Though it's normal for a rookie quarterback to be overwhelmed by NFL playbooks and terminologies, Losman got so discombobulated in his drills with the Bills that he started calling out his high school cadences.




Then again, maybe he just had to pee.

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I guess you missed the 77 yard play to Cotchery (sp). The JETS were beaten by the Patriots and best QB in the league and there is no shame in that. Do you honestly believe that JP and the Bills will ever beat out the Patriots for the Division, not if Brady is healthy. I believe that Pennington is far more intelligent than JP as evidenced by the way he plays and he actually was a Rhodes Scholar finalist.


I don't think any of these QBs can individually win a championship for either team...Heck even Tom Brady was average yesterday......His defense stopped the Jets THREE times inside the Redzone forcing them to kick Field Goals including at the 2 yard line.....Give credit to that defense....they really killed the Jets yesterday.....


Bottom line is until both the Bills and Jets fix their front 7 (on defense) and front 5(on Offense) they won't be able to beat the Pats....The Pats win their game in the trenches....they don't care as much about their WRs or Safeties.........You fix those lines and you can make your QB look like god....


In fact in the 1st half other than the opening drive, Tom Brady looked pretty average and beat up.

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I don't think any of these QBs can individually win a championship for either team...Heck even Tom Brady was average yesterday......His defense stopped the Jets THREE times inside the Redzone forcing them to kick Field Goals including at the 2 yard line.....Give credit to that defense....they really killed the Jets yesterday.....


Bottom line is until both the Bills and Jets fix their front 7 (on defense) and front 5(on Offense) they won't be able to beat the Pats....The Pats win their game in the trenches....they don't care as much about their WRs or Safeties.........You fix those lines and you can make your QB look like god....


In fact in the 1st half other than the opening drive, Tom Brady looked pretty average and beat up.


Brady was average. His team scored 30 points on offense against a Playoff team w/ Jabar Gaffney as his leading receiver. Gaffney was sitting on his couch 9 weeks ago.

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The biggest glaring weakness of pennington is his arm. It costs that team dearly. Pennington does enough that if you're in a close game he can control the clock and slowly move the ball down the field. With a good running game and solid defense you can win a lot of games like that however. When it comes to situations where you need 80 yards and a td in 2 minutes or less pennington will never be that guy. Or say situations with about 10 seconds left ball at midfield. Down 17-10 right before halftime. Most coaches in that situation would take a shot and hey ya never know. Not if your qb is chad pennington.

New York Jets at 00:09

1-10-NE49 (:09) (Shotgun) C.Pennington pass short left to B.Askew to NE 26 for 23 yards (M.Vrabel, R.Colvin).


Yes Im sure a fb will race to the endzone from midfield. When your bread and butter on offense is bringing in brad smith and relying solely on the run after catch ability of your wr's you will always be limited in what you can do offensively.

the guy could have run out of bounds at the 38, but stupidly chose not to. it was a good play otherwise.

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Brady was average. His team scored 30 points on offense against a Playoff team w/ Jabar Gaffney as his leading receiver. Gaffney was sitting on his couch 9 weeks ago.



Sarcasam aside....Brady really struggled in the 1st half and 3rd quarter before generating a drive in the 4th qtr....How many FGs did the Patriots offense have in their first 23 points before Bradys TD ?


It does not matter to whom he throws...Obviously Brady has to throw to the players who are on the field.....Gaffney might have been on a couch 9 weeks ago, but has played in the NFL for 4 years......

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Does anyone else see Pennington as the perenial first round in the playoffs and out QB who's always good enough to make it to the playoffs, but will never get beyond the wild card round unless getting help from Marty ball?


Man, I hate the pats so much I'm defending the Jets :pirate: , I'm gonna go take a shower.


read some of Kely the Dog's posts recently.You'll like his excellent take on pennington and leinart.

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Brady was average. His team scored 30 points on offense against a Playoff team w/ Jabar Gaffney as his leading receiver. Gaffney was sitting on his couch 9 weeks ago.


Simply put, you apparently have no idea how to interpret what you are seeing on the field with regard to QB play. I think everyone else would agree. So that makes all of us wrong correct?

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Sarcasam aside....Brady really struggled in the 1st half and 3rd quarter before generating a drive in the 4th qtr....How many FGs did the Patriots offense have in their first 23 points before Bradys TD ?


It does not matter to whom he throws...Obviously Brady has to throw to the players who are on the field.....Gaffney might have been on a couch 9 weeks ago, but has played in the NFL for 4 years......


My point is he has virtually no talent at WR and he gets it done. He has no one as talented as Lee Evans.

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I guess you missed the 77 yard play to Cotchery (sp). The JETS were beaten by the Patriots and best QB in the league and there is no shame in that. Do you honestly believe that JP and the Bills will ever beat out the Patriots for the Division, not if Brady is healthy. I believe that Pennington is far more intelligent than JP as evidenced by the way he plays and he actually was a Rhodes Scholar finalist and JP received a 12 on his Wonderlic. Losman is one of the guys whose Wonderlic saw a dramatic rise from one season to the next, prompting speculation in some circles that he had access to the test before he took it the second time. Word is that the Bills privately are saying that Losman's initial score (which was somewhere in the teens) resulted from the fact that (egads!) he really had to pee.




Supposedly, Losman left the testing room so that he could relieve himself, and he didn't get back in time to generate a respectable score.




The hole in all of this, as we see it, is that the Wonderlic test is only 12 minutes long.




Twelve minutes! Unless J.P. was in danger of getting uromycsotisis poisoning a la Jerry Seinfeld in the garage of the shopping mall, there's no reason why he couldn't have held it in for 12 minutes.




If the excuse is true (and we doubt that it is), it's further evidence of Losman's stupidity.




Smart guys would have pissed before the 12-minute test began. Alternatively, they would have realized that leaving the test room for a pit stop might have affected adversely their ability to answer all 50 questions within the 12-minute span, which without a visit to the pee-pee palace requires players to progress through the page at a rate of more than four problems per minute.




We're also hearing that Losman's apparent cognitive limitations already have surfaced in team practices. Though it's normal for a rookie quarterback to be overwhelmed by NFL playbooks and terminologies, Losman got so discombobulated in his drills with the Bills that he started calling out his high school cadences.




Then again, maybe he just had to pee.


Who's this We that we're constantly referring to? We'd really like to know.

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