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OJ Admitting to Killings?

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LOS ANGELES - Fox plans to broadcast an interview with O.J. Simpson in which the former football star discusses "how he would have committed" the slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, for which he was acquitted, the network said.


The two-part interview, titled "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened," will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29, the TV network said.


that sure is some odd wording. I dont know if its more OJ mumbo jumbo combined w. fox spin to boost ratings or if the Juice will finally come clean.


what do others think? here's the story





I'm too young to remember OJ from when he was on the Bills. What was he like back then? What did the city think of him? Any stories from his playing days that show a bit of the wacko side he's got now?

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It's not the law, it's the Constitution, the fifth amendment. 



The Constitution is not the law? :lol:


I'm too young to remember OJ from when he was on the Bills.  What was he like back then?  What did the city think of him?  Any stories from his playing days that show a bit of the wacko side he's got now?



Nothing at all that I can recall. He was a prince, the toast of the town. Always classy. He brought a lot of pride to the town by setting the NFL record at a time when the Sabres and Braves were still fledgling franchises suffering through their growing pains.

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I have bolded the area of your post which should concern you. 


No offense to Ed, he takes a lot of grief, and Rutgers is on a roll, but jeopardy means "trouble" and implies something being frantic.  I see the connection to trouble but a trial is a calm thing, not frantic.  Indemnity is something that is owed, like a debt to society.  OJ only owed society one trial not two, which would be double indemnity.


Here's the Fifth Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
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I'm too young to remember OJ from when he was on the Bills.  What was he like back then?  What did the city think of him?  Any stories from his playing days that show a bit of the wacko side he's got now?



I saw OJ at the Ralph a few year back. He came down into my section and people were lining up to meet him. There was a lot of hi-fives and pictures being taken. It's amazing how many people still idolize him.


Only in Buffalo...

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Nothing at all that I can recall. He was a prince, the toast of the town. Always classy. He brought a lot of pride to the town by setting the NFL record at a time when the Sabres and Braves were still fledgling franchises suffering through their


I remember walking into the Brick bar and there he was with two or three blondes rubbing on him. I dont remember if he was married at the time.

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What a complete waste of skin and oxygen this guy is - and the idiots at FOX that indulge this freakin' a-hole, and any idiot that watches.


So how long can this guy go on living, making a mockery of his wife's and Goldman's families, disgracing his children and all humanity? How long before someone sneaks up behind him and sticks a knife in his back or slashes his throat, leaving him to bleed a slow death?


Or maybe just walk up to him with a 12-gauge and blow his knees out, watch him squeel in agony for a good long time, then blow his muther!@#$in' head off???!!!


Can't happen soon enough, I think.

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Sorry, Ed's right. It's called double jeopardy.  Double indemnity is an insurance term, where the payoff your beneficiaries get if you die is doubled if you die under particular (and rare) circumstances.


How about Double Insanity!


As Chris Rock said; "OJ did it, but i understand!" :lol:

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He was tried and found not guilty.  Under our current laws he can call a press conference and say "Yeah I killed them and I'm glad I did it" and we can't touch him.


I thought you could be retried if there was significant new evidence?

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What a complete waste of skin and oxygen this guy is - and the idiots at FOX that indulge this freakin' a-hole, and any idiot that watches.


So how long can this guy go on living, making a mockery of his wife's and Goldman's families, disgracing his children and all humanity?  How long before someone sneaks up behind him and sticks a knife in his back or slashes his throat, leaving him to bleed a slow death? 


Or maybe just walk up to him with a 12-gauge and blow his knees out, watch him squeel in agony for a good long time, then blow his muther!@#$in' head off???!!!


Can't happen soon enough, I think.


This is one of the best posts I've seen.

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A number of questions were raised about whether the Brentwood Butcher could be retried, double jeopardy ("I'll take JAP-ANUS Relations for a thousand, Trebek!"), etc., so thought I'd throw this up on the board....


Link - Could Simpson go to court again?


Personally, I don't want to see him go to court again. I don't want to see him on TV. I don't want to read about the lousy !@#$ at all. I don't want that piece of human refuse to get one bit more publicity.


I just want him dead. Slowly, and painfully.

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A number of questions were raised about whether the Brentwood Butcher could be retried, double jeopardy ("I'll take JAP-ANUS Relations for a thousand, Trebek!"), etc., so thought I'd throw this up on the board....


Link - Could Simpson go to court again?


Personally, I don't want to see him go to court again.  I don't want to see him on TV.  I don't want to read about the lousy !@#$ at all.  I don't want that piece of human refuse to get one bit more publicity.


I just want him dead.  Slowly, and painfully.



Don't be shy, tell us how you really feel...



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On the Bills message boards someone started a thread asking for his removal from the wall of fame...


Why can't OJ just let it go and live the rest of his life on the down low?


i feel profoundly sorry for the goldman family but they are helping OJ

by appearing on the larry king show the day after the book announcement saying how upset they are.

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No, he lives in Florida......thats why he moved very fast........


great place to retire and hide the money you've stolen your whole life...Florida likes rich old people with to much money, and they protect it from other states court system's.....



Chef quickly looks up realtors in the south Florida region.

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