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Indy Dave

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The guy has a history....it doesn't matter how caught up you are in the heat of the battle, what he did goes beyond the line of emotions.  The guy is an animal.  It's not an isolated incident.


I believe what daquixers is trying to say is animals fight for self defense whereas this action was an act by a human with problems. Don't insult animals by comparing him with them.

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Every time someone punches someone there is a chance that it could cause brain damage or eye damage or nose broken. Does that mean that everyone who punches someone should be banned from working in their respective jobs for life? If so 4/5th of the country would be out of jobs.



So 80% of the country routinely assaults one another at their place of employment? Where do you work? :P


Look, the bottom line is, these guys play a violent sport where emotions run high. Perhaps a lifetime ban is a bit over the top. But if he does it again....sorry. At least, the guy should be suspended for the season, and forced to go to anger management counciling.

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I'd have run him for half a season - but actually playing in Tennessee is probably more punishment.



There are 12 games left...He was ejected from the last one, and suspended from 5, so that is roughly half of his remaining season.


I think it's a very fair punishment. The longest in the NFL prior to this incident was two games, when that lunatic (can't remember his name) said before the game he was going to injure Jim McMahon, and then did everything in his power to do it.


It's the new commish's first disciplinary action, and I think he did well. Not leniant, but not on a power trip, either.

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The suspension is the longest for on-field behavior in NFL history.  It was well deserved and fair and more legal issues may be added on top of the league decision.  No matter what else comes of this, this should be his last chance. 


It has been reported that Haynesworth had a history of violent behavior while at UT and has had confrontations with his own teammates in Nashville.  As a UT sophomore he had a fight with an offensive lineman  at practice where, after being sent off the field to the locker room, he  tried to return to the field and confront his teammate armed with a long pole.  He was stopped by Phil Fulmer and received a suspension.  It has also been reported that he has been involved in another kicking attack on a former Titans teammate in practice and, more recently, he was involved in a road rage incident in which charges where eventually dismissed.


I think, while he has apologized, been self-critical and has accepted the suspension without any dispute, this guy "has issues" and he needs to get them under control.  At 6'6" and 320 lbs. he is a danger to others with that temper and lack of self control.



Wow ! I didn't know the full history. This guy should have got a season suspension and anger management therapy. And only allowed back upon the therapist assuring succesful therapy. The victim got about 30 stiches in his face. Scars at best at worst his eye could have been damaged. The commish should have came down super hard on Haynesworth.

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It has been reported that Haynesworth had a history of violent behavior while at UT and has had confrontations with his own teammates in Nashville.  As a UT sophomore he had a fight with an offensive lineman  at practice where, after being sent off the field to the locker room, he  tried to return to the field and confront his teammate armed with a long pole.  He was stopped by Phil Fulmer and received a suspension.  It has also been reported that he has been involved in another kicking attack on a former Titans teammate in practice and, more recently, he was involved in a road rage incident in which charges where eventually dismissed.






Any team who signs a player with known bad history deserve everything they get. TEams like Miami, sign all the felons. Philly signed TO and then were upset when he did his usual. Fine the owner too

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The NFL players association will never let the Dallas play file criminal charges.....



Maybe, maybe not...


"The 6-foot-6, 320-pound Haynesworth stomped on Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode's head Sunday, knocking off his helmet, then kicked and stomped his face. Gurode needed 30 stitches to repair the cuts left by the tackle's cleats, and plans to talk with his family about whether to press charges, his agent told Nashville police Monday."




"Before the suspension was announced, Gurode wasn't in the Dallas locker room. Cowboys coach Bill Parcells said the center lifted weights and could practice Wednesday. Before the suspension came down, linebacker Greg Ellis, the players' union representative, said he had talked with Gurode and thinks it is worth pressing charges if things don't get properly resolved with the league."




"During 2003 Titans training camp, Haynesworth kicked center Justin Hartwig, now with Carolina. Charges for a road rage incident earlier this year were dismissed.


But the stomping has brought nearly unanimous condemnation, the unprecedented suspension and possibly criminal charges and a civil lawsuit.


Nashville police and the district attorney contacted the Cowboys' general counsel Monday, offering their assistance to Gurode in prosecuting Haynesworth."


That offer of assistance. There have been several incidents in pro sports in the last few years that brought the spectre of criminal charges by authorities.


Actions like Haynesworth's have the potential of strong repercussions...are pro contact sports play to be actionable assaults? You can't tackle and smack down to the ground, a citizen outside a stadium or arena. I don't think the NFL et al wants that...it's the end of it all, then. Haynsworth needs to be hammered hard lest whispers become a crescendo...the people who spent their school years running to the teacher shouting "I'M telling!!!" already run much of the nation, and would love to have a new cause celeb...



Edited by stuckincincy
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How can we talk about this like it was a mistake? It's not a screw up, it's not a momentary lapse in judgement, it was a barbaric attack on another player that did serious and potentially disfiguring damage and could have been a lot worse! It's not as though he didn't see a car's brakelights in front of him and got in a fender bender, or gave him a shove and he landed badly. It was an assault. Ask Bertuzzi or Marty McSorley about a five-game suspension.

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Any team who signs a player with known bad history deserve everything they get.  TEams like Miami, sign all the felons. Philly signed TO and then were upset when he did his usual. Fine the owner too



Well the guy getting stomped didn't sign him. Does he deserve what he got?


A suspention for the remainder of the year would have been best.

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Charges for a road rage incident earlier this year were dismissed.

A female driver made the charge against him. He insisted that he was the victim. Apparently our judicial system found reasonable doubt. :P How fugged up is that with his priors?

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I had only read about the play and figured it was Haynesworth trying to squash Gurode's head. After seeing the clip, I don't thikn Haynesworth tried to "step on" his head, and he didn't. He scraped his cleat on Gurode's head which is still a despicable act, but nowhere NEAR trying to "stomp on" Gurode's head.


I think the 5 games without pay, plus whatever Fisher does to him, is punishment enough.

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I think suspending him the rest of the year would have done it. Lifetime ban? I don't know about all that.


I do know though that the picketing to get our very own Brad Butler banned for life for diving at the back of Kiwi's injured knee surprisingly died off when we made him our 5th round pick....nothing like a little consistency here. <_<

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He should be banned from the NFL. Period. Five games is bullschitt.




TY....bout time someone in the same line of thinking with me....



Hanyesworth equals kitty and a lifetime BAN should have been made here......



Hanyesworth was bout two inches away from blinding the dude....!@#$ him

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Peter King said he would get off with a 25K fine only.  Your source must be wrong. <_<



Kyle Turley got $25k for throwing (pretty funny throw attempt actually) an opposing players helmet after he faced masked Brooks (I think). Haslett thought about cutting Turley for that incident...Jets v Saints about 5 or so years ago. Add for inflation and the fact that there was stomping- no way just $25k...

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Anybody remember how much the League fined Jim Haslett for stomping on Terry Bradshaw's helmet-less bald pate at Rich Stadium? I remember him getting thrown out of the game immediately, but I just don't remember how many games he was suspended for. Hmmmmm.

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