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Gas Prices


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Lessee, I was 17 and was paying 30 cents a gallon for gas - but that was when Nixon was still Prez. I was working part-time as a dishwasher (I was a junior in high school). The minimum wage was $1.65  :doh:


By the mid-70's minimum wage was $2.10,  but I do not remember the price of gas - just under 50 cents a gallon is probably close.


A min wage hour's labor ($1.65 pretax) in 1970 bought 5.5 gallons of gas.


A min wage hour's labor now ($6.75 pretax) with gas at $2.73 today would buy about 2.5 gallons of gas.


The gas crunch actually started and grew through the Nixon > Ford > Carter years.


p.s. Bust my chops anytime.  :P



Just goes to show you that min wage hasn't kept pace... Time to raise it!



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And who was president then?


Well, let's see, the reason I remember it being around them was that premium was getting into the $1.40 range. So I had to decide whether to drive my car which used premium or the truck that used regular, since gas priceere going up, a whole 6 months before 9/11, and about 3 months after GW came into office.

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Well, let's see, the reason I remember it being around them was that premium was getting into the $1.40 range. So I had to decide whether to drive my car which used premium or the truck that used regular, since gas priceere going up, a whole 6 months before 9/11, and about 3 months after GW came into office.


So which was it 1.15 or 1.40?

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Which one?  They just seem to come out of the woodwork.



Well, since history started January 21, 2001, it has to be W. Either that, or the Karl Rove and the evil Republicans warped time so that W could escape blame during the mid-term elections.

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The evil Republicans are just lining the pockets of their evil Big Oil buddies. On top of that, they are stealing the money of hard-working people who contributed to their campaigns in order to pimp themselves out for votes because they are scared that the Democratic wave is upon us and is sweeping the nation. A new CNN poll says that 150% of Americans hate the Republicans and will be voting for the Democrats in the upcoming election.


But now the evil Big Oil companies are helping the evil Republicans by lowering gas prices! Or, at least, that's what CNN thinks.



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2.23 yesterday.  Keep it up you evil republicans.



Maybe, the Democrats can get the prices raised so they can tell the poor how the evil Republicans are trying to make things worse for them.

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Like I said... Everybody start driving Fits... :blush::blink:


That way gas will go down because everybody is conserving... Supply up and demand down...


And I can drive my gas guzzling... Roomy hogs!


See everybody wins... Many consumers react in the market... The few ride it out and pick up the pieces...


In America, the defector is king!


This is great!!!



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