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So it appears that kerry cheated

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So it appears that kerry clearly pulled something out of his pocket and unfolded it at the podium on Thursday night. Considering that niether of the candiates were allowed such props (even the pens, pencils or blank paper had to be given to the event staff to be placed at the podium) do you consider this to be cheating?


I know it seems like a small thingy, but after all this is the very same guy who accuses GWB of doing dishonest things on a daily basis. So much for morals huh. Or is this really just another case of a liberal elite thinking that the stupid little rules are really not important to him because after all he means well.


Oh well, lets see what the libs have to say about this.......wonder how they can defend such a classless move?

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So it appears that kerry clearly pulled something out of his pocket and unfolded it at the podium on Thursday night. Considering that niether of the candiates were allowed such props (even the pens, pencils or blank paper had to be given to the event staff to be placed at the podium) do you consider this to be cheating?


I know it seems like a small thingy, but after all this is the very same guy who accuses GWB of doing dishonest things on a daily basis. So much for morals huh. Or is this really just another case of a liberal elite thinking that the stupid little rules are really not important to him because after all he means well.


Oh well, lets see what the libs have to say about this.......wonder how they can defend such a classless move?



Technically it's probably cheating...but the "debate" format was such a load of stevestojan that I don't really care all that much...

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Simply unbelievable that Kerry the master debater needed a cheat sheet to get through. Even more unbelievable that despite the cheat sheet he still was factually wrong on so many things.


Like you, Rich, I can't wait to hear the excuses, denials, and "no big deals". I have gone from a casual dislike for Kerry to a deep disgust with him.

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Simply unbelievable that Kerry the master debater needed a cheat sheet to get through.  Even more unbelievable that despite the cheat sheet he still was factually wrong on so many things.


Like you, Rich, I can't wait to hear the excuses, denials, and "no big deals".  I have gone from a casual dislike for Kerry to a deep disgust with him.



Factually wrong? Big f'in deal. Politics and campaigning isn't about being factually right, it's about being perceptually right. And Kerry will be perceived as right because...well, frankly, the horse-faced freak sounds less like he failed third grade than his competitor does.


You want fact-based politics and campaigning? You're in the wrong country...

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Factually wrong?  Big f'in deal.  Politics and campaigning isn't about being factually right, it's about being perceptually right.  And Kerry will be perceived as right because...well, frankly, the horse-faced freak sounds less like he failed third grade than his competitor does. 


You want fact-based politics and campaigning?  You're in the wrong country...



That is funny.


The troubling thing is that Bush will win the election because he sounds more like he FAILED third grade.


People kinda like that... :)

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The troubling thing is that Bush will win the election because he sounds more like he FAILED third grade.


People kinda like that...  :angry:



Modern America. We put our leaders on pedastals, just to knock them down. Being smarter than the President makes most people feel better about themselves. Or, to quote the late Stevie Ray Vaughn (post-detox, apparently), "We mock the kings and worship the court jesters."



Personally...even though I prefer one candidate over the other at this point, it's a matter of degree. Like preferring being hit by a bus to a good old-fashioned keelhauling. Some people would choose the keelhauling...I don't begrudge them that. But I'll take the bus, thank you...


Australia's looking more and more attractive every day... :)

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Modern America.  We put our leaders on pedastals, just to knock them down.  Being smarter than the President makes most people feel better about themselves.  Or, to quote the late Stevie Ray Vaughn (post-detox, apparently), "We mock the kings and worship the court jesters."

Personally...even though I prefer one candidate over the other at this point, it's a matter of degree.  Like preferring being hit by a bus to a good old-fashioned keelhauling.  Some people would choose the keelhauling...I don't begrudge them that.  But I'll take the bus, thank you...


Australia's looking more and more attractive every day...  :)


I don't understand how some people don't understand the lesser of two evils argument in this election.


And talk about deception, what is your opinion about the tubes revelations that came out today. Pretty fascinating stuff.


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I don't understand how some people don't understand the lesser of two evils argument in this election.


And talk about deception, what is your opinion about the tubes revelations that came out today. Pretty fascinating stuff.




I understand. We just disagree on who the lesser of two evils actually is. :)


Actually, very little of that is news to me. As I said years ago, the path from aluminum tubes to nuclear program is based on a hell of a lot of speculation, and a nuclear program itself is a huge industrial undertaking that's pretty damned hard to hide (not like chem, which is a "hide in plain sight" technology, or bio, which can legitimately be a "hide in the basement" technology.) I never once thought the administration's Iraqi nuclear allegations were anything more than smoke and mirrors. So far, what I've read from the article (I'm not all the way through it yet), sounds mostly like "business as usual" turf-war type stuff that's been common in the intel business for decades. Doesn't sound much different, in fact, than some of the cryptographic rooster-ups in the months before Pearl Harbor (group A says this, group B says this, policy makers believe what they want to believe. Hell, find me a point in history where that DOESN'T happen: Iraq-Kuwait, Yom Kippur War, Vietnam...) Frankly, all it amounts to is that you don't like the preconceived notions the administration used to interpret the data...which is fine and dandy, really. I just don't accept the concept of blaming the individual of the moment for long-term systemic issues beyond their control. Ain't Bledsoe's fault the line can't block and Henry's too dumb to pick up a blitz. :angry:

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So it appears that kerry clearly pulled something out of his pocket and unfolded it at the podium on Thursday night. Considering that niether of the candiates were allowed such props (even the pens, pencils or blank paper had to be given to the event staff to be placed at the podium) do you consider this to be cheating?


I know it seems like a small thingy, but after all this is the very same guy who accuses GWB of doing dishonest things on a daily basis. So much for morals huh. Or is this really just another case of a liberal elite thinking that the stupid little rules are really not important to him because after all he means well.


Oh well, lets see what the libs have to say about this.......wonder how they can defend such a classless move?



What's your source on this?

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The debates are so scripted its really hard to watch. 293 million people in the united states and this is the best we can do? No wonder why so many young adults don't bother to vote. Personally I'd love to see a Colin Powell or another military type run for office.

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So it appears that kerry clearly pulled something out of his pocket and unfolded it at the podium on Thursday night. Considering that niether of the candiates were allowed such props (even the pens, pencils or blank paper had to be given to the event staff to be placed at the podium) do you consider this to be cheating?


I know it seems like a small thingy, but after all this is the very same guy who accuses GWB of doing dishonest things on a daily basis. So much for morals huh. Or is this really just another case of a liberal elite thinking that the stupid little rules are really not important to him because after all he means well.


Oh well, lets see what the libs have to say about this.......wonder how they can defend such a classless move?



I'm surprised anyone caught that richio...I was too busy watching GWB grimace and fidget and wet his pants!~

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I'm surprised anyone caught that richio...I was too busy watching GWB grimace and fidget and wet his pants!~




Of course tenny I understand that you were fixated on the leader of the free world. But could you please comment on what you think about your saviors need to cheat? I mean why is it that you elites find it so difficult to simply follow the rules.


Or is it that johnny was afraid he would lose track of which lie he was working? I have no doubt that the cheat sheet that lurch too out of his pocket was a guide to his multiplex position on iraq and foreign policy. Kind of like a maze with the beginning and end well defined, but the middle filled with twists, turns, and deadends.

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I can't believe how the refs hosed GW!!!


I wonder if he'll get an apology from the commission? :lol:



Yeah, that personal foul call for roughing the challenger was stevestojan, I tell you! And that dumbass Karl Rove should have challenged some of thos fumbles...




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Of course tenny I understand that you were fixated on the leader of the free world. But could you please comment on what you think about your saviors need to cheat? I mean why is it that you elites find it so difficult to simply follow the rules.


Or is it that johnny was afraid he would lose track of which lie he was working? I have no doubt that the cheat sheet that lurch too out of his pocket was a guide to his multiplex position on iraq and foreign policy. Kind of like a maze with the beginning and end well defined, but the middle filled with twists, turns, and deadends.



Richio...after that pathetic performance by GWB I think you are the only person in the free world who thinks Kerry "needed" to cheat to win that debate. Bushies handlers made a 32 page list of demands that nobody followed (the hilarious reaction shots for instance.). Hell...GWB got into the white house by cheating, why on earth should I be made if Kerry glanced at notes (presuming for the sake of argument that he did?)

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Kerry pulled out a black pen


According to the New York Post and the Fox News Channel feed, Kerry pulled out a black pen.


This is ridiculous and just another attempt to change the subject.


GWB was horrible in the debate. As Howard Fineman said, he had 30 minutes of material for a 90 minute debate. Moreover, because his people have insulated him from any tough questions, he seemed particularly bothered by having to answer questions and listen to someone say something contrary to his positions.


It was GWB's debate to lose. He could have put Kerry out of his misery with that debate. Instead, he did his best impression of Al Gore and allowed Kerry to get back in the game.

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A black pen? No wonder Richio has his little girl panties all bunched up!!! My goodness that explains why GWB was thrown for a loss by even the simplest question...why he grimaced like a constipated chimpanzee...why he stuttered and stammered for ninety long minutes. Who wouldn't have reacted that way to a black pen!!! :lol:

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I don't understand how some people don't understand the lesser of two evils argument in this election.


And talk about deception, what is your opinion about the tubes revelations that came out today. Pretty fascinating stuff.




Your bloody facts are not welcome here and you know it. Move on buddy, move on. Don't you know that the real issues in this campaing are whether Kerry has had botox surgery or claimed that he was Irish on St. Patrick's Day?

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