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Favorite Depressing Movie

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1993's "The Piano" with Keitel and a young Paquin was pretty dismal...



As in dismally bad IMO. I had to watch it six times in the space of a month for a freshman writing seminar. "This is not my speaking voice, it's my mind's voice!"

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Oh, how could I forget..."Affliction" with Nick Nolte, James Coburn, and Sissy Spacek. The acting was stellar, and the script was really great too...a portrait of a guy going insane. Some of it cut very close to the bone, for me. I think Coburn was at least nominated, if he didn't win, an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor...if you ever had a brother or father you didn't really get along with, this one is for you...hate to say it, but I have both! :angry:

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Oh, how could I forget..."Affliction" with Nick Nolte, James Coburn, and Sissy Spacek.  The acting was stellar, and the script was really great too...a portrait of a guy going insane.  Some of it cut very close to the bone, for me.  I think Coburn was at least nominated, if he didn't win, an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor...if you ever had a brother or father you didn't really get along with, this one is for you...hate to say it, but I have both! :angry:


Yeah, he won the Oscar for it. Affliction was made from a Russell Banks novel, who also wrote The Sweet Hereafter, which is an incredible film but just as if not more depressing than Affliction. Another one of his books is being made now by Chris Noonan, who did the movie Babe, which was made for 30 million and made 240 million in box office alone in 1995, and then hasn't made another movie for 11 years.

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A very good friend of mine wrote the screenplay for "8MM", as well as "Se7en"...if you are serious about "8MM", be aware that his original script was much better than what came out. I feel honored in that the name of the character that James Gandolfini plays in the original script, was mine! Everyone here probably knows I am a "Sopranos" fanatic....I didn't even know who Gandolfini was at the time...to think, he was cast to play me! :lol:

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Oh, how could I forget..."Affliction" with Nick Nolte, James Coburn, and Sissy Spacek.  The acting was stellar, and the script was really great too...a portrait of a guy going insane.  Some of it cut very close to the bone, for me.  I think Coburn was at least nominated, if he didn't win, an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor...if you ever had a brother or father you didn't really get along with, this one is for you...hate to say it, but I have both! :angry:



That was a depressing movie, and bizarre too. Like when Nolte pulls out his infected tooth with a pair of pliers.


"don't sass me, woman!"

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Thought it was a very well done movie but pretty much depressing all the way through. Sad charachters. Very well acted.


Forgot about that one....wow, that movie bummed me out big time. It just left me with this empty, hopeless feeling. You're right, though, it was very well done.

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The Weatherman. I'm a Nicholas Cage fan but he made a mistake with this flick .This movie was not only mind-numbingly depressing it also sucked out loud. Avoid The Weatherman...



I think I'm in the minority, but I loved that movie. I thought some of the lines were great!


"In this sh-- life, you have to chuck some things."


Dave Spritz: Why are you here, anyway?

Robert Spritz: I came to talk to Noreen about an issue concerning Shelly.

Dave Spritz: Well, you can talk to me. I'm her parent, too. So? What?

Robert Spritz: Shelly dresses in clothing not appropriate for her...clinging stuff.

Dave Spritz: All kids wear...Dad, it's a different generation.

Robert Spritz: They call her camel toe.

Dave Spritz: What?

Robert Spritz: Are you aware of that?

Dave Spritz: What?

Robert Spritz: That her colleagues call her camel toe.

Dave Spritz: What are you talking about?

Robert Spritz: It means the crease in her vagina that they can discern through her clothing.

Dave Spritz: What?!

Robert Spritz: Camel toe.

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For more recent, mainstream movies that are watchable more than once,

Se7en(thanks Mark, spelled it wrong) and Million Dollar Baby are both pretty good and depressing.


Leaving Las Vegas was pretty good and depressing, but I don't think I'd ever want to see it again.




Good choices.

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A very good friend of mine wrote the screenplay for "8MM", as well as "Se7en"...if you are serious about "8MM", be aware that his original script was much better than what came out.  I feel honored in that the name of the character that James Gandolfini plays in the original script, was mine!  Everyone here probably knows I am a "Sopranos" fanatic....I didn't even know who Gandolfini was at the time...to think, he was cast to play me!  :lol:



8MM was a very good flick.


Not one for the kids though :lol:

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I found 8mm to be highly unenjoyable when I saw it. Very boring I thought at the time. Maybe I need to see it again.




It had a good "creepy" ambiance to it, but the ending was terrible...

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