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Anybody notice Seattle's punter sucked?

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That punter had many chances to pin the Steelers deep into their end of the field, but hit the end zone every time.  You gotta get at least a coupla kicks inside the 20!!


He had "too good" of a leg. Rouen could not angle his punts and kept giving Pittsburgh the ball at the 20.

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I was too busy watching the general level of suckitude on both sides of the ball to single any one player out.


That looked like a third-week-of-the-regular-season-game-between-two-mediocre-teams if i ever saw one.

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I said that towards the end of the game - it was absolutely pathetic. One of my pet peeves actually - how a professional punter can't learn to kick the f'ing coffin corner....

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I was too busy watching the general level of suckitude on both sides of the ball to single any one player out.


That looked like a third-week-of-the-regular-season-game-between-two-mediocre-teams if i ever saw one.



Welcome to parity in the NFL.

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That punter had many chances to pin the Steelers deep into their end of the field, but hit the end zone every time.  You gotta get at least a coupla kicks inside the 20!!



Yes, he was kicking the ball to hard w/o much of an angle. But you also gotta wonder why they were going for 50+ FG's too giving Pitt excellent field position the entire game.

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Yes, he was kicking the ball to hard w/o much of an angle.  But you also gotta wonder why they were going for 50+ FG's too giving Pitt excellent field position the entire game.




The refs made them do it. It was fixed. Protest!!!!!



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The refs made them do it.  It was fixed.  Protest!!!!! 




Everybody sucked in that game. The Seahawks, the Steelers, and the Zebras. The Steelers were just slightly less sucky than the other two.


Or at least that's how I saw it.

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To Seattle:

Brian Moorman


To Buffalo:

Walter Jones, #31 pick







To Seattle: Anthony Rocca :D


To Collingwood: Walter Jones :D


To Buffalo: Walter Jones...Collingwood didn't know what to do with him :D


Collingwood is an Australian Football League team.

Anthony Rocca has a leg equal to Ben Graham (but younger), now punting for the Jests.


yeah, the punting sucked...most of us watching in Oz were in Disbelif at how poor it was.

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Everybody sucked in that game.  The Seahawks, the Steelers, and the Zebras.  The Steelers were just slightly less sucky than the other two.


Or at least that's how I saw it.




If that's how you saw it, we agree!

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