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Your incredible insight into everything continues to amaze! :devil:





Farg off, you limp-wristed, linguini-spined liberal!


All I'm saying is that if and when the Dems retake majority status, you'd better believe the Repubs will be gunning for their members of congress, especially considering the DA

in this case is a Democrat.

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I hate when bad things happen to people like this...


I just love Delays comment that this is a politically motivated DA leading a grand jury ....... Just glad to see what goes around comes around. Amazing how the right wants to deflect this all by bringing up sins/or alledged sins of left versus the fact that they are just as guilty of these same sins/crimes/misallocations etc.

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Grand Jury Indictment, Witch Hunt, same thing.  :devil:


Granted it isn't as rock solid as impeaching a President for lying about a blow job but I guess we will just have to endure this Grand Jury madness for awhile.


I just love american politics a Presindent gets impeached for lying about a blow job and another sits happy in the white house about lying about Iraq Hmmmm must have been a bunch of jealous folks wishing they had been the ones receiving a blow job!

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I just love american politics a Presindent gets impeached for lying about a blow job and another sits happy in the white house about lying about Iraq   Hmmmm must have been a bunch of jealous folks wishing they had been the ones receiving a blow job!



I just completed a series of experiments that lasted about three months. Early on I had some very promising data that suggested a certain compound significantly enhanced the efficacy of a vaccine. I reported as such to my co-workers and supervisor the apparent breakthrough while continuing to design experiments that would confirm my initial observations. In the end however, the data told me that the compound was not as promising as the early data had suggested. I guess I lied. :devil:

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And since when is this 'payback'? I somehow doubt an entire grand jury is comprised of Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Democrats. They indicted him b/c they've seen enough evidence of possible wrong-doing to warrant a trial.




Dude, you're preaching to the choir. "Payback" was meant figuratively, as in "I'd better not trash the Saints this week, cause payback's a B word."

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I just completed a series of experiments that lasted about three months.  Early on I had some very promising data that suggested a certain compound significantly enhanced the efficacy of a vaccine.  I reported as such to my co-workers and supervisor the apparent breakthrough while continuing to design experiments that would confirm my initial observations.  In the end however, the data told me that the compound was not as promising as the early data had suggested.  I guess I lied.  <_<


Did you give a speech to your co-workers stating emphatically that something happened after it was pointed out to you that in fact, it didn't happen? Was this a Nigerian vaccine by any chance?


Perhaps you told them not simply that your data was "promising" but instead that there was "no doubt" the Cheney vaccine would succeed?

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David Dreier to replace him.





David Dreier?? I mean he represents the San Gabriel Valley for God's sake. He is double talking piece of crap windbag. As a matter of fact a local radio progam out here in LA had a "Fire Dreier" campaign that almost got him removed. He's gone next election......trust me.

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Farg off, you limp-wristed, linguini-spined liberal!


All I'm saying is that if and when the Dems retake majority status, you'd better believe the Repubs will be gunning for their members of congress, especially considering the DA 

in this case is a Democrat.


Like they wouldn't have been otherwise. Does the name Kenneth Starr ring a bell?

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Like they wouldn't have been otherwise.  Does the name Kenneth Starr ring a bell?



Appointed by Janet Reno, who was...a Democrat? <_<


The whole Kenneth Starr-Whitewater investigation should be declared off-limits for any rational conversation, as far as I'm concerned, as rationality didn't even remotely enter into it. So I guess it's perfect for this board. :P

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Don' like the truth?



I would have more faith in the article if it was written by someone without an agenda. The article states that the writer is the author of the new book The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President — and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.


Doesn't sound like someone non-partisan. B-)

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I would have more faith in the article if it was written by someone without an agenda.  The article states that the writer is the author of the new book The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President — and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.


Doesn't sound like someone non-partisan.  B-)


Sound's like the truth to me. :doh:



Show me stuff that shows what he said about Earle is not true.

He's the a-hole that tried to try Kay Bailey- Hutchinson (the first Republican in a long time in Texas) for assault right after she got elected to the Senate. The case was thrown out the second she said to go ahead and try to convict me. He has a history of indicting political enemies of his (of both parties).

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Delay has to be one of the slimiest politians of all time.  I just wish that the indictment was for something more serious.  $150,000?  He probably steals more than that on a bad day.    B-)



Earle has tried for something more serious. I understand that this is the sixth grand jury. The previous five would not indict DeLay. The hatchet job is not going very well and this was the best that Earle could do.

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Appointed by Janet Reno, who was...a Democrat?  :w00t:


The whole Kenneth Starr-Whitewater investigation should be declared off-limits for any rational conversation, as far as I'm concerned, as rationality didn't even remotely enter into it.  So I guess it's perfect for this board.  :lol:


Well the point I was trying to make was that whether or not Tom Delay was indicted has zero to do with whether or not Republicans will go after democrats. The "gotcha" game didn't start with the indictment of little Mr. Delay.

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