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Most innaccurate passer in the ENTIRE league


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Exactly. Last 15 years. I've been a Bills fan since the 70s.


And I don't know HALF of what Lori does.



"ALL aboard, the flight on the Lori jock express is about to begin, please buckle up and enjoy the ride"

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Or maybe it's just because he doesn't know to STFU when 100 people tell him to STFU. If it were me, I think I'd take the hint after number 60 or so.



I'd take the over if the number were sixty, but yes the under if it were 100, Joe. :)


BTW, the first quote in your sig is from 2004.


I didn't even get into all the posts acknowledging that JP would make rookie mistakes when he first started and how people needed to be patient....

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Anyone care to venture B.Harami98 new home will be on the range, where the deer and the anteldopes post, by the end of today?



I'm claiming the 3-4 p.m. hour in the betting pool.


But that's only b/c the Communist Mods are busy eating donuts and oogling hot ladies in the OT Forum. :)

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But this shows how schizo and unrealistic you are.  Either they're the best or the worst.  They were going to lead us to the Super Bowl and now he's the "most innaccurate passer in the ENTIRE league"...after two games.  That's just flat out stupid.


Notice I'm not calling you stupid, or a moron (that would be wrong).  I'm saying that taking those extreme positions after a very few games is stupid.  And then saying you know more aboout the Bills than anyone here (after making shuch stupid statements) is moronic.


Now, there are those who believe we are defined by what we say and what we do.  So, some would label you a stupid moron if they noticed you regularly made stupid and moronic remarks...but, not me because that would be wrong.


That's my last post in this thread, because to continue to contribute to a thread defined by stiupid and moronic would be...well, I think you can fill in the rest... :)

























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Now don't tell me you are so stupid as to call JP a bust after two NFL games, are you? Please tell me you aren't that dumb.


At first we tried to blame his lack of accuracy on rushed throws or bad foot work but it is becomming painfully clear that the guy isn't accurate at all. He must have the worst arm, not as far as strength is concerned, in the league. If I were a fan or a coach from another team I wouldn't have any fear of JP at all. He sucks. There I said it. So what? I've been in denial for too long. Will he suck forever? I don't know.


Yeah I know he is only a first year starter and that it's only two games into the season BUT he wasn't accurate in training camp, he wasn't accurate in the preseason and, except for the first half in game one, he isn't very accurate in the regular season either. Out of all of the things you have to work on with a young QB (reading defenses, going through his progressions, etc etc), throwing the ball shouldn't have to be one of them. JP is garbage. Worse even than RJ.


Don't give me none of that BS about a bad game plan either. Dallas won 3 out of 4 Super Bowls running out of a power I offense. It wasn't very complicated. They had a great O-Line and Buffalo doesn't. This is where my gripe with TD comes into play. The guy didn't even try to upgrade the Bills roster this offseason. No restructures, no pay cuts, nothing. He is content only with one thing, the bottom line. Money!


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There's this new thing out called "change". Maybe you've heard of it. I changed my mind. JPL can't lead a bunch of virgins to P***y at a strip club.



In a week? You'd make the weather-vane proud...



And, BTW, so far you are 0 for 2 in this year's prediction, though to give you credit you have the record right...so far...


And you've been noting how inaccurate he's been all through the pre-season? Hmmmmmmm.....

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