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Most innaccurate passer in the ENTIRE league


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It's an accurate thing to say.  Did you see how TB was jumping all over the receivers' routes Sunday?  That's due in large part to Losman staring at the receiver he's throwing to. 


That's not necessarily a slam against him, any more than it is a slam against any other young QB in the league.  They all do it, they all have to have it beaten out of them, some outgrow it and some don't.  But until he does, Losman is going to throw picks.  That he hasn't yet is largely because the Tampa defensive backfield apparently washed their hands Sunday morning and couldn't do a thing with them...



I wasn't referring to Sundays' game.

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There's this new thing out called "change". Maybe you've heard of it. I changed my mind. JPL can't lead a bunch of virgins to P***y at a strip club.



But this shows how schizo and unrealistic you are. Either they're the best or the worst. They were going to lead us to the Super Bowl and now he's the "most innaccurate passer in the ENTIRE league"...after two games. That's just flat out stupid.


Notice I'm not calling you stupid, or a moron (that would be wrong). I'm saying that taking those extreme positions after a very few games is stupid. And then saying you know more aboout the Bills than anyone here (after making shuch stupid statements) is moronic.


Now, there are those who believe we are defined by what we say and what we do. So, some would label you a stupid moron if they noticed you regularly made stupid and moronic remarks...but, not me because that would be wrong.


That's my last post in this thread, because to continue to contribute to a thread defined by stiupid and moronic would be...well, I think you can fill in the rest... :)

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Fantastic catch ! That should end this thread.



You've got a lot to learn about the Crash and Burn threads. But I do commend you if you've never partaken. It's usually a frenzy of posts before the mark finally gets po'ed enough when their stupidity is pointed out and said mark goes into ~~~MELTDOWN~~~ saying something that I'm not able to publish here without a lot of %$#^'s in those words' place. Either that or everyone puts them on Ignore and they take their schitzo freak show elsewhere.

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:)  :lol:  :lol:


I'll bet you a friggin' Porsche that's not true...


Lori?  Want to win a new car?  :lol:



who is this Lori and why are you riding her jock? Be a man, guy. Speak for yourself.

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You better believe I do. I nailed their record last year right down to the last game. And I'll do it again. I know what these guys are capable of.



So little time, so many mirrors yet to admire yourself in, eh? :)


Lighten up, bub. There are a zillion variables in most any team sport. An inch here or there can mean victory or defeat...

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So we went from discussing football to name calling. You just had to go to name calling. That tells me I win the discussion. Thank you.



Look, you were not countering the posts with any logic or hard evidence. So the only way to humor you and keep this post going was to try and shut you up with name calling. Guess that is not working either. You just keep coming back for more punishment.

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So little time, so many mirrors yet to admire yourself in, eh? :)


An inch here or there can mean victory or defeat...



EXACTLY! And JP is throwing that ball inches and inches and inches away from his intended receiver.

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