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The best part of Bush's speech last night

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I especially liked the part where he offered his solution.  <_<


Solution to what? Terrorism? The Iraq war? I bet the first thing on your mind after 9/11 was that the best way to fight Terrorism is to invade Iraq, create a hotbed of activity for the terrorists there while alienating a good portion of the world that supported us in Afghanistan right?

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The part that kills me is that he thinks we're buying that spin about "We're fighting the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here".  Sure Al Queda has guys in Iraq because they see an opportunity to kill some of our people and try to demoralize us. But Bush wants us to believe that's stopping them from planning and attacking us here. What a laugh. Ya, like the terrorists decided to stop planning attacks on our homeland just because we have troops in Iraq. Like they made some kind of promise not to come here and attack us as long as we are in Iraq. The sad thing is some fools actually believe that. I think that is excuse # 29 why we invaded Iraq. I don't know, I lost count.



Say there Buckey I beg to disagree. I'm going to try and be civil here even though my daughter's boyfriend is a Navy Seal and 8 of them went down in a helicopter in Afghanistan today. I'm going to resist calling you a Phukin ingrateful piss ant and wishing that I could rip your Phukin head off right now.


My guess Buckey is that you have not served in the military and you probably haven't done anything in the way of public service (Peace Corps etc) for your fellow man. But you can let fly with the anti-administration rhetoric because you are from a political party not currently in power.


Is it possible that you believe that people who; bomb food markets killing women and children, bomb playgrounds killing mostly children, kill countless men and women who want to serve their country in the police force, sever the heads of their hostages and continue to destroy oil lines, bridges, power grids that might bring the Iraqis out of the stone age are people we should leave alone? Shall we let them take over and create a regime that will be similar to Saddam's that was responsible for killing 600,000 to 1,000,000 people over the last thirty years.


Buckey, we have people dying defending the rights of others to be free. Most of them believe in what they are doing and see progress every day. You have the right to express your thoughts because of them. Your opinion, of course, offers no solution. People like you never do.

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Your opinion, of course, offers no solution.  People like you never do.


Unfortunately when you say "people like you" it implies that there is someone with a solution. I have yet to meet such a person.

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The part that kills me is that he thinks we're buying that spin about "We're fighting the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here".  Sure Al Queda has guys in Iraq because they see an opportunity to kill some of our people and try to demoralize us. But Bush wants us to believe that's stopping them from planning and attacking us here. What a laugh. Ya, like the terrorists decided to stop planning attacks on our homeland just because we have troops in Iraq. Like they made some kind of promise not to come here and attack us as long as we are in Iraq. The sad thing is some fools actually believe that. I think that is excuse # 29 why we invaded Iraq. I don't know, I lost count.



Post Cold War terrorism must be measured by the terrorists. They must not over reach.The only reason, imho, that the US has not been attacked is that the terrorists need to be mindful that they continue to be perceived as incapable of sustained attack. Allow the US populace to continue to believe that only every few years- from 238 Marines in Beirut, to the World Trade Center- can an attack be mounted so we can maintain our comfortable self-protection attitude.


150,000 American troops as sitting ducks is a terrorists dream and it will also be their undoing and it will also be the undoing of the Democratic party as we know it because like it or not this is a struggle with an enemy that demands and deserves unconditional surrender. So the remarks of Kennedy and Kerry and Harkin and Pelosi that urge retreat are not possible to implement and we will shortly and tragically see why......

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Unfortunately when you say "people like you" it implies that there is someone with a solution. I have yet to meet such a person.



Here's the solution.


A dirty floor doesn't get clean if you stop mopping before you have cleaned it all.


The ramifications throughout the Middle East in bringing democracy to oppressed countries have already become evident. This is a very big picture we're looking at here, stand back and see the forest.

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Im confused (shocker) abou Harry Reid's comments on last night:


"The president's numerous references to September 11 did not provide a way forward in Iraq," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said. "They only served to remind the American people that our most dangerous enemy, namely Osama bin Laden, is still on the loose and al Qaeda remains capable of doing this nation great harm nearly four years after it attacked America."


Bush's speech talked of the ENTIRE GWOT, not just Iraq. So the latter part of the above is worthy of critiscism how?


Im thinking Reid is realllllly reaching here.

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Solution to what?  Terrorism?  The Iraq war?  I bet the first thing on your mind after 9/11 was that the best way to fight Terrorism is to invade Iraq, create a hotbed of activity for the terrorists there while alienating a good portion of the world that supported us in Afghanistan right?


Yeah, because Iraq wasn't already a hotbed of activity for terrorists. Abu Nidal wasn't there. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wasn't there. Ramzi Yousef didn't travel to America on an Iraqi passport. Abu Abbas wasn't captured by the Marines in Baghdad. Khala al Salahat didn't surrender in Iraq, nor did Farouk Hijazi. Saddam Hussein wasn't paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers $25K. The Phillipines didn't expell an Iraqi diplomat after learning of meetings between them and terrorist groups in that country.

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Post Cold War terrorism must be measured by the terrorists. They must not over reach.The only reason, imho, that the US has not been attacked is that the terrorists need to be mindful that they continue to be perceived as incapable of sustained attack. Allow the US populace to continue to believe that only every few years- from 238 Marines in Beirut, to the World Trade Center- can an attack be mounted so we can maintain our comfortable self-protection attitude.


150,000 American troops as sitting ducks is a terrorists dream and it will also be their undoing and it will also be the undoing of the Democratic party as we know it because like it or not this is a struggle with an enemy that demands and deserves unconditional surrender. So the remarks of Kennedy and Kerry and Harkin and Pelosi that urge retreat are not possible to implement and we will shortly and tragically see why......



Chills......meet spine.

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Yeah, because Iraq wasn't already a hotbed of activity for terrorists.  Abu Nidal wasn't there.  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wasn't there.  Ramzi Yousef didn't travel to America on an Iraqi passport.  Abu Abbas wasn't captured by the Marines in Baghdad.  Khala al Salahat didn't surrender in Iraq, nor did Farouk Hijazi.  Saddam Hussein wasn't paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers $25K.  The Phillipines didn't expell an Iraqi diplomat after learning of meetings between them and terrorist groups in that country.



Shhh...Terrorism did not exist in Iraq prior to the "invasion," remember.


[cut-and-paste from previous posts]

President Clinton had Iraq on the U.S. list of State sponsors of terrorism and the UN specifically listed Iraq (within resolutions) as a sponsor of terrorism.


Terrorist groups:

*Abu Nidal Organization – Received government sponsorship from Iraq


*Ansar al-Islam – Received safe haven in Iraq


*Arab Liberation Front – Formed and was stationed in Iraq. Iraq was the primary leader, and it is considered that this group was a proxy for the Iraqi government in the Palestinian Territories and in Lebanon.


*Movement of Islamic Action of Iraq – Formed in 1982, it was based in Iraq and Iran.


*Mujahedin-e-Khalq – Received military and financial support from Iraq, along with safe-haven.


*Palestine Liberation Front – Received financial support along with safe-haven.

[/cut-and-paste from previous posts]

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Ding!.... HotPocket® ready!!!



When I go to the UP of Michigan and eat a pasty... Does that qualify as an original HotPocket?


Who would have known that Welsh miners over a hundred years ago would have started this whole HotPocket craze!


Not slacking HotPockets here. Just trying to make a point that people have been trying to make their lives easier from day one.


Nothing new here.

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Ding!.... HotPocket® ready!!!



Ooohhh. What kind of HotPocket®?!? Did you ever get the Soylent Green ones where you are at? <_<

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Here's the solution. 


A dirty floor doesn't get clean if you stop mopping before you have cleaned it all.



Cleaned it all? Apply the same logic to the dirt in your backyard and your getting closer. Keep cleaning...maybe you'll mop your way to China.


China...maybe we're on to something here.

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Yeah, because Iraq wasn't already a hotbed of activity for terrorists.  Abu Nidal wasn't there.  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wasn't there.  Ramzi Yousef didn't travel to America on an Iraqi passport.  Abu Abbas wasn't captured by the Marines in Baghdad.  Khala al Salahat didn't surrender in Iraq, nor did Farouk Hijazi.  Saddam Hussein wasn't paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers $25K.  The Phillipines didn't expell an Iraqi diplomat after learning of meetings between them and terrorist groups in that country.


Yes, and the 19 hijackers all came from Iraq too. Those activities do not support an invasion of another country, and as I recall, you did not support the Iraq war at it's inception either.

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