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The best part of Bush's speech last night

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this country seems to consist of three hundred million ignorant boneheads and seven or eight people who can discuss this rationally...of which, you are not.


Correction...."one of which, you are not"


OMG - I actually got to correct CTM. I'm amazed :)



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First...Did you actually compare the war in Iraq/GWOT to a game of Risk?????



His best attribute was as a figurehead who was extremely capable of turning the tide of public opinion in his favor.


Pretty much sums up, for better or worse, my opinion of Bush.





You are kidding right?

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The part that kills me is that he thinks we're buying that spin about "We're fighting the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here".  Sure Al Queda has guys in Iraq because they see an opportunity to kill some of our people and try to demoralize us. But Bush wants us to believe that's stopping them from planning and attacking us here. What a laugh. Ya, like the terrorists decided to stop planning attacks on our homeland just because we have troops in Iraq. Like they made some kind of promise not to come here and attack us as long as we are in Iraq. The sad thing is some fools actually believe that. I think that is excuse # 29 why we invaded Iraq. I don't know, I lost count.




hmmmmmm....how may terrorist camps in Iraq and Afghanistan have we shut down? How many of their leaders have we killed/captured?

Right on dude - down with Bush and the war on terror!!!!

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