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  1. Looks like we have Mccain against Hillary. I would vote for Mc Cain any day. He is a responsible person, and it would be a breath of fresh air to the puppet/special interest/radical/self serving/ manipulative/lying/ crooked/dumbass/corrupt admin we have now. Oh man, I left out Fascist and kickbacks.
  2. Ha! ya, that takes the.... ahhh! arrrrg. cough cough..... gasp... *sigh*....
  3. God I feel so sorry for you. A mind made of clay... geeze, I'm praying for you pal. I hope god grants you a miracle.
  4. haaa! the question is how much embarasment can you endure? It's obviosly endless.
  5. and you are stable? No. look in the mirror, you are an idiot. You have nothing to contribute but insults. Go away.
  6. and so was saddam... You stupid F. Please stop taking up our time and just go away... God you are such an idiot... or a moron, not sure yet.
  7. Thanks for your understanding. Yes, selfish reasons often are the catalist to our aggression. But I really believe that Milosevic was much more than a mass murderer. I belive he had grand intensions and large scale ambitions for many reasons. I think it was just and we did the right thing. I agree with your reasoning of why that "dog got to hunt", and I was appalled at his appointments to Thee military command posts, ie; fromer Carter men.... But really no one knows what monster would have been created and I believe we stopped a big one. As far as Saddam goes, we'll never know. He could have been a future WW3 instigator, or he could have been the beaten down tyrant that we new... But the manipulation of the American people to serve the special interests of "this dog" doesn't sit well with me at all. 200 billion, no guarantees we will have an ally, no end in sight, poor planning, and this is a MAJOR undertaking. If we fail, we will have created the biggest terrorist platform in the world. SO, what ya got on the grill? I'm doing a Ribeye, with oak and pecan. I wish I could get my hands on Lean Perrin's "Pure Blend" steak sauce, that was the best and I can't get it anymore. I know I know!! You make your own.... no store bought stuff! ha. Peace brother.
  8. Good for you. But a meeting with Condi wouldn't sell me on her. I look at her record. She is a Bussh yes woman. She stated that Al Qaeda was not a threat to us, that China was are #1 concern. That in itself tells me she's a career girl, not to mention her lips stuck to George's ass. I do agree with you about Hillary 100% though.
  9. WOW. I feel so sorry for your mental instability. Gee what it must be like to be you... I shudder at the thought. But you are only 36 YO... so live and learn.
  10. You are a moron... go away. Ya Iraq was a HUGE threat... ooooo all those nut jobs in pick up trucks and shot guns... Please, Israel would have pounded them better than we tried if it was necessary. Buy a clue. PLEASE just stop your GOP talking points... you are a lemming, fine, but keep your mantra to yourself.
  11. Everything everywhere is tragic? I don't think you can compare pure genocide, especially in the heart of the European Union to anything else that affects us directly... of course there is the Sudan and N. Korea. I disagree with that vs. Iraq. Iraq was ZERO threat to us, but to have a communist dictator hell bent on ethnic cleansing and domination in Europe was unacceptable. We disagree, fine, I can see your point of view, but given the same reasoning, Iraq is a joke. Let's put away the national threat and just look at the genocide... it was admirable for us to stop it. I agree with you that the EU, notthe US or NATO, should have taken the lead... but it seems we are always the ones to save the world... *sigh*
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