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The best part of Bush's speech last night

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Cleaned it all? Apply the same logic to the dirt in your backyard and your getting closer. Keep cleaning...maybe you'll mop your way to China.


China...maybe we're on to something here.



You didn't do well on the Miller analogies did you?


One doesn't mop their backyard..i.e. useless metaphor.


More jabs, no solutions. You've made a Madison Avenue name for yourself.

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Yeah, it's always a good idea to ignore bad people doing bad things.  How's your buddy Neville Chamberlain doing?


Learn history.



Since when does Israel ignore Terrorists? Gee, didn't they bomb the F out of Saddam when he was trying to go nucular?

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You didn't do well on the Miller analogies did you?


One doesn't mop their backyard..i.e. useless metaphor.


More jabs, no solutions.  You've made a Madison Avenue name for yourself.



One doesn't mop with a dirty bucket of water either... They change the water frequently and ring the mop out!

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Your post all relates to Israel and the Palestinians. Why are you tying it into the USA and the terrosists who attacked us?



I am not tying it to the terrorists that attacked us. You are. Remember, I am the one that stated that AQ is not the only terrorist organization and that 9/11 was not the only terrorist attack. WOW!! <_<


People, this is what happens when you mix soundbytes together. You get Buckey.

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Since when does Israel ignore Terrorists? Gee, didn't they bomb the F out of Saddam when he was trying to go nucular?


Did you just admit that you think Saddam was a terrorist? And, if so, doesn't that mean he'd fit in with the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR?
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First, you were talking about terrorism. Now you are talking about WMD.


So you are saying the two are not connected? Exactly my point.



You had a point?


WMD and terrorism are not connected? No shiit. You are agreeing that you changed the subject from terrorism to WMD. Wow. You make it pretty easy to debate you, when you fully acknowledge that you are contradicting yourself. <_<

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So that's what your going to Washington with? Mops and metaphors? Get real. You're a joke.


Still waiting for your solution...



I believe he's advocating the current solution being implemented. It's up to the contrarians to offer a contrarian solution...

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Everyone please read this, I'm begging you.




OK, I read the section on terrorism (for Buckey's sake, that means I did not read the WMD section since they are two separate topics). I can see your point regarding some of the items Darin mentioned, but I fail to see how it changes the point made in my post. The report mainly focuses on alleged ties between AQ and Iraq. One of the reports conclusions is that the evidence was not enough to convict in a court of law. Some of the items mentioned in Darin's post were shot down, but others were never addressed. Basically, "we can't say that it is correct but we also can't say that it is incorrect."



From the report...


Some analysts concur...that available signs support a conclusion that Iraq has had sporatic, wary contacts with al-Qaida since the mid-1990s, rather than a relationship with al-Qaida that has developed over time.



From a CIA assessment in this report...


Iraq continues to be a safehaven, transit point, or operational node for groups and individuals who direct violence against the UNited States, Israel, and other allies. Iraq has a long history of supporting terrorism. During the last four decades, it has altered its targets to reflect changing priorities and goals.


This report concluded that Hamas and Hizballah have spurned Iraq, but other terrorist organizations could act as surrogates to conduct terrorist activities for the Iraqi government. It also concluded that there were ties to terrorist groups and that Saddam was reaching out to more groups.


The Central Intelligence Agency's assessment on safehaven - that al-Qaida or associated operatives were present in Baghdad and in northeastern Iraq in an area under Kurdish control - was reasonable.
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So that's what your going to Washington with? Mops and metaphors? Get real. You're a joke.


Still waiting for your solution...



Apparently Gavin is paying attention and you're not. I don't recall planning a Washington trip.


It is your solution we have been seeking here. I've proposed continuing

with the current approach. The joke is on you, genius.

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I believe he's advocating the current solution being implemented. It's up to the contrarians to over a contrarian solution...



As do I, nothing is perfect - but overall our National Defense Strategy seems to be working very well.

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I believe he's advocating the current solution being implemented. It's up to the contrarians to over a contrarian solution...


What is the current solution? That's what I'm missing. There's a difference between following a course of action and implementing a solution. Personally, I don't think anyone can elucidate the latter at this point in time.


The only reason that I reacted to the mop thing is that it implies that we are going to fight this thing out until terrorism is gone (aka. "winning" the war on terror). That's no solution. It's a goal that simply cannot be achieved.

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As do I, nothing is perfect - but overall our National Defense Strategy seems to be working very well.


There are 40-odd people in the Senate who will disagree strongly with you, but only so long as there are many reporters and cameras present to catch them doing it.

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After skimming that report, I've concluded that after spending a ridiculous amount of money we still don't have much in the way of concrete proof (to my liking anyway) on much of anything. I wonder when the report to refute the conclusions of this one is forthcoming?


Perhaps we should send Washington even more money. <_<

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