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top 10 albums last 20 years according to Spin


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Im' early 40's and only have heard of Nirvana, radiohead and prince.  And no I don't own any of the albums but you would think someone in the late 30's or early 40's would own or at least heard of some of the albums from the last 20 years.


Come on. You've never heard of Public Enemy, Pearl Jam, or Sonic Youth? :blink:

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If that's the best , then Roger Daltrey was right when he sang "Rock is Dead...".


The Who, now that a great band with great albums. Not like the dregs of the last 20 years.


Well, until they became a parody of themselves anyway.

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Spin is from England isn't it?

why else would radiohead be so high, I like radiohead but that album is just good, not great



OK COmputer is great in all respects - it is inivative musically and it caputred a moment of time thematically.


However, the year it was up for a Grammy it placed second to Bob Dylans "Time OUt of Mind" (which is a very good albulm).


I think Radiohead is one of th emost inovative bands of the last 25 years. They are analyzing their music in traditional music schools (so says my 15 year old cousin).

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If that's the best , then Roger Daltrey was right when he sang "Rock is Dead...".


The Who, now that a great band with great albums. Not like the dregs of the last 20 years.


"Hope I die before I get old"



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Great albums are a combination of things.  Album sales, album quality, lasting impact.  I'm sorry but none of the albums I've seen on the top of that list and the bottom have more than one of those qualities.  I take that back, Nevermind does.



WTF do album sales have to do with the music? What the hell do I care how an album sells...its all about the music, period.


Radiohead, the Pixies, Public Enemy and many of the others on that list made great f'in albums, I give a sh-- if the public was perceptive enough to go out and buy the album or of the bands/record companies didn't put the cash behind a marketing campaign to sell the album.


And its not like these are small garage bands anyway, these almost all big name bands, if you haven't heard of 'em then you probably haven't been paying attention to music in the past 15 years or so.

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WTF do album sales have to do with the music?  What the hell do I care how an album sells...its all about the music, period.


Radiohead, the Pixies, Public Enemy and many of the others on that list made great f'in albums, I give a sh-- if the public was perceptive enough to go out and buy the album or of the bands/record companies didn't put the cash behind a marketing campaign to sell the album.


And its not like these are small garage bands anyway, these almost all big name bands, if you haven't heard of 'em then you probably haven't been paying attention to music in the past 15 years or so.



FYI, I've heard of every one of them and I've heard and owned several of the albums listed. Most are hardly "great".

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I'm fifty-four years old and even I own three of these top ten. And "OK Computer" is indeed the best album I've listened to in the last ten years.


It's hard to keep current, and I am in no way up on the latest, but if you dismiss all this stuff and clutch your Rolling Stones records to your breast, then you have little that's worth saying about such a list as this.


It's a sure sign of artistic hardening of the arteries if you can only listen to the music you liked when you were 25 years old. YOu don't have to like new stuff, but don't dis it unless you know it.

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I would classify Rap as being more of an endless complaint rather than music....




Nice. very succinct (sp)


Rock will never die........




It will live in all of us for a long time. Let me plant the seed..." Long live Rock"



What rap dude can play a sax, or a piano, or a guiter, or a instrument at all. Lets scratch an album, shall we? Lets degrade woman on video and shoot cops for MTV.

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Nice. very succinct (sp)


Rock will never die........

It will live in all of us for a long time. Let me plant the seed..." Long live Rock"

What rap dude can play a sax, or a piano, or a guiter, or a instrument at all. Lets scratch an album, shall we? Lets degrade woman on video and shoot cops for MTV.



The group The Roots uses three guitarists, one dj, an amazing drummer (Questlove, who is one of the most talented in all genres), and many other singers and instruments. They give one of the best lives shows you can imagine. There are other examples as well. While there are the women bashing and violent lyrics, there are many rappers who express deep political and societal messages. Who it be right since I'm not a huge country fan that all the music is about their dogs dying and wives leaving? Of course not. Don't be so close minded, you may find something you like.

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I have a 19 yr old daughter that about 5 years ago

was real heavy into rap, and a few boy bands. Hell, I even

took her to see the Spice Girls. Although I myself was not into that

sort of music, I never knocked her choices of music.

I remember my dad totally freaking the first time I put Jimi

Hendrix on the turntable. I promised that I would never do that to

my kids.


Now my daughter is heavy into Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Who,

and the Dead.

Why she changed....who knows?

I just think that quality music will always take it's place when it is

discovered by young people.

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