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We can still win a Super Bowl this year


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14 minutes ago, Process said:

Of course we can. Anyone who thinks we are not Superbowl contenders is foolish. 

Define contender? Making the playoffs? Sure. If contender is a realistic shot at making the superbowl next season? Then call me foolish.


Bills closest opportunity to get to a superbowl was 4 seasons ago. Since then they’ve not gotten pass the divisional 3 times with ascending and stable teams. Now with major roster turnovers they’re suddenly going to achieve more than they’ve ever had? Yeah…no. 

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45 minutes ago, 90sBills said:

Define contender? Making the playoffs? Sure. If contender is a realistic shot at making the superbowl next season? Then call me foolish.


Bills closest opportunity to get to a superbowl was 4 seasons ago. Since then they’ve not gotten pass the divisional 3 times with ascending and stable teams. Now with major roster turnovers they’re suddenly going to achieve more than they’ve ever had? Yeah…no. 


We gave KC their best game in the playoffs, and beat them in the regular.  That was w/ Diggs underperforming and dropping what likely could have won the game..


We're getting guys back from injury, including 2 top tier LB's, and 2 CB's (Douglas was clearly playing hurt at the end).  Kincaid will be in year 2, we have a good running game, and Allen.  Of the guys we lost, only Morse was really a big contributor this past season.


I think we have just as realistic a shot at the SB as we have for the past 3 years.


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14 minutes ago, Success said:


I think we have just as realistic a shot at the SB as we have for the past 3 years.


Agreed. Because ‘realistically’ we didn’t get to the afccg the last 3 years much less the superbowl. Now the team is turning over its roster to go younger. I think they will be better for it eventually but not this coming season. Do or die for this coaching staff in 2025 is my guess. 

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@Billl - still w/ the laughing emojis?  Hate to tell ya - you're not going to come to an opposing team's board and hear every fan wallowing in misery & despair.  We have more than a few of those here though, if you get hyped about that kind of thing.


If anyone would understand that trading a top tier receiver shouldn't close a window, you would think it would be KC fans.  But you can focus your attention on Cincy & Houston now if you feel like we're done.


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1) Beane can still make moves to build our roster back up


2) We can still hope to hit big on some draft picks


I hate losing a guy like Diggs… but how can anyone speculate how we’ll be this year until we actually have a full roster and start putting the pads on?  Maybe we’ll suck.  Maybe we’ll be a Super Bowl team. Absolutely zero clue right now.

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58 minutes ago, Success said:

Of the guys we lost, only Morse was really a big contributor this past season.

Floyd had 10.5 sacks, and Diggs and Davis combined for 150 catches, 2000 yards, and 15 TDs.  If they weren’t big contributors, who was?

26 minutes ago, Success said:

If anyone would understand that trading a top tier receiver shouldn't close a window, you would think it would be KC fans.  But you can focus your attention on Cincy & Houston now if you feel like we're done.

I understand perfectly well that it doesn’t close a window.  I said last offseason that they should trade him, but to pretend that he doesn’t make a big difference is divorced from reality.

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23 minutes ago, Billl said:

Floyd had 10.5 sacks, and Diggs and Davis combined for 150 catches, 2000 yards, and 15 TDs.  If they weren’t big contributors, who was?

I understand perfectly well that it doesn’t close a window.  I said last offseason that they should trade him, but to pretend that he doesn’t make a big difference is divorced from reality.


Well, you laughed at the idea that the Bills could make the SB in '24.  Wanna go on record?  Are you saying there is no way they'll be in contention?


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7 hours ago, Udubalum07 said:

I don't think there is any doubt in my mind that they could win it this year. The team was 3 dropped passes where if one of those was completed, one off balanced throw to an open receiver and a missed routine fg away from beating this year's super bowl winner. 


We gain big pieces back on defense, and I truly don't think the receiver losses hurt them all that much.  Better injury luck and hit on a receiver in the draft and I think they are in good shape. 

You had me at good shape.  Hey it’s likely our WR group will be better.   Cmon man, our 1 and 2 were mediocre the last 6 games.  I’m real excited about Justin Shorter.  He’s got plenty of bull dawg.  

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9 hours ago, Success said:

Mind you - I am not saying we will or should be SB favorites, or even considered a top 3-4 contender.


But losing Diggs changes very little, imo.  A lot will depend on who we get in the 1st round this year, and if they can adjust quickly to the pro's.


Diggs did nothing for us in the past 2 playoff losses, and his production was way down the entire 2nd half of last season (when we made our run).


Just responding to thoughts in the Diggs thread that his trade clearly means a year off, and a rebuild.  To me, it means a trade up for a better receiver, and we'll still be contending.  I don't see this as some sort of window-closer.



I think we surprise this year. But I think next year is when the SB window really opens. 

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My question after everything we've done this offseason and now in moving Diggs....


Why did we keep McDermott?


Let me preface it by saying I wasn't out for his blood after this season. If he stayed or went, I wasn't going to lose any sleep.


But many felt this was a make or break season for him. Then they did about as big of a soft rebuild of the team as you can do while still having a Franchise QB in place.


Even with a potentially better roster on paper, there's now *SO MANY* moving parts this season that it almost feels like a built in excuse or expected that we don't take the next step.


I feel like if we were going to do this much overhaul to the roster - this year would have been a good time to make the change at Head Coach too.

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It's a tall order to say you lose WRs 1&2, starting CB and your 2 safeties, some DTs, and a revamped OLine and say we're as good as we were. It's a necessary step back but a step back nonetheless.  I hope it comes together in time to make a playoff run this season. KC is better, Cincy is back, Chargers look better, Browns, Jets and Ravens look good. And the Texans look like a breakout team. So precious little room for error. Diggs lost faith in this team, with good reason. We find ways to lose in crunch time. Maybe this latest talent turnover will fix that. I'm hopeful but not expecting it this year.

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8 hours ago, BillsPride12 said:

I'm not making that statement strictly based on losing Diggs.  I'm factoring in the losses of Morse, Poyer, White, Gabe Davis, Leonard Floyd as well.  It's just too much roster turnover for one season.  Of course they aren't going to come out and talk like it in front of the media but I guarantee you behind closed doors even Beane and McDermott are approaching the next couple years like a quick reset.  


Davis? Floyd? You're kidding, right? 


Morse, White and Poyer were all expendable.

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23 minutes ago, Success said:


Well, you laughed at the idea that the Bills could make the SB in '24.  Wanna go on record?  Are you saying there is no way they'll be in contention?


I just told you that I was laughing at the notion that Diggs being traded “changes very little”.  I see the Bills as a 9-10 win team next year.  I don’t see them as a legit threat to win the Super Bowl, but it’s not an impossibility.  They’re +1200 currently, so Vegas thinks they have about a 1 in 15 chance.  They, Detroit, and Cincinnati are essentially tied for the 4th - 6th best odds.  That seems about right to me.


Overall, I think this was probably a good move for the Bills.  I don’t think it makes sense in the larger context of what Beane has done the rest of the offseason, though.  It doesn’t make sense to me that he would restructure a bunch of contracts in order to add salary this season and try to make a run only to trade Diggs and eat a bunch of dead money.  IMO, if trading Diggs was a consideration then they should have ripped the bandaid off and moved on from Von as well.  


Beane reminds me of Chris Ballard in Indy.  They’re the kings of half-measures.  They’re so worried about being competitive that they’ll never do what it takes to win a Super Bowl.  I watched Carl Peterson do the same think in Kansas City for decades.

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37 minutes ago, BillsFanForever19 said:

My question after everything we've done this offseason and now in moving Diggs....


Why did we keep McDermott?


Let me preface it by saying I wasn't out for his blood after this season. If he stayed or went, I wasn't going to lose any sleep.


But many felt this was a make or break season for him. Then they did about as big of a soft rebuild of the team as you can do while still having a Franchise QB in place.


Even with a potentially better roster on paper, there's now *SO MANY* moving parts this season that it almost feels like a built in excuse or expected that we don't take the next step.


I feel like if we were going to do this much overhaul to the roster - this year would have been a good time to make the change at Head Coach too.


Pegula has no appetite to change regime. As for me, there are no excuses. I expect to contend. 

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18 minutes ago, stinky finger said:


Davis? Floyd? You're kidding, right? 


Morse, White and Poyer were all expendable.

Before I say anything else I have no problem moving on from any of these guys.  It was the right move 100%  I am excited for the direction the Bills are going in.  But if you are talking about going directly into next season you are delusional if you don't think they won't feel the impact of losing so many starters and vets and they are going to waltz into a Super Bowl title.  We have no idea what Mcgovern is going to look like as a starting Center, we have no idea what the Defensive secondary is going to look like.  Our D-line still came up way too short last season when it really mattered and there's no indication that is going to be resolved by next season.  There will be growing pains or setbacks this upcoming year.  I swear some fans on here underestimate how freaking hard it is to actually win a Super Bowl lol.  

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27 minutes ago, Green Lightning said:

It's a tall order to say you lose WRs 1&2, starting CB and your 2 safeties, some DTs, and a revamped OLine and say we're as good as we were. It's a necessary step back but a step back nonetheless.  I hope it comes together in time to make a playoff run this season. KC is better, Cincy is back, Chargers look better, Browns, Jets and Ravens look good. And the Texans look like a breakout team. So precious little room for error. Diggs lost faith in this team, with good reason. We find ways to lose in crunch time. Maybe this latest talent turnover will fix that. I'm hopeful but not expecting it this year.


Gotta be honest. I lost faith in him down the stretch. His play, for whatever reason, fell off. He's replaceable.

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Just now, Chicken Boo said:

Anyone know the odds for the Bills trading for Justin Jefferson? 😏


LOL - was literally just talking about that w/ some friends.  Probably low.


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