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Durham Report Released. FBI Is Corrupt. Dems Lie. Water Is Wet.

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13 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

When Clinesmith altered evidence to make an email say the exact opposite of what the sender wrote, and then to use that altered evidence to present to a FISC in order to continue spying on a US citizen......  


It was just a mistake. 


Although there are dozens of other examples of blatant, purposeful malfeasance by the FBI in the Russia collusion hoax, the above example is the only one necessary to let sane people know that they should never take these people seriously ever again.

This is a great working example of above the law actions of Federal law enforcement.  Because knowingly presenting false or incorrect evidence to a judge in order to  procure a search or surveillance warrant is a crime as well as a violation of the Constitutional rights of the suspect.  How much jail time would such a crime entail and how much did Clinesmith serve?  



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7 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

This is a great working example of above the law actions of Federal law enforcement.  Because knowingly presenting false or incorrect evidence to a judge in order to  procure a search or surveillance warrant is a crime as well as a violation of the Constitutional rights of the suspect.  How much jail time would such a crime entail and how much did Clinesmith serve?  



So let's burn the whole thing down because of a bad cop.  While were at it, let's destroy the plumbers union cuz there are some bad, unscrupulous plumbers, the bar cuz there's some bad lawyers and the state Dept of Health cuz there's some bad docs....

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3 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

logic dude.  connecting the dots as some one recently said.

I'm not going to get in any sort of argument with you regarding the number of times Schiff lied. He did it repeatedly on numerous news programs. Heck, he even got called out on The View. 


Let's simply leave it at...you and I have different opinions what strong moral and ethical character is and what each of our expectations are from our electeds in DC. Schiff doesn't meet my expectations and he apparently meets yours.

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Let's examine two narrative lies spun once again yesterday by Schiff and Swalwell and swallowed whole and deep by useful idiots such as @ChiGoose @redtail hawk et al.


1.  Konstantin Kilimnik, the russian spy, met with Manafort to get internal polling data.


Kilimnik's a russian spy huh?  Really?  Are you sure about that?  Because if he is, then Obama is in some pretty hot water as well....




In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.

But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.



The incomplete portrayal of Kilimnik is so important to Mueller’s overall narrative that it is raised in the opening of his report. “The FBI assesses” Kilimnik “to have ties to Russian intelligence,” Mueller’s team wrote on Page 6, putting a sinister light on every contact Kilimnik had with Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman.

What it doesn’t state is that Kilimnik was a “sensitive” intelligence source for State going back to at least 2013 while he was still working for Manafort, according to FBI and State Department memos I reviewed.



Kilimnik was not just any run-of-the-mill source, either.


He interacted with the chief political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, sometimes meeting several times a week to provide information on the Ukraine government. He relayed messages back to Ukraine’s leaders and delivered written reports to U.S. officials via emails that stretched on for thousands of words, the memos show.

The FBI knew all of this, well before the Mueller investigation concluded.


Really?  A state department source since 2013 you say?  Seems like Obama or some in his administration have some explaining to do, right?  I mean no one is above the law...working with russian spies is pretty serious stuff...or so I've heard.


2.  The Trump Tower meeting.


Who is Natalia Veselnitskaya?  And why did she meet with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS both immediately before and after her Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr.?  Seems maybe a little relevant to ask her why she was meeting with a representative of the company that paid for the pee tape phony dossier, on behalf of the Clinton campaign,  right at the same time she was having the nefarious Trump tower meeting.  I'm sure it's all a big coincidence.  So we shouldn't ask.




The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son, Fox News has learned. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.

The opposition research firm has faced renewed scrutiny after litigation revealed that the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant.

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya occurred during a critical period. At that time, Fox News has learned that bank records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts.



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22 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

This is a great working example of above the law actions of Federal law enforcement.  Because knowingly presenting false or incorrect evidence to a judge in order to  procure a search or surveillance warrant is a crime as well as a violation of the Constitutional rights of the suspect.  How much jail time would such a crime entail and how much did Clinesmith serve?  




I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear that an FBI attorney who altered evidence to allow continued spying on a US citizen and by extension the Trump orbit...


Never spent a single day behind bars.  Instead he received probation, his law license temporarily suspended, and is now back practicing law again in the good old swamp.


Amazing isn't it?

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2 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

I for one, do not like the tit for tat thing if somebody has done wrong, they have done wrong regardless of the aisle that they sit on

I do have a question, though what are the lies that schiff has told other than no Russian collusion has been found in the investigations I’m not a conspiracy theorist, so whenever there are investigations, and they say no collusion, and there was no collusion

"lies, other than"?


As I said, I'm not going to get into number of lies, number of times, whether they were white lies or whopper lies, how they influenced an impeachment, etc. We have both heard and seen the same thing. Schiff is the sewer of the sewer in DC IMO. I refused to vote either time for Trump because of his lack of moral and ethical character. Trump has nothing on Schiff.

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1 hour ago, redtail hawk said:

So let's burn the whole thing down because of a bad cop.  While were at it, let's destroy the plumbers union cuz there are some bad, unscrupulous plumbers, the bar cuz there's some bad lawyers and the state Dept of Health cuz there's some bad docs....

It's not just one bad cop.  It starts at the top.  Wray and Garland.  Both have compromised ethics.  For starters, both are chronic liars.  Both are obstructing House committe requests for information.  To protect their boss.  

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2 hours ago, Pokebball said:

"lies, other than"?


As I said, I'm not going to get into number of lies, number of times, whether they were white lies or whopper lies, how they influenced an impeachment, etc. We have both heard and seen the same thing. Schiff is the sewer of the sewer in DC IMO. I refused to vote either time for Trump because of his lack of moral and ethical character. Trump has nothing on Schiff.

I keep hearing this multitude of lies, but no one wants to actually lay out anything that’s actually been proven. He was responsible for the investigation that ended up, showing there was no collusion past that you’re gonna have to give up some other instances, bro.

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5 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

I keep hearing this multitude of lies, but no one wants to actually lay out anything that’s actually been proven. He was responsible for the investigation that ended up, showing there was no collusion past that you’re gonna have to give up some other instances, bro.

His deceit and misuse of power is well documented. You've seen it.

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14 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

You’re gonna have to explain what exactly he did to deceive, and how he missed used his power be specific

I don't have to. We've both seen the behavior and disagree on his moral and ethical character.

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Just now, Pokebball said:

I don't have to. We've both seen the behavior and disagree on his moral and ethical character.

I’m gonna say one thing about this message board I don’t think people realize that whenever you ask somebody to defend their position and they don’t defend it

That’s not a win for you

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1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

I’m gonna say one thing about this message board I don’t think people realize that whenever you ask somebody to defend their position and they don’t defend it

That’s not a win for you

Wow! You must be very important to have everyone have to respond to your demands. 

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2 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

I’m gonna say one thing about this message board I don’t think people realize that whenever you ask somebody to defend their position and they don’t defend it

That’s not a win for you

The evidence has been played out in the media for over 7yrs. I can't show you anything more than we've both seen hundreds of times. My ethical and moral compass is different than yours. Not a win or a loss, we're just different. Why is that not OK for you?

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3 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

The evidence has been played out in the media for over 7yrs. I can't show you anything more than we've both seen hundreds of times. My ethical and moral compass is different than yours. Not a win or a loss, we're just different. Why is that not OK for you?

Those “independents” have much higher standards than the deplorables on the right.

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1 hour ago, Pokebball said:

The evidence has been played out in the media for over 7yrs. I can't show you anything more than we've both seen hundreds of times. My ethical and moral compass is different than yours. Not a win or a loss, we're just different. Why is that not OK for you?

Because there is the truth, and then there is something that is not the truth

The truth can be easily pointed out and identify you have done nothing of that


But I don’t want to intrude on your bubble. Do you want to stay in the dark stay there but if you’re gonna say something, and I say back it up with some proof and then you don’t wanna do it that kind of says something about you.

1 hour ago, Westside said:

Wow! You must be very important to have everyone have to respond to your demands. 

No, but I think it’s fair to ask whenever somebody makes a statement that they are able to have discourse about it is that so wrong?


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