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D.C. radio slams Ralph Wilson

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Two nights ago, Bram Weinstien (Tony Cornheiser's) co-hort and moderator of his own D.C. prime time sports radio show (980 am) blasted Wilson and called him an "idiot" and a guy "wants to line his pockets". It was unreal, for about 10 minutes he went off on him and the Buff News article re: Wilson wanting reviewing profit sharing for all reveniew. Bram said that Wilson wants part of Danny Sheidner's person profits and is not entitled to them. Kind of has a point.


I have never heard Ralph get blasted like this, what an insult to one of the great owners. No respect. Calls Ralph and "idiot?"


Did anyone else hear this?

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Did anyone else hear this?


I sure didn't, and I wish I had - provided they allow listener call-ins. They say ignorance is different than being stupid. Ignorance means either misinformed or uninformed, but stupid is forever.


He's gotta be stupid.

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Two nights ago, Bram Weinstien (Tony Cornheiser's) co-hort and moderator of his own D.C. prime time sports radio show (980 am) blasted Wilson and called him an "idiot" and a guy "wants to line his pockets".  It was unreal, for about 10 minutes he went off on him and the Buff News article re: Wilson wanting reviewing profit sharing for all reveniew.  Bram said that Wilson wants part of Danny Sheidner's person profits and is not entitled to them.  Kind of has a point.

They'll let any idiot have a show, as long as he's bombastic enough! :lol:


What the true idiots fail to realize is that, yes owners don't want to lose money. Amazing concept, eh? And while he's not losing money right now, he WILL be if the proposed CBA goes into effect and he either has to spend up to the cap limit, or doesn't spend up to the cap limit and the Bills aren't competitive and thus don't make much in non-shared revenue. What the idiots also fail to realize is that Snyder wouldn't be making money on the Redskins if they weren't associated with the NFL. And every piece of revenue NFL teams GET is because of their association with the NFL. It's that simple. I agree that it shouldn't be a situation where every team makes the same, and that teams should be required to spend a minimum amount on the cap as well as explore every revenue stream (like in Ralph's case, selling the naming rights to RWS), but every team should be able to spend up to the proposed cap limit without losing money since parity is what made the league what it is today. And thankfully the founding fathers (i.e. NOT idiots like Snyder and Jones) required 75% of the owners to agree on proposed changes, so either a plan gets hammered out, or the NFL has an uncapped year in 2007 and a lockout in 2008, and the big markets stand to lose HUGE money if that happens.

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Two nights ago, Bram Weinstien (Tony Cornheiser's) co-hort and moderator of his own D.C. prime time sports radio show (980 am) blasted Wilson and called him an "idiot" and a guy "wants to line his pockets".  It was unreal, for about 10 minutes he went off on him and the Buff News article re: Wilson wanting reviewing profit sharing for all reveniew.  Bram said that Wilson wants part of Danny Sheidner's person profits and is not entitled to them.  Kind of has a point.


I have never heard Ralph get blasted like this, what an insult to one of the great owners.  No respect.  Calls Ralph and "idiot?" 


Did anyone else hear this?


Ralph owns a professional and highly profitable football team and is worth millions. Bram works at an AM radio station and sits in his little booth all alone yelling into a microphone.


I'm sure Ralph is hurt by this.

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Two nights ago, Bram Weinstien (Tony Cornheiser's) co-hort and moderator of his own D.C. prime time sports radio show (980 am) blasted Wilson and called him an "idiot" and a guy "wants to line his pockets".  It was unreal, for about 10 minutes he went off on him and the Buff News article re: Wilson wanting reviewing profit sharing for all reveniew.  Bram said that Wilson wants part of Danny Sheidner's person profits and is not entitled to them.  Kind of has a point.


I have never heard Ralph get blasted like this, what an insult to one of the great owners.  No respect.  Calls Ralph and "idiot?" 


Did anyone else hear this?



I wish I'd heard it...listening to someone bash Ralph Wilson's presumed greed through the questionable mechanism of defending Dan Snyder's obvious greed has a certain humor factor going for it... :lol:

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According to one league estimate, there was a $120 million gap in total revenues last year between the richest of the haves (Washington) and the poorest of the have-nots (Arizona). :lol:


The Chargers were said to be almost $100 million behind the Redskins in total revenues – a margin that figures to grow in future years if the owners don't adopt a new revenue-sharing agreement, which would require 24 votes from the league's 32 owners.

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In making the point to blast Ralph, Weinstein stated that Scheider and Gibbs are going to put a Redskins logo on a NASCAR vehicle and J. JOnes is buying a car too and that Wilson will want a part of that reveniew that these owners like this are making. Is Wilson's angle that he helped build the league, thus he is entitled to any types of royaties? i can think of no other rationale by wilson to demand that he get royalties of these other owner's marketing of THEIR teams, unrelated to the basic TV sharing agreement. strange...

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In making the point to blast Ralph, Weinstein stated that Scheider and Gibbs are going to put a Redskins logo on a NASCAR vehicle and J. JOnes is buying a car too and that Wilson will want a part of that reveniew that these owners like this are making.  Is Wilson's angle that he helped build the league, thus he is entitled to any types of royaties?  i can think of no other rationale by wilson to demand that he get royalties of these other owner's marketing of THEIR teams, unrelated to the basic TV sharing agreement.  strange...

Re-read what I wrote above about individual NFL teams being nothing without the NFL. But as far as putting the Redskins logo on a NASCAR car, what kind of revenue are they expecting from that and how do you quantify it? Not to mention that owning a NASCAR car involves a huge money committment and is cross-ownership. I don't know, should Malcolm Glazer now put Bucs logos on Manchester U players' uniforms and keep some ill-defined revenue from that?

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i read your post above, you are right on point and see exactly what is going on re: both sides of this issue. i think both sides argument has merit. it is not dan scheider's fault that ralph wilson 50 years ago created the AFL. this is not the mafia where respect is given 100 years later to the 'Dons' of old. but if you are wilson, and this is kind of what you are saying, teams have to think about review sharing when the CBA runs out - and sharing is limited and the caps for teams are lifted and it is a spending spree. but the cap being lifted and a spending spree might never happen. ralph is trying to perform a classic premptory challenge to ensure that he does not get screwed when the CBA runs out.

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Ralph owns a professional and highly profitable football team and is worth millions. Bram works at an AM radio station and sits in his little booth all alone yelling into a microphone.


I'm sure Ralph is hurt by this.



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Dan Snyder and the way he runs the Redskins is the problem. The Redskins are going to kill the NFL. Not Mr. Wilson and the way the Bills run things.


The Redskins make big profits and don't want to share them. Fair enough as there is plenty of money to go around for now but keep it up and that makes for a league that would look like MLB or even the NHL. Five or Six gigantic payroll teams in the playoffs every year, a couple fluke teams in the playoffs and 20 teams that can't compete. People in the smaller market cities will eventually give up spending their money on consistently losing teams and the league will fall apart much like the NHL has.


Fans in Washington get raped year after year by Dan Snyder yet they continually sell out every game even though they don't even sniff the playoffs. I can't figure out why they can treat their fans like dog crap and still be as profitable as they are. I sense a ton of jealousy coming out of DC towards the Bills for no other reason than they wish they had our owner instead of what they have.


All Mr. Wilson is doing is looking out for the Bills and the other smaller market teams and in fact, trying to look out for the best interests of the entire league. (I wouldn't really call the Bills small market except in terms of non-league revenues as we are always in the top 10 in attendance and get gigantic TV ratings in the area market). If they let Dallas, Washington, ect. run wild it will kill the league as we know it.

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i read your post above, you are right on point and see exactly what is going on re: both sides of this issue.  i think both sides argument has merit.  it is not dan scheider's fault that ralph wilson 50 years ago created the AFL.  this is not the mafia where respect is given 100 years later to the 'Dons' of old.  but if you are wilson, and this is kind of what you are saying, teams have to think about review sharing when the CBA runs out - and sharing is limited and the caps for teams are lifted and it is a spending spree.  but the cap being lifted and a spending spree might never happen.  ralph is trying to perform a classic premptory challenge to ensure that he does not get screwed when the CBA runs out.



The greatest success of the NFL, when it rose above all other sport in the US, was the relative parity created by revenue sharing. Other, "local" revenue is nothing more than an attempt to circumvent the concept by people who never bought into it from the start and probably shouldn't have been permitted ownership.


The argument that Jerry Jones works harder at marketing is irrelevant because it's a league, not a collection of third-cousin-twice-removed franchises like MLB or the NHL.


The league itself does an incredible job of marketing. Is it fair that the hardest working owner brings in the same profit as the laziest? No. But that was the concept they agreed to when they joined the club, just like the illegal draft, unguaranteed contracts and every other unfair violation of individual rights that the NFL is built upon.


I mean, does it get any clearer that the idea is to share all revenues than making teams share merchandise sales revenue? They share ticket revenue despite a wide disparity in ticket prices.........but not LUXURY ticket sales. OK, that makes sense how?


In fact, if all those injustices were righted, the NFL would be a pathetic failure because these guys AREN'T the greatest athletes(the Jordans/LeBrons would never waste their bodies on football), it's NOT the most exciting game, and they only play 16 regular season games in an entire calendar year. Who is going to fill 80,000 seat stadiums in places like KC or Minnesota when the few stars the league had were all playing for or auditioning for spots with the Jets/Giants/Bears(sorry Cowboys in a short period of time, you'd be on the outside of the NFL's version of Yankees/Red Sox revenue domination).


The list goes on. It's the league, not the game.

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The bigger issue is what are the "defined" revenues for the CBA. These revenues should be shared so that each team is able to contribute the same percentage to salaries. The problem is that the players want as much in the pool as possible and will fight to include luxury boxes and other revenue that was not shared before.


If Snyder and Jones want to get revenue from race cars or whatever, they can keep it to themselves as long as it is not "defined" revenue for the CBA.


BTW, I'm sure the Bills work harder to market and fill their stadium than a team that was a 50,000 person waiting list for season tickets.

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The bigger issue is what are the "defined" revenues for the CBA.  These revenues should be shared so that each team is able to contribute the same percentage to salaries.  The problem is that the players want as much in the pool as possible and will fight to include luxury boxes and other revenue that was not shared before.


If Snyder and Jones want to get revenue from race cars or whatever, they can keep it to themselves as long as it is not "defined" revenue for the CBA. 


BTW, I'm sure the Bills work harder to market and fill their stadium than a team that was a 50,000 person waiting list for season tickets.




Well said. The players want every nickle earned to be included as revenue in the next CBA. If the cap jumps to $100 mil per team then Buffalo darn well better get some sharing from the other owners that are creating this hike.


By the way, i listen to Bram now and then and he's ok. I didn't hear his Ralph rant so i can't comment too much about it. Go ahead and flood him with emails....



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Being in DC, I listen to the shills on 980 from time to time...Bram (short for Bramington? Bramster? Whatever....) is the station's "beat" reporter, who spends nearly every waking hour at Redskin Park, hustling guys like Sean Taylor, who's MIA BTW, as they get out of their Humvees each morning. His signature signoff, "I'm Bram Weinstein," after every dopey "report" is just as annoying as he is...


Bottom line, 980 is a struggling sports radio station is a one horse Redskin town. They are ALL about the Redskins, virtually nothing else shows up on their radar screen. You would think that with the Nats in town, they would be all over them. No. They passed off on covering the Nats, as one of Weinstein's butt-buddies Andy Pollen put it, "It was not a good deal for us."


Here is their "play list"



MD Terps basketball (BTW, they're all friends with Gary Williams, coach at UM...it's nausiating to keep hearing everyone refer to him as "Gary this, Gary that." Think they are at all critical of him?)



Terps basketball






Sometimes they knock the Skins...but this thing was Ralph was an attempt to say to Danny-BOY Snyder, "See, we're sticking up for you, put the Skins on our radio station...puh-leeez?"

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