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...You Can't Blame Scott Norwood for the Bills Losing 4 Straight Super Bowls. It's at the end of the show's opening teaser so be forewarned.


I'll give my five reasons:


5. Mark Ingram. Makes that clutch 3rd-and-long catch that leads to a Jints score in SB XXV. A little better tackling would have helped in that situation.


4. Bruce Smith. If he knocks the ball out of Hostetler's clutches in the Jints' end zone and the Bills get a touchdown, it's 17-0 instead of 12-0. Bills didn't get a score after the safety and that hurt.


3. Frank Reich. The laces, Frank...the laces.


2. Coaching. Fat-Ass TUNA and Belichick had it all over Marv and Swizzlestick Corey in SB XXV. TOP overwhelmingly in the Jints' favor.


1. Three other opportunities to win the Big Game. Bills battled their way back to the SB but could not get it done in the end. Arrggh, the frustration!


What are your five reasons?


OBTW, was a very good "You Can't Blame" Art Modell for moving the Browns to Baltimore show last night. Man, you think we've experienced pain as Buffalo fans? Clevelanders have had more than their fair share of heartbreak over the last 40 years or so.

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OBTW, was a very good "You Can't Blame" Art Modell for moving the Browns to Baltimore show last night.  Man, you think we've experienced pain as Buffalo fans?  Clevelanders have had more than their fair share of heartbreak over the last 40 years or so.



You're preaching to the choir, man. :P


My 5 reasons:


5) The safety that should have been a TD.

4) Marv not opting for one final play to get the FG attempt closer.

3) 2-1 Giants on time of possession.

2) Belichick & Tuna's coaching.


and 1) Norwood's longest attempt that season on grass.



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it's funny. i've NEVER blamed norwood for that loss. there were so many things -- pointed out in these posts -- that accounted for that heartbreak.


now, contrast that with the 4th super bowl -- the one i attended in atlanta. as much as i hate to admit it, i place the blame for that loss squarely on the shoulders of thurman. the 3rd quarter fumble and subsequent sulk-fest were so disappointing. the bills were in prime position to win that damn game.

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...You Can't Blame Scott Norwood for the Bills Losing 4 Straight Super Bowls.  It's at the end of the show's opening teaser so be forewarned.


I'll give my five reasons:


5. Mark Ingram.  Makes that clutch 3rd-and-long catch that leads to a Jints score in SB XXV.  A little better tackling would have helped in that situation.


4. Bruce Smith.  If he knocks the ball out of Hostetler's clutches in the Jints' end zone and the Bills get a touchdown, it's 17-0 instead of 12-0.  Bills didn't get a score after the safety and that hurt.


3. Frank Reich.  The laces, Frank...the laces.


2. Coaching.  Fat-Ass TUNA and Belichick had it all over Marv and Swizzlestick Corey in SB XXV.  TOP overwhelmingly in the Jints' favor.


1. Three other opportunities to win the Big Game.  Bills battled their way back to the SB but could not get it done in the end.  Arrggh, the frustration!


What are your five reasons?


OBTW, was a very good "You Can't Blame" Art Modell for moving the Browns to Baltimore show last night.  Man, you think we've experienced pain as Buffalo fans?  Clevelanders have had more than their fair share of heartbreak over the last 40 years or so.


I have 2. If keith McKellar had not made a show-stgin catch of a 1 yard pass during that last drive, we would have had time for 2 or 3 more plays. Also, the fact that the Giants controlled the ball for 40 minutes indicts our third-down defense.

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The Bills always had a soft defense. Lots of playmakers, but they weren't built to stuff teams and that's why they got run over in all four SBs.


The tackling on that 3-12 in SB 25 was one of the worst things I've ever seen on a football field.


TT quitting in the 3Q of a tie game in SB 28 was inexcusable. He's always been half a peg lower in my book for that one.

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#1. Scott Norwood, and the rest doesn't matter.


We can spend all day pointing out how the Bills didn't play the perfect game, but let's not forget that they were playing the other best team in the league that day, and not the Arizona Cardinals.


They took some punches, but when it was all said and done, they left Norwood with a makeable field goal to win the game.


If you're buying the whole 48 yards is too long argument, consider that 75% of this board wants to dump Lindell because he can't make a 40+yard field goal.


Compare that game with the Pats 3 SB wins, in which they also gave up big plays and made mistakes, but played well enough to win the game on the last play. Their kicker converted, the Bills kicker didn't.


Norwood seems like a nice guy, and he did make some good kicks for the Bills in his career, but honestly, he makes that kick, and nobody is talking about time of possession, or Ingram's first down, or the safety that should have been a TD.

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You guys are glossing over REASON #1 why we lost the Giants: Jim Kelly's refusal to change his game plan in the face of the Giants D. Kelly wanted to win the game with his arm, even though Thurman Thomas was tearing the Giants up on the ground. His ego wouldn't let him to admit Parcells was stopping his vaunted K-Gun. He played right into Parcells hands.



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You guys are glossing over REASON #1 why we lost the Giants:  Jim Kelly's refusal to change his game plan in the face of the Giants D.  Kelly wanted to win the game with his arm, even though Thurman Thomas was tearing the Giants up on the ground.  His ego wouldn't let him to admit Parcells was stopping his vaunted K-Gun.  He played right into Parcells hands.





Yeah, and Thomas had almost 200 combined yards, and the offense averaged a point-a-minute. .


If Norwood made that kick, Thomas would have been named the MVP. It wasn't Kelly fault. It was Norwood's

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You guys are glossing over REASON #1 why we lost the Giants:  Jim Kelly's refusal to change his game plan in the face of the Giants D.  Kelly wanted to win the game with his arm, even though Thurman Thomas was tearing the Giants up on the ground.  His ego wouldn't let him to admit Parcells was stopping his vaunted K-Gun.  He played right into Parcells hands.






That might be true, but the Bills still almost got 400 yds total offense in 19 minutes...I put more on the defense that game, but I think your point is a fair one.

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My 5 reasons:




and 1)  Norwood's longest attempt that season on grass.




You're forgetting something....


The week before that, in the AFC Championship Game (51-3), Norwood attemped a 48-yarder from the turf. Missed wide right. Same exact trajectory. It was eery going back and seeing that.

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I'll do my top 5:


#1 It was a 48 yarder

#2 Norwood is human

#3 it was still a 48 yarder

#4 the field goal attempt was from 48 yards out

#5 48 yards is a long ways



It was actually 47 yards....a number that will forever be planted in my head.


Also, after the safety, didn't Andre Reed fail to come up with a pass around the NY 40 that left the Bills in a punting situation? Seem to remember that key play as well. If the Bills continue the drive with that first down, XXV coulda went the other way.

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it's funny.  i've NEVER blamed norwood for that loss.  there were so many things -- pointed out in these posts -- that accounted for that heartbreak.


now, contrast that with the 4th super bowl -- the one i attended in atlanta.  as much as i hate to admit it, i place the blame for that loss squarely on the shoulders of thurman.  the 3rd quarter fumble and subsequent sulk-fest were so disappointing.  the bills were in prime position to win that damn game.




Sorry man, I put that one on Marv's head. It is the coach's job to motivate and get his players into the game. I remember seeing a shot of Marv on the sidelines after that play and he was just standing there looking glum. Maybe he should have calmed TT down a bit, told him to keep his head...

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enough already!! i might need to go back to my therapist if I keep reading this thread....


but I can't help but chime in....it was MY fault we lost the game. I told everyone in the fourth grade Buffalo was going to win and I jinx'd them :P

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anyone remember the bomb to Lofton on the Bills first possession? Seemed to me he had enough seperation between him and the DB to run in for a TD, instead he gets pushed out around the Giants 5yrd line and all we got was a FG. It would have been sweet to beat Parcells and Belichick on the same field and squash all this genius talk that

we're stuck with when it comes to these two chumps.

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