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SCOTUS Blocks OSHA vaccine mandate

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The U.S. Supreme Court blocked the centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s push to get more people vaccinated amid a Covid-19 surge, rejecting an Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule that would have required 80 million workers to get shots or periodic tests.


The court allowed a separate rule to take effect requiring shots for workers in nursing homes, hospitals and other facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid payments from the federal government.







In addition to Sinema saying she won't vote to end the filibuster this is a great day for the Republic


Which means Biden will be doubling down on the power grabs

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3 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

They are probably happy in the White House, they tried, Thats all they can do 

sure. The administration (with a vaccine in hand) responsible for even more Covid deaths than the last administration (incompetent with blood on their hands) ….. “well they tried their best… it’s all they can do”


why can’t you sheep hold your politicians to the same standard as the ones with different opinions on some topics ?? 

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They moved the Overton window a shade to the left. 

The Supreme Court is still a failed institution in a failed government. That they managed to moderate the managerial tendencies of the current administration isn’t much to cheer. 

Still 8 figures worth of medical staff in this country being treated like livestock. They are indeed celebrating in the White House today, as their particular brand of anarcho-tyranny took two steps forward, one step back. 

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3 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

When did I say that?


You know what happens when you assume...😉



He is trying the age old liberal false equivalency JC



Back to the thread.


 Vaccine Authoritarians Cry All Over Social Media After Supreme Court Slaps Down Biden’s Mandate







SCOTUS Spanked Ron Klain Today, Too






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Glen Greenwald:


Nothing in today's 6-3 Supreme Court ruling stops Congress from imposing a vaccine mandate for large employers.


Congress is free to do so.


The ruling is that since Congress did not, Biden/The Department of Labor don't have authority under OSHA to unilaterally impose one.


In other words, today's Supreme Court ruling has nothing to do with vaccine mandates on the merits and everything to do with the limits of presidential power to act by decree.







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Remember everybody these are the measures the world has taken to "keep you safe."



At the expense of your freedoms and paying 30% more for most everything - and likely heading toward an even bigger economic catastrophe -


Have all these protocols been worth it? 


How many people are these sham protocols actually saving right now?


Have they kept you safe?


Have they done right by the kids?


Have they protected the middle class and the poor?




Keep defending them.  This will get worse because the WHO wants the whole world vaccinated before they will ever declare the pandemic over - which would require covid to go away based on their own meteic - ZERO COVID - how many PSAs have you seen "end covid?"  That ain't happening.  


The Federal Government and the CDC are doing nothing but covering their own false assumptions, lies, and failures.  

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