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The American Media Should Not Be Trusted

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"You might think journalists would want to get to the bottom of how they were duped so that they could repair the reputational damage to themselves and their industry. Apparently not."


Writes Marc A. Thiessen in "The Durham report is a damning indictment of the FBI — and the media" (WaPo).


It was the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee that funded the Steele dossier, which relied on a Russian with suspected ties to Russian intelligence. The FBI then included the dossier as part of the materials it used to investigate Trump, paralyzing our country, undermining a newly elected president for two years while costing tens of millions of dollars — all over what ended up being a conspiracy theory.






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On 5/16/2023 at 12:49 PM, SCBills said:

Yea.. there’s some decent independent media… If you watch Kyle Kulinski, you probably have seen, or heard of, Breaking Points with Saager and Krystal Ball.   

Russell Brand’s podcast is good from an anti-establishment standpoint.  He’s a liberal, but in the classical sense, not whatever AOC has become. 

I watch Real America's Voice(RAV), Live From Studio 6B every weeknight (8-10). See so much tht never makes the  Main Slime  networks. It is over the air in Buffalo (CH56.11) and available on the Firestick.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:


Two different things, really.  Why the left and MSM have to make shyt up about Trump, given all that Trump gives 'em is what is really amazing to me. MSM is biased in their Trump reporting.

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24 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

Two different things, really.  Why the left and MSM have to make shyt up about Trump, given all that Trump gives 'em is what is really amazing to me. MSM is biased in their Trump reporting.


Yep. PLENTY of ammo to attack Trump, yet the commies always go with the made up *****.

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2 hours ago, Pokebball said:

Two different things, really.  Why the left and MSM have to make shyt up about Trump, given all that Trump gives 'em is what is really amazing to me. MSM is biased in their Trump reporting.


Anyone who doesn’t see the media bias is probably religiously aligned with their party. 

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If anyone wants a chuckle… cuomo on news nation… news nation tries, it seems, to be relatively middle. It’s killing cuomo to not ball wash the democrats… he still does his best  but then he has these uncomfortable ‘I actually have to give the other sides’ viewpoint so I don’t get fired’ moments.  It’s unmistakably painful for him. 😆 

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On 5/18/2023 at 7:08 PM, Tiberius said:


Lol 😂 


This is the best you got? especially after following the previous several posts…🤣🤣


Not up to par…



Edited by JaCrispy
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Already lying about Trump’s second term. 


“The reporter — Sophia Cai — neither talked to the president nor did she quote his public statements much.


She just speculated and exaggerated his positions.


In other words, she did the same piss-poor reporting that one has come to expect from the DC press corps. . . .


What Cai did reveal was the 2024 version of Orange Man Bad.


Spoiler alert: They will call him a fascist again.”



Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.






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Anatomy of a Media Hoax - The Desire for Book Bans Leads to Rampant Lies In the Press


It has to be seen as one of the deepest ironies in the media complex. Fox News is perpetually assailed as a source of lies, misinformation, and fraudulent narratives, but the mainstream media complex is awash in the spread of lies for the sake of pushing narratives. I do not mean that there are selective examples to pull out by way of exception, but that the press industry works collectively to deliver a false storyline. 


Look back last year how nearly every news organization was on the same page in describing the Florida Parental Rights In Education legislation as the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” It is a falsehood that continues to this day. To see how pernicious this became, the erroneously-described school policy was taken to be a statewide ban of the word for all citizens. This is hardly a lone example.



From the years of Russian collusion up to the current craze of saying children should not be sexualized is tantamount to gay bashing, the press works as a pack of prevaricators. There is also the lie-of-omission, from stories like Hunter’s laptop to the Nashville trans shooter being smothered. Sure, Fox News is the problem…


The Lie Of The Year is already shaping up to be “Florida’s book bans.” This is a storyline that pops up with regularity, and the thread running through all of these reports is that no books are banned – at all. Limiting reading lists for certain age groups based on the appropriateness of the content is not a ban, any more than a movie Rated-R that prevents underage ticket buyers is a “banned film.”


But the press trumpets these claims with abandon, and this week it took on a widespread farcical nature.


It began with the Miami Herald – already a bad sign. The paper reported on a school removing four books from an elementary media center, as well as a display of a poem by Amanda Gorman that she had read at Joe Biden’s inauguration. The carefully-worded headline is the first clue of problems: Miami-Dade K-8 bars elementary students from 4 library titles following parent complaint. One parent expressed concern about the content for elementary school grades, so the school took action.




The four other titles were deemed “better suited” or “more appropriate” for middle school students, despite acknowledging that at least one book, The ABCs of Black History, was written for ages 5 and up. The books would be kept in the middle school section of the media center, the review concluded.




And there it is. The books and poem were never removed, limited, or banned. They were simply moved to a section with works for older students – inside the very same library! 


There are only two reasons for this dereliction of journalism; rank incompetence, or outright lying for the sake of a narrative. Neither of which is approaching acceptable. 


And these same journalists wonder why it was that Ron DeSantis avoided them entirely and went on Twitter instead to announce his candidacy for president.



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NBC News gets it wrong … again. You’d think after a while they’d accidentally get at least something right, right? Even a broken clock and stuff? But nooope. They just can’t seem to stop stepping on their own feet. Yeah, that’s it, feet.


Seems mean ol’ conservatives have ‘backed companies into a corner’ because they don’t want children subjected to adult themes, narratives, and tuck-friendly bathing suits. The horror.





Not "backed into a corner". More like painting themselves into a corner.





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