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And the 2024 Race Begins

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Folks, it's gonna be another nail-biter:






The country is fundamentally divided. On a national basis, I see nothing that would convince me that there's any change in the roughly Biden +5 (closer to +7 in 2020) advantage.


On the electoral college basis: Once again, every state but 7 is irrelevant/a foregone conclusion. PA, MI, WI, GA, AZ, NV, NC. Latest polls (mostly Feb, before a recent tightening) show Trump leading in all of them, albeit within the margin of error in most.


So when Biden tries to curry favor with the UAW (Michigan!) or Trump tries to curry favor with "his" blue collar base (100% tariff!), remember, that's what we'll be seeing the rest of the year.

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Despite the full-on media propaganda campaign against the former president and the list of politically motivated indictments against him, Trump has managed to present a formidable challenge to the incumbent – even among voters who are not firmly in the MAGA camp. New polls reveal that Biden’s failure to win over independents might be one of the reasons why he can’t pull ahead of the Republican contender.


A new poll conducted by the Center Square and released Wednesday shows that about 55 percent of the electorate disapproves of the president’s performance so far. But among independents, only 32 percent approve of the job Biden is doing, while 60 percent disapprove.


Even worse for Democrats, the poll also shows that if Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein remain in the race, a significat chunk of independents would veer away from supporting the president.


The most pressing issues for voters are jobs and the economy. The majority of respondents disapprove of Biden’s performance on these matters.

But this is not the only poll showing Biden losing independents.


An Economist/YouGov survey shows that, overall, about 56 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance. This includes 62 percent of independents.


Also noteworthy is that Vice President Kamala Harris does not fare much better. The same survey revealed that 56 percent of independents disapprove of her performance as well. The survey was taken from Mar. 16-19.


This places Team Biden in a tricky predicament. If they cannot win over voters who are not squarely in the Democrat camp, it is unlikely they will be able to defeat Trump even with the assistance of the legacy media and the laundry list of politically motivated indictments. At this point, Biden’s allies are already doing all they can to ensure he wins another term in office.










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A good endorsement, but will the members really follow ?



United Steelworkers union endorses Biden,
giving him more labor support in presidential race

Associated Press News, by Staff


The United Steelworkers Union has endorsed President Joe Biden, giving him support from another large labor union.

The USW, which represents 850,000 workers in metals, mining, rubber and other industries, said Biden has a track record of supporting retirement security, affordable health care and laws that help workers, all important issues to its members.







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'It's Really That Bad'! Desperate Biden Campaign Calls in Reinforcements





Many people often wonder who's actually pulling the strings at the Biden White House, and with each passing day as we get closer to the November election that will become increasingly clear. 


Biden's numbers are at record lows for any president at this point in their first term, so Joe's campaign is bringing in some former presidents to try and help carry him across the finish line while assisting with fundraising: 





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Just now, B-Man said:




'It's Really That Bad'! Desperate Biden Campaign Calls in Reinforcements





Many people often wonder who's actually pulling the strings at the Biden White House, and with each passing day as we get closer to the November election that will become increasingly clear. 


Biden's numbers are at record lows for any president at this point in their first term, so Joe's campaign is bringing in some former presidents to try and help carry him across the finish line while assisting with fundraising: 





Gotta do something.  



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Disagree with the assessment here. Yes, this crap is damaging Biden massively.  But it won't matter.


They didn't care when Biden hid in his basement and held sporadic rallies in front of  12 people four years ago. Because they knew.


They don't care about taking massive political damage nearly every day now. Because they know. Again.




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That'll help voters pull that lever.



Most Voters Think Biden Would Die Before End of Second Term, Absurdly Making Kamala Harris President





Virtually every major polling organization continues to confirm a myriad of voter concerns that could stick a fork in the 81-year-old, cognitively declining president. From the out-of-control illegal alien invasion to the disastrous effects of Bidenomics on tens of millions of hardworking Americans who struggle to make ends meet to a growing concern among likely voters that if Biden wins in November, he'll die during his second term, leaving America with the once unthinkable: Kamala Harris as the president of the United States, the electorate isn't happy about Joe.


Twilight Zone? Damn close.


According to a new poll conducted exclusively for Daily Mail, only 38 percent of likely voters believe Biden would be alive at the end of another four-year term — again, making the unthinkable a reality, which 36 percent of survey respondents said they believe will happen.







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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

Florida potentially in play now:


Florida Supreme Court allows recreational marijuana, abortion amendments on 2024 ballot


I wonder if the Dems start putting real money into the state given how these referendums have been going lately. Should be a natural bump in turnout on the left. 


I wouldn't trust the Florida Democratic Party to poor piss out of a boot.


DeSanctimonious uses them as a speed bag, and he's one of the worst political strategists around. 

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7 minutes ago, Coffeesforclosers said:


I wouldn't trust the Florida Democratic Party to poor piss out of a boot.


DeSanctimonious uses them as a speed bag, and he's one of the worst political strategists around. 

I don’t think that Biden will win Florida. 

But if these referendums drive turnout on the left, that will force Trump to spend real money in the state. 

Given the Trump campaign’s financial disadvantage, having to put money into Florida likely pulls money out of states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Arizona. 

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23 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

I don’t think that Biden will win Florida. 

But if these referendums drive turnout on the left, that will force Trump to spend real money in the state. 

Given the Trump campaign’s financial disadvantage, having to put money into Florida likely pulls money out of states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Arizona. 


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Who Will Vote for a Walking Corpse?






Social media was briefly abuzz last month about Presidentish Joe Biden's boat-anchor shoes, the ones meant to help keep him from falling. But the shoes aren't what really weigh him down — it's voter expectations that he won't survive a second term.






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