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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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6 hours ago, Justice said:


I’ve been hearing this quite frequently but never seen proof. 


Well, there's this:




Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

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1 hour ago, daz28 said:

Bro I love ya, and I love your positivity, but 85k Americans said no.  There's no way we learned anything about a novel virus in 6 months.  You might be right about some things, but ya might be dead wrong, too. 

Why would you say we have learned nothing? Just curious , what data would you be looking for? Do you not believe in the numbers from Sweden? 

I mean even the WAPO is stating numbers look the same between states that have “ reopened”

vs those that have not. 


Also, do you believe all 85k of those Americans would be alive today if not the virus? 

Edited by plenzmd1
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5 hours ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:


Ya I am still am. 


Just hate when people over abuse there powers on people. No reason for any of it.

Because your standard abuse of power is acceptable?

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6 hours ago, shoshin said:

Why not?

As someone who last had the flu 24 years ago without taking the flu shot since, the question isn't why not take it, but why? I am open to listening to sales pitches, and if the company producing the vaccine is IMMUNE from liability due to an injury to myself as a result, then that is of course a non-starter. I am always open to negotiation, and I would prefer to see what everyone else's experience is first on a fairly lengthy stretch of time. We don't share the same fear, so as a result, we do not share the same motivation to take a shot straight to the blood stream. I don't mind you taking it of course. Your body, your choice.

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This guy has it right. Think about what he is saying. The places we think of having done the “ best job” are actually kinda screwed. Absent a vaccine, how can they ever open to travel? How can they widespread open ? 


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3 hours ago, daz28 said:

It might literally infect almost everyone as you said, but lets say it infects only half of us for arguments sake.  Then let's say 50% of those are asymptomatic, and hopefully develop antibodies,  and we go with 1% mortality.  Fair enough numbers, right.  That's 875, 000 deaths. That smashes almost 4 years of World War 2 deaths by 5 times in months, not years. Will we reach that total?  Likely not, but social distancing may have been what kept those numbers from becoming real.  Are we in a position to say 200k deaths isn't realistic?   I'm not so sure.  If we can handle 4 or 5 years of world war, we can handle a few more weeks of lockdown.  At 85k deaths in 2 months, the "it's only a flu" clueless crew need to stfu, an put their mask on. I wish people would stop waving the flag, because it won't make this go away, nor will it make anything better.  

Just what would be gained by a few more weeks of lockdown ? Will the virus be vanquished by then ? Almost certainly not. So maybe we will have changed the cause of death on a few thousand death certificates. For that, Millions are jobless and many businesses at this point will never return. We’re already looking at major economic problems for a decade or more and the government can’t hand out money forever. Your aforementioned “ flag wavers” aren’t the ones who need to admit we have to live with the virus being around. They are the ones who have accepted that fact. The sooner we get on with life, the better.  A number is a number, so comparisons to deaths in wars are silly. 

3 hours ago, daz28 said:

Bro I love ya, and I love your positivity, but 85k Americans said no.  There's no way we learned anything about a novel virus in 6 months.  You might be right about some things, but ya might be dead wrong, too. 

And just what will we learn hiding in our homes? How to bankrupt Cities, States and eventually the nation ? 

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4 hours ago, daz28 said:

It might literally infect almost everyone as you said, but lets say it infects only half of us for arguments sake.  Then let's say 50% of those are asymptomatic, and hopefully develop antibodies,  and we go with 1% mortality.  Fair enough numbers, right.  That's 875, 000 deaths. That smashes almost 4 years of World War 2 deaths by 5 times in months, not years. Will we reach that total?  Likely not, but social distancing may have been what kept those numbers from becoming real.  Are we in a position to say 200k deaths isn't realistic?   I'm not so sure.  If we can handle 4 or 5 years of world war, we can handle a few more weeks of lockdown.  At 85k deaths in 2 months, the "it's only a flu" clueless crew need to stfu, an put their mask on. I wish people would stop waving the flag, because it won't make this go away, nor will it make anything better.  

Easy to say if you don't have a business or means to support yourself.  Easy to say if you didn't have to call dozens of employees who have worked for you for years and say, sorry, I have to lay you off and we will never open again.  Entire life savings have been poured into businesses and careers and have vanished.  


There are always risks. 300k deaths from automobile accidents in the US/year.  Is it necessary that you drive to get an ice cream on Saturday, veer over the other side of the road and kill a family of 4.  Every time you get into an automobile you take a risk and in many instances - an unnecessary risk.  We've done enough isolating and social distancing and we can continue some of this, but WE MUST GET BACK TO WORK. Even if this is marginally worse than the flu, we cannot lock down an entire country for 3, 4, 5 months.  


I can almost guarantee you are not a biz owner, nor laid off.  Probably home teleworking collecting a paycheck.  


I know you would like me to take a knee for the National Anthem and not wave the flag, but I'm proud of my country and I love the ideals we stand for. You can put the flag in your back pocket, but for me, l'll keep waving it and fighting for what it means.   


In summary - you can STFU. 

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1 hour ago, Reality Check said:

As someone who last had the flu 24 years ago without taking the flu shot since, the question isn't why not take it, but why? I am open to listening to sales pitches, and if the company producing the vaccine is IMMUNE from liability due to an injury to myself as a result, then that is of course a non-starter. I am always open to negotiation, and I would prefer to see what everyone else's experience is first on a fairly lengthy stretch of time. We don't share the same fear, so as a result, we do not share the same motivation to take a shot straight to the blood stream. I don't mind you taking it of course. Your body, your choice.


Actually the way it works is you not taking a vaccine for a highly contagious disease affects others. That's why the US government required smallpox vaccinations. 


You might have to hole up in the bunker and get your food delivered through a slot but you'll be free!

1 minute ago, Bockeye said:

Easy to say if you don't have a business or means to support yourself.  Easy to say if you didn't have to call dozens of employees who have worked for you for years and say, sorry, I have to lay you off and we will never open again.  Entire life savings have been poured into businesses and careers and have vanished.  


There are always risks. 300k deaths from automobile accidents in the US/year.  Is it necessary that you drive to get an ice cream on Saturday, veer over the other side of the road and kill a family of 4.  Every time you get into an automobile you take a risk and in many instances - an unnecessary risk.  We've done enough isolating and social distancing and we can continue some of this, but WE MUST GET BACK TO WORK. Even if this is marginally worse than the flu, we cannot lock down an entire country for 3, 4, 5 months.  


I can almost guarantee you are not a biz owner, nor laid off.  Probably home teleworking collecting a paycheck.  


I know you would like me to take a knee for the National Anthem and not wave the flag, but I'm proud of my country and I love the ideals we stand for. You can put the flag in your back pocket, but for me, l'll keep waving it and fighting for what it means.   


In summary - you can STFU. 


We are doing the right thing. Open the spigot slowly and watch the numbers, particularly hospitalizations. If the max deaths to get to herd immunity or vaccine (assuming people take it--already you see in this thread a bunch of people who will refuse) is 300,000, it would be a kind of amazing outcome. 

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2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

NYS reported 115 Covid deaths yesterday. Down from highs that were hovering close to 900 at the peak. The curve has been decimated!


It's great. Shutdowns work, and now we test the reopening. 

Edited by shoshin
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Just now, shoshin said:


It's great. Shutdowns work!

That’s the core of the debate. Speaking scientifically we don’t really no what ‘worked’. It could be the sheltering, or it could be weather, or it could be the nature of the virus itself. We know that a good many of the deaths were ‘man made’ caused by unknowingly bad public policy decisions, such as placing sick people in nursing homes. But as for the rest , the best way to see if ‘lockdowns work’ is to end them and see if the numbers spike. 

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1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

That’s the core of the debate. Speaking scientifically we don’t really no what ‘worked’. It could be the sheltering, or it could be weather, or it could be the nature of the virus itself. We know that a good many of the deaths were ‘man made’ caused by unknowingly bad public policy decisions, such as placing sick people in nursing homes. But as for the rest , the best way to see if ‘lockdowns work’ is to end them and see if the numbers spike. 


It's time to reopen with the distancing, masks, etc. in place. Watching Germany the closest. They have a population that will do the right things, they test well, and they are ahead of us on the timeline. So far things look OK there--stable (not decreasing) but that's OK. If we sit at stable now as we reopen, that's good. The next hurdles will happen in the fall.  

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5 minutes ago, Bockeye said:

Easy to say if you don't have a business or means to support yourself.  Easy to say if you didn't have to call dozens of employees who have worked for you for years and say, sorry, I have to lay you off and we will never open again.  Entire life savings have been poured into businesses and careers and have vanished.  


There are always risks. 300k deaths from automobile accidents in the US/year.  Is it necessary that you drive to get an ice cream on Saturday, veer over the other side of the road and kill a family of 4.  Every time you get into an automobile you take a risk and in many instances - an unnecessary risk.  We've done enough isolating and social distancing and we can continue some of this, but WE MUST GET BACK TO WORK. Even if this is marginally worse than the flu, we cannot lock down an entire country for 3, 4, 5 months.  


I can almost guarantee you are not a biz owner, nor laid off.  Probably home teleworking collecting a paycheck.  


I know you would like me to take a knee for the National Anthem and not wave the flag, but I'm proud of my country and I love the ideals we stand for. You can put the flag in your back pocket, but for me, l'll keep waving it and fighting for what it means.   


In summary - you can STFU. 

while i agree with the majority of your post, make sure you have numbers correct. 36K car deaths in US last year, but point is still valid


What this has to do with taking a knee or the National Anthem is beyond my comprehension.Please explain. 


The argument for  following where the numbers take us, and that there needs to be cost benefit analysis performed, gets lost when you frame it in context of politics and other extraneous facts. The whole argument needs to be based strictly on numbers, not political ideology. 





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7 minutes ago, shoshin said:


It's great. Shutdowns work, and now we test the reopening. 

But we won’t in WNY because Cuomo says we can’t have more than a few hospitalizations even though we have capacity. Apparently if more healthy individuals that can quarantine in their homes get Covid 19 then we might reopen. If less healthy get it, we’re stuck. 

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1 minute ago, shoshin said:


It's time to reopen with the distancing, masks, etc. in place. Watching Germany the closest. They have a population that will do the right things, they test well, and they are ahead of us on the timeline. So far things look OK there--stable (not decreasing) but that's OK. If we sit at stable now as we reopen, that's good. The next hurdles will happen in the fall.  

why not Sweeden? 

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