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Love the "I don't care, it doesn't directly affect me." Expect similiar responses from your fellow lemmings when our supposedly Democratic government gets around to screwing with something you DO care about."


Once again, a bandaid on a brain tumor.

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Doen't bother me. I don't smoke.



"And when they came for the smokers I didn't stand up for them because I didn't smoke, and when they came for the hoho eaters I didn't stand up for them because I didn't eat hohos, but when they came for me there was no one left to stand up to them..."



Or something like that... :doh:

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No lighters on airplanes.  Effective today.  Pretty soon we're all going to be stripped, deloused, shaved, and mummified for travel.


Love government.



My dad had a knee replacement last summer. So he's got a metal knee and a brace. You should see the once-over they give him when he travels! I'm surprised they don't give him an anal probe.

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My dad had a knee replacement last summer. So he's got a metal knee and a brace. You should see the once-over they give him when he travels! I'm surprised they don't give him an anal probe.


If he wants one, tell him to carry the Koran with him.

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I have no problem with strict security. None.


And the whole "it infringes on my freedom" line is BS. NOT ONE person feels that what El Al Israel does to its passengers "infringes on freedom". Its only when the "big bad" USA does it does it become a personal affront to everyone and shows the world how "terrible" we are, right?



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I have no problem with strict security. None.


And the whole "it infringes on my freedom" line is BS. NOT ONE person feels that what El Al Israel does to its passengers "infringes on freedom". Its only when the "big bad" USA does it does it become a personal affront to everyone and shows the world how "terrible" we are, right?





So because some people doesn't complain in Isreal it doesn't infringe on your freedom?


Following this logic, if a country was communist and their citizens felt it didn't infringe on their freedom because the government is relatively lax for a communist government, it wouldn't?



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I have no problem with strict security. None.


And the whole "it infringes on my freedom" line is BS. NOT ONE person feels that what El Al Israel does to its passengers "infringes on freedom". Its only when the "big bad" USA does it does it become a personal affront to everyone and shows the world how "terrible" we are, right?





Yes but the people screening for El Al are trained professionals, not the sideshow circus that represents our airport security. Again, if there is anything they should be concentrating on it's explosives. Sneaking a weapon onto an airliner will not have the same affect as 9/11.

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So because some people doesn't complain in Isreal it doesn't infringe on your freedom?


Following this logic, if a country was communist and their citizens felt it didn't infringe on their freedom because the government is relatively lax for a communist government, it wouldn't?


Comparing a three-five minute security check to how an entire government conducts itself and rules its populace.


Now THERE is a fair comparison!


" :doh: ", indeed.

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Comparing a three-five minute security check to how an entire government conducts itself and rules its populace.


Now THERE is a fair comparison!


" :doh: ", indeed.


The days of comfortable national insularity are over. The "lighter" rule lends itself to mockery except when and if a radiological bomb is detonated in America and then our "freedom" will be severely restricted.

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The days of comfortable national insularity are over. The "lighter" rule lends itself to mockery except when and if a radiological bomb is detonated in America and then our "freedom" will be severely restricted.



A few months ago, the Crap Throwing Monkey made a point that stuck with me. There's a ceratin balance between freedom and fear. Take away too much freedom and we are not America. Sadly, while we should fight terrorism tooth and nail, we will all have to almost accept a certain level of terror so that we can still live free.


The *worst* response to a dirty bomb detonation would be to further restrict freedom. Freedom is what we have that makes us different and better than the terrorists.

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A few months ago, the Crap Throwing Monkey made a point that stuck with me. There's a ceratin balance between freedom and fear. Take away too much freedom and we are not America. Sadly, while we should fight terrorism tooth and nail, we will all have to almost accept a certain level of terror so that we can still live free.


The *worst* response to a dirty bomb detonation would be to further restrict freedom. Freedom is what we have that makes us different and better than the terrorists.



I just finished a book, for my latest course, by Benjamin Netanyahu describing his ideas on combating terrorism. He feels that you need to infringe on civil liberties in order to combat terrorism. The citizens just need to accept that they will need to sacrifice civil liberties in order to combat terrorism. While it makes sense (as you mentioned in your reference to CTM), I disagree with his philosophies. This country was built on freedom and we should not give up our freedoms in pursuit of CT policies. As you mentioned, we need to accept a certain level of terror in order to keep our freedoms in place.

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The "lighter" rule lends itself to mockery except when and if a radiological bomb is detonated


By a lighter? What could a lighter do that 4 books of matches couldn't?

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...Sadly, while we should fight terrorism tooth and nail, we will all have to almost accept a certain level of terror so that we can still live free.
...As you mentioned, we need to accept a certain level of terror in order to keep our freedoms in place.

Never happen, gentlemen. If there were to be another large-scale terrorist attack, the pressure to further restrictions would be intense, and the opposition to it would be demonized. (Think of the children. How can you be against saving children?)


Hopefully, intelligence agencies and law enforcement continue to keep the threat of this down. But if they fail, the proposed legislation will be horrible, and the resulting legislation will be disappointing. Which is kind of where we are now.

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