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Would you rather have a manager like Rex or Marrone?

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2 hours ago, Another Fan said:

I had this discussion last night about people and management styles.  I've encountered all kinds.


So I was curious if people would in general prefer a more laid back manager like Rex?  Although things will probably eventually hit the fan and he may not have your back.


I think McDermott is the best out of all of them but that discussion kinda raised my curiosity 


This is an interesting question which transcends football really.  It’s an overall style of leadership from a management perspective and which one works best within an organization. 


Marrone and Rex do have two different management styles for sure.  In the past both styles have been effective but a lot depends on a variety of factors.


With that being said, I think what hurt Rex the most in Buffalo wasn’t his “player’s coach” mentality.  It was more of an overall lack of preparation, organization, and player accountability.  If these areas were stronger, whether he was a buddy or a tyrant to players wouldn’t really matter much.  


Marrone on the other hand did seem to be prepared and organized.  Acccountability was a question at time with him.  


I probably would take a Rex IF he was better prepared and organized.  But if he wasn’t I would want Marrone

Edited by BuffaloRush
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7 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

Marrone.  An !@#$ who shoots straight will always be better than an !@#$ who just shoots off at the mouth.  I can deal with the flying bullets when they're true. Thee lipservice not so much.  !@#$ Rex Ryan, that belligerent blowhard douche.

Haha say how you really feel

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6 hours ago, JohnC said:

In a setting which is small and the work product revolves around creativity Rex would represent the better style. If the business was a prison for LA gang members who were there for life the Marrone method of management would work well. His preference for rote discipline and an oppressive inflexibility is an environment he would be comfortable in. 


The problem with a coach like Marrone, who did a very good job in Buffalo, is that there is a shelf life to him and his rigidity. Marrone is an acolyte of Bill Parcells. That era of  stern leadership where the coach screws with people to draw out their best doesn't work with this era of players who individually are working on their own personal brand. 


Another issue with Marrone is how would he work in an organizational structure where he doesn't have the full authority.  Conflicts are inevitable in all organizations. But when they are lingering and become personal challenges then they become poisonous. In Jacksonville it is a good situation because he is working under an old time hard arse Irishman who would kick him in the nuts and throw him out of the door if he acted out as he has a tendency to do. 




The only disagreement with this is that in the NFL - winning trumps all.  A guy like Belichick is more rigid and stern than Marrone could ever be, but he wins - so it works.  If Marrone keeps getting the Jags to the playoffs - it will not matter what his ego is like - the players will play.  


Belichick has sat players that were late late during a blizzard even when they called to say they were coming.  When the area got blanketed this winter - there were articles about guys “opting” to stay at the hotel on site just to make sure they were on time.  There was also the fact that he fined and punished players that celebrated scores - I mean how strict and controlling do you want, but he gets away with it.


Either style will work - the issue is consistency and preparation.  The players will adapt if you are consistent in your style and you prepare them well and you bring about wins.  The biggest issue with Rex was a complete lack of preparation- it showed and the players responded negatively.



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10 hours ago, Another Fan said:

I had this discussion last night about people and management styles.  I've encountered all kinds.


So I was curious if people would in general prefer a more laid back manager like Rex?  Although things will probably eventually hit the fan and he may not have your back.


I think McDermott is the best out of all of them but that discussion kinda raised my curiosity 


You mean coach?

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10 hours ago, Another Fan said:

I had this discussion last night about people and management styles.  I've encountered all kinds.


So I was curious if people would in general prefer a more laid back manager like Rex?  Although things will probably eventually hit the fan and he may not have your back.


I think McDermott is the best out of all of them but that discussion kinda raised my curiosity 



...I agree.....Rex was a big blowhard just like his old man, riding on his success as Ravens' DC......Buddy rode on the Bears 46......BOTH were woeful failures as HC's.........Marrone sold himself to Brandon during interviews based on need for "culture change" and he was 101% right....problem was his style was General Patton like and he wanted Brandon and Whaley in on EVERY team meeting....they got sick of it, Marrone knew the Big Dawgs turned on him, so he left.....wasn't sure if the Marrone/da Fuhrer Coughlin in Jax would work, but so far so good...McD is a balanced blend IMO, ala firm but fair......HE knows what HE wants, players know what HE expects and so far so good......how it should be........

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2 hours ago, Rochesterfan said:


The only disagreement with this is that in the NFL - winning trumps all.  A guy like Belichick is more rigid and stern than Marrone could ever be, but he wins - so it works.  If Marrone keeps getting the Jags to the playoffs - it will not matter what his ego is like - the players will play.  


Belichick has sat players that were late late during a blizzard even when they called to say they were coming.  When the area got blanketed this winter - there were articles about guys “opting” to stay at the hotel on site just to make sure they were on time.  There was also the fact that he fined and punished players that celebrated scores - I mean how strict and controlling do you want, but he gets away with it.


Either style will work - the issue is consistency and preparation.  The players will adapt if you are consistent in your style and you prepare them well and you bring about wins.  The biggest issue with Rex was a complete lack of preparation- it showed and the players responded negatively.



Bill Belichick is going to go down as the best HC in the history of the modern NFL. He runs the operation in New England as both a HC and to a degree as the GM. Without question he has unlimited authority. When Marrone was in Buffalo he was feuding with the GM and the front office. That is not to say that his positions didn't have merit but his working relationship was fraught with conflict.  If he tried his bully act with Coughlin I'm sure that his response will be much different from how  Whaley responded. That's not something that BB has to worry about because he is running the show. 


I acknowledged that Marrone did a good job in Buffalo. And he certainly has done a good job in Jacksonville. But I still believe that because of his prickly personality it will as time go by have an eroding effect on his relationship with the players and organization. And that will certainly play in to his longevity as a coach with current  team. 


You can have two coaches with the same dour personalities and style of coaching yet that doesn't necessarily mean that both coaches will have the same results. 

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I hate being micromanaged, I am a self-starting person I don't need someone on my ass telling me to work harder, I work hard and people that try to micromanage me just end up slowing things down and producing a lesser product. So in that sense, I would like a manager like Rex I have good discipline and a good work ethic even with a lax manager I always try to go above and beyond. So a Marrone type wouldn't make me more productive it would just slow me down and frustrate me. 


That being said I think the Bills probably needed a Marrone type more so than a Rex. Coming of the Chan era the Bills needed to reestablish the fundamentals of the team and Marrone was the guy to do that. 

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Neither.  Rex clearly sucked as a manager.  Friends with all the workers, no results to speak of.  Marrone might be good in short spurts, but his act will wear thin.  Especially when he benches better players for inferior ones, like he did here.  The short-term results will please management, but the people what work for them will eventually burn out and leave.  I've had both types of managers, and they both suck to work for.

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Marrone.  Results and accountability.  Rex to me would run a buddy system.  Your "his" guy you can do whatever you are not you carry the slack his guy dropped.

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