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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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16 minutes ago, B-Man said:


This should be a huge flashing warning sign for what the IG report is going to reveal... at least for those who are paying attention and haven't been blinded by partisanship or brainwashed by the disinformation campaign run for the past 12 months by the USIC and MSM...



And now, USA Today is picking up on the IG probe - though their description of it is entirely inaccurate. 


The IG probe is NOT a probe into JUST the HRC email scandal, it goes much deeper. The fact that this is breaking now in the worst of MSM rags is yet more proof that what I (and others) have been laying out for over two months now is coming to fruition. 


Buckle up. 



Edited by Deranged Rhino
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2 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

So, Flynn flipped over the asshats subject line... What's been going on for a few months now???


Flynn did not flip. 


He out maneuvered multiple agents and agencies who mistook him for a rube, not a master spook. 


What was it his attorney said back in March? "Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit."



What story did Flynn want to tell in 2012, 2013, and 2014 to congress in an open session? A story he wanted to tell so badly it got him fired? It had nothing to do with Trump or Russia...


What prevented Flynn from telling that story even after being fired? The NDAs he signed upon leaving his post...


... NDAs which became null and void the moment he plead guilty to a simple process crime. 


Who was so concerned about what Flynn had to say he not only fired him, but warned 45 that he couldn't be trusted - even AFTER his clearances were renewed (meaning, he's as clean as my grandmas kitchen)?


oh, right. Not Trump. 


Flynn is going to go down as a legend when this is all over. 

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And now, McCain is linked to the Dossier... (but this has been speculated/known for months). 


Buckle up, John. Your legacy is going to be exposed for what it truly is: One of the country's biggest traitors. 



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15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




And now, McCain is linked to the Dossier... (but this has been speculated/known for months). 


Buckle up, John. Your legacy is going to be exposed for what it truly is: One of the country's biggest traitors. 




One can only hope that that bastard gets his due.


Talk about manchurian candidates. Wonder what the NVA did to him in prison.


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36 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Flynn did not flip. 


He out maneuvered multiple agents and agencies who mistook him for a rube, not a master spook. 


What was it his attorney said back in March? "Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit."



What story did Flynn want to tell in 2012, 2013, and 2014 to congress in an open session? A story he wanted to tell so badly it got him fired? It had nothing to do with Trump or Russia...


What prevented Flynn from telling that story even after being fired? The NDAs he signed upon leaving his post...


... NDAs which became null and void the moment he plead guilty to a simple process crime. 


Who was so concerned about what Flynn had to say he not only fired him, but warned 45 that he couldn't be trusted - even AFTER his clearances were renewed (meaning, he's as clean as my grandmas kitchen)?


oh, right. Not Trump. 


Flynn is going to go down as a legend when this is all over. 

Oh, I get it. I am just laughing at this because I was watching TV during a break today and they had a commerical on to sign a petition and get Trump impeached. It was beyond amazing. Claiming proof Trump colluded. Proving Trump sold secrets etc.  Basically, it was all that Clinton had done but with Trump's name.

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2 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

Oh, I get it. I am just laughing at this because I was watching TV during a break today and they had a commerical on to sign a petition and get Trump impeached. It was beyond amazing. Claiming proof Trump colluded. Proving Trump sold secrets etc.  Basically, it was all that Clinton had done but with Trump's name.


If you sign my internet petition and send me $19.95, I will personally send you all of the conclusive proof of Trump's collusion. As an extra bonus, if you act within the next 5 minutes, I will send you proof that Trump had TWO scoops of ice cream to the ONE scoop allotted for the rest of his dinner guests.

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30 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


If you sign my internet petition and send me $19.95, I will personally send you all of the conclusive proof of Trump's collusion. As an extra bonus, if you act within the next 5 minutes, I will send you proof that Trump had TWO scoops of ice cream to the ONE scoop allotted for the rest of his dinner guests.

i only have about tree fitty

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Lol, this is so funny. Trump is going to call someone else a liar! We'll see how that goes. I'd like to say his legal team is as bad as DR, Tom and Third thing, but seeing what they have to work with the situation might be too bad for any lawyers to handle. 



The plan by President Trump’s legal team to attack the credibility of former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn would mark a sharp break from Trump’s previously sympathetic posture toward Flynn, who is cooperating with the special counsel’s Russia investigation.
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:lol: The desperation is thick. 


A story in the Washington Post, quoting unnamed sources, is once again predicting what 45 is going to do and Tibs takes it as fact. 


A smarter person would realize by now how this has lead to nothing but inaccurate reporting for months now. But instead he is clinging to anything he can find that protects "his truth", facts and reality be dammed. 

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11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Lol, this is so funny. Trump is going to call someone else a liar! We'll see how that goes. I'd like to say his legal team is as bad as DR, Tom and Third thing, but seeing what they have to work with the situation might be too bad for any lawyers to handle. 



The plan by President Trump’s legal team to attack the credibility of former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn would mark a sharp break from Trump’s previously sympathetic posture toward Flynn, who is cooperating with the special counsel’s Russia investigation.


Let me guess, based on unnamed sources citing unnamed methods?

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Just now, Koko78 said:


Let me guess, based on unnamed sources citing unnamed methods?

Lol, whistling past grave yard. 


Im sure Trump will still be praising the guy who is fully cooperating in the investigation against him. Can I sell you a bridge? 


Trump administrion leaks more than a Russian submarine 

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29 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Let me guess, based on unnamed sources citing unnamed methods?


You win! 


The article attributes "three people familiar with the strategy (of casting aspersions at a witness)". 


These could be three lawyers unrelated to the case, or three randoms who watched law and order last week. 


Its a desperate article devoid of any real journalism. 

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

:lol: The desperation is thick. 


A story in the Washington Post, quoting unnamed sources, is once again predicting what 45 is going to do and Tibs takes it as fact. 


A smarter person would realize by now how this has lead to nothing but inaccurate reporting for months now. But instead he is clinging to anything he can find that protects "his truth", facts and reality be dammed. 


Why do the people who complain Trump is unpredictable keep trying to selectively insist that they can predict what he's going to do?

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58 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The article attributes "three people familiar with the strategy (of casting aspersions at a witness)". 


These could be three lawyers unrelated to the case, or three randoms who watched law and order last week. 


Its a desperate article devoid of any real journalism. 








Mr. Mueller, end the witch hunt
USA Today, by Rep. Andy Biggs


Original Article



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