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[closed]Looks like Rob was running the show last year.


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These articles infuriate me, because I was on board with Rob's hiring, stupidly believing that Rob's duties would be limited to his strengths as a position coach (which Bills needed).


But, noooo, the jackass entrusted the entire team to Fredo.


Good riddance to both tandem buffoons.

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Woops. I honestly didn't see it. Still used to the old bbmb forum. This one is a bit different on your phone

It happens. Between Yolo and 26CB and others, there's usually about a 10 second lag between any NFL news and a thread popping up on TSW discussing said topic. Perhaps shorter if its about the Bills. You can pretty much assume any article you find has its own thread and you'll be right most of the time.

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It happens. Between Yolo and 26CB and others, there's usually about a 10 second lag between any NFL news and a thread popping up on TSW discussing said topic. Perhaps shorter if its about the Bills. You can pretty much assume any article you find has its own thread and you'll be right most of the time.


Too true! If I come across an article online, and I think "I should post this!" I always check the time/date it was released. If it is more than 2 hours old, I know it's already here.

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