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hidden video in Muslim faith school.. learning how to kill

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more often than not, calling someone racist is todays mccarthyism so color me unconvinced of your certainty


i ask again, was he making any kind of academic point? i find it extremely unlikely that short of literal brain damage any reasonable person just comes to a message board and posts pictures of lynchings. what was the reason?


the more time goes on and there isnt a good case made the more likely this will end up selective censorship. seen it waaay too many times to have confidence in your simple word on the matter

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more often than not, calling someone racist is todays mccarthyism so color me unconvinced of your certainty


i ask again, was he making any kind of academic point? i find it extremely unlikely that short of literal brain damage any reasonable person just comes to a message board and posts pictures of lynchings. what was the reason?


the more time goes on and there isnt a good case made the more likely this will end up selective censorship. seen it waaay too many times to have confidence in your simple word on the matter

You're too stupid to breathe Edited by meazza
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more often than not, calling someone racist is todays mccarthyism so color me unconvinced of your certainty


i ask again, was he making any kind of academic point? i find it extremely unlikely that short of literal brain damage any reasonable person just comes to a message board and posts pictures of lynchings. what was the reason?


the more time goes on and there isnt a good case made the more likely this will end up selective censorship. seen it waaay too many times to have confidence in your simple word on the matter


I think that you've been on this board long enough to figure out that when many people are saying that his only point was to brag about being an unapologetic racist, then there really wasn't another point he was trying to make.

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did he say he was a racist or did you guys give him that label?


i will admit that most of you havent been as eager to scream racism at the drop of a hat than what is often typical. well not including boyst but hes out of his mind so its funny. but i will say it again, the majority of the time when 'the crowd' calls something racist today is just flat out so wrong its almost comical. we as a culture are OUT OF FKG CONTROL in how many things we plaster the label 'racist' on. ive seen it too many times something is accused and then i see it myself and its absurdly wrong


and no, i havent been here long enough to have confidence one way or another whether the regulars judgment on this is good here. there are some reasonable ppl here, but i also see some pretty ridiculous levels of classic white overcompensation in spots, i see ppl that have no idea what they are talking about trot out tired old race narratives that are easily disproven. its not as bad here as lots of places i see but theres enough that i have to wonder if you maybe didnt pull a classic mob up and knee jerk reactions were made. its not like it would be the first, or billionth, time its happened in this country lately


i guess i will let it go now bc it doesnt seem like anyone wants to give me any specifics except 'trust us'. ok. i guess i will have to wait for the next instance and maybe determine for myself

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He posted a picture of a black women that was lynched if i recall.




Yeah, that was easily the most offensive thing I've ever seen here by far. And if I remember correctly, he posted it in what he thought was a humorous context.


Yikes. Glad I missed that then.


Thanks for the info. :beer:

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did he say he was a racist or did you guys give him that label?


i will admit that most of you havent been as eager to scream racism at the drop of a hat than what is often typical. well not including boyst but hes out of his mind so its funny. but i will say it again, the majority of the time when 'the crowd' calls something racist today is just flat out so wrong its almost comical. we as a culture are OUT OF FKG CONTROL in how many things we plaster the label 'racist' on. ive seen it too many times something is accused and then i see it myself and its absurdly wrong


and no, i havent been here long enough to have confidence one way or another whether the regulars judgment on this is good here. there are some reasonable ppl here, but i also see some pretty ridiculous levels of classic white overcompensation in spots, i see ppl that have no idea what they are talking about trot out tired old race narratives that are easily disproven. its not as bad here as lots of places i see but theres enough that i have to wonder if you maybe didnt pull a classic mob up and knee jerk reactions were made. its not like it would be the first, or billionth, time its happened in this country lately


i guess i will let it go now bc it doesnt seem like anyone wants to give me any specifics except 'trust us'. ok. i guess i will have to wait for the next instance and maybe determine for myself


Search for his posts (Ozymandius) and decide for yourself then, dumbass.

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more often than not, calling someone racist is todays mccarthyism so color me unconvinced of your certainty


i ask again, was he making any kind of academic point? i find it extremely unlikely that short of literal brain damage any reasonable person just comes to a message board and posts pictures of lynchings. what was the reason?


the more time goes on and there isnt a good case made the more likely this will end up selective censorship. seen it waaay too many times to have confidence in your simple word on the matter

Jesus Christ dude he is an actual modern day Nazi. His god was Richard Spencer.


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i dont pay much attention to the real white supremacists, or the black supremacists for that matter, they all sound the same level of silly to me. so i had to look up richard spencer


and yeah i think any race trying to claim supremacy or who want to win some sick race war fantasy are pretty fkd in the head


but white supremacy is another label that ive sometimes seen misapplied. like this whole thing about the alt right and how if a white person promotes white values they must be a white supremacist by default. i see no reason why its bad to promote white values when we have no problem promoting black values. thats completely different from someone whos an actual supremacist


like that little fruitcake milo yanabuttalis or whatever tf his name was, he was a sort of annoying little fag but he made some good points along with a lot of crap. i saw ppl calling him a nazi and i never thought he was near that far off the deep edge. and just look at how ppl lost their frikkin minds around him, they turned him into the devil when he was mostly just a harmless right wing homo


still, none of that answers my question whether this poster you had banned had a point to make with the lynching picture. you guys are the ones obsessed with the guy, you could have easily told me by now. i suppose if i get to caring enough i might take abusive bot toms suggestion and look up his posts, but i know you guys know exactly where his allegedly offending material is and could have just told me. the more you skirt the issue and dont provide specifics it seems the more likely you know you dont really have much of a case


censorship is a bad bad thing. for every one time somebody is censored on these types of boards for a valid and just reason, theres probably at least ten if not a hundred bogus ones. the mob is a powerful force on social media and it often loses its damn mind when someone with nontraditional ideas shows up

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if you need me to i can give you an excellent example. i have some text somewhere that was part of a presentation i was preparing that uses a classic image of a public lynching to make a point about how insidious racism is and how those committing it at the time are so convinced they are right that they are proud of being involved in despicable acts. id have to go look for it, but its an excellent image to make that point, even as disgusting of an image it actually is


if you censor that kind of intellectual dialog just bc your own tender insensibilities cant handle it then you are doing a grave disservice to intellectual examination and analysis. its like the idiots who temporarily banned that giraffe mother having a calf bc it was 'sexual'. an even better example is when facebook temporarily banned that classic photo of the naked vietnamese female child running away from a napalm attack, if you just knee-jerk a visceral reaction then youre just being an idiot with no sense of historic significance. if someone is just posting a naked child then yeah you deserve to be banned. if your posting that photo and making a valid relative point then you are possibly contributing to a very vital dialog

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This wasn't a case of using the word !@#$ in the context of discussing the word. Ozy was a flat out unapologetic white supremacist. He was excited about white power. And he didn't get banned for that. Mocked yes. Banned no.


I'm guessing that the mods, knowing his proclivities, saw his lynching photo combined with his glee around it, as crossing a line, which for here is saying something.


[my use of n--- was auto cesored]

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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if you need me to i can give you an excellent example. i have some text somewhere that was part of a presentation i was preparing that uses a classic image of a public lynching to make a point about how insidious racism is and how those committing it at the time are so convinced they are right that they are proud of being involved in despicable acts. id have to go look for it, but its an excellent image to make that point, even as disgusting of an image it actually is


if you censor that kind of intellectual dialog just bc your own tender insensibilities cant handle it then you are doing a grave disservice to intellectual examination and analysis. its like the idiots who temporarily banned that giraffe mother having a calf bc it was 'sexual'. an even better example is when facebook temporarily banned that classic photo of the naked vietnamese female child running away from a napalm attack, if you just knee-jerk a visceral reaction then youre just being an idiot with no sense of historic significance. if someone is just posting a naked child then yeah you deserve to be banned. if your posting that photo and making a valid relative point then you are possibly contributing to a very vital dialog

What the hell is wrong with you? You don't capitalize and refuse to quote the person you are responding to. You don't post something, you make proclamations instead. You don't discuss, but preach. You defend Ozy when everyone here is telling you he was a true racist but are too lazy or smug to look up his posts to determine for yourself. Tell you what, why don't you start posting your pictures of lynchings in order to teach us and see where it goes.

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What the hell is wrong with you? You don't capitalize and refuse to quote the person you are responding to. You don't post something, you make proclamations instead. You don't discuss, but preach. You defend Ozy when everyone here is telling you he was a true racist but are too lazy or smug to look up his posts to determine for yourself. Tell you what, why don't you start posting your pictures of lynchings in order to teach us and see where it goes.

It's weird hearing the ambassador of the blacks defend OZY.


He's gonna lose his position if this gets out.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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still, none of that answers my question whether this poster you had banned had a point to make with the lynching picture. you guys are the ones obsessed with the guy, you could have easily told me by now. i suppose if i get to caring enough i might take abusive bot toms suggestion and look up his posts, but i know you guys know exactly where his allegedly offending material is and could have just told me. the more you skirt the issue and dont provide specifics it seems the more likely you know you dont really have much of a case


censorship is a bad bad thing. for every one time somebody is censored on these types of boards for a valid and just reason, theres probably at least ten if not a hundred bogus ones. the mob is a powerful force on social media and it often loses its damn mind when someone with nontraditional ideas shows up



If I recall the post correctly....and it was a while ago....the poster was not even trying to make any point at all in the individual post. If he was trying to make a point, it was along the lines of supporting lynchings and rubbing that in everyone's face. It is hard to remember the exact contents of that individual post because that guy had so many posts and they all danced around the same thing. What particular variation of that theme went with the picture, or even if the picture was a standalone post as a reply to something is something I don't remember.


I do remember, and so does everyone else that replied to you, that it turned the stomach of board members of every conceivable political leaning.


For me....not that it matter....it was a culmination of all of his ramblings. I'll admit that at times I enjoyed watching people toy with him and his ideas. It got boring though because his posts were so stupid I thought they might be fake....they almost had to be. But to post that picture....of a middle aged black woman in a dress hanging by her neck.....showed he was either willing to take his fakery too far or he actually believed this crap. Either way, I have zero problem with the ban. I think you've read from everyone else here that they have no problem either. I am confident that if you were here at the time, you'd have been fine with it. I understand not taking one person's word for it, but when it is every person, and not one offers one ounce of equivocation, don't you think Occum's Shaver might kick in?


i know you guys know exactly where his allegedly offending material is and could have just told me. the more you skirt the issue and dont provide specifics it seems the more likely you know you dont really have much of a case




If people start calling you Sue it may confuse you. But you deserve it. I'm guessing the picture has been deleted so your search may be fruitless.


Edit: I tried to look it up but it appears the user's posts have all been erased. I found some replies to him and you can see some of his posts that way, but it will make your search difficult. You'll still be able to see a lot of stupid crap though. Just go to the search bar when you're in the PPP forum and search Ozyman. It will list threads where his name appears and if you click it is usually a post of someone replying to him.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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