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Greg Olsen's Brother Arrrested For Rape.


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I think I said exactly that. I said "its not a big deal" right after I said " jet fuel can't melt steel beams."


I know reading and comprehension is difficult in these difficult times but if we enforced the idea of responsibility for actions and consequences for poor choices you may understand why a kid might get run over wearing ear buds walking down a train track or why lil newborn baby became a chew toy to the dobberman.


Actions have consequences. And at this point what difference does it make anyway?

It's to late you've triggered them.

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These kids think they walk on water and can do no wrong until something like this happens and it smacks them back to reality. Probably has been getting away with things his whole life so he figured this wouldn't be any different

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If you school your daughters on the realities of campus life, and LEAVE OUT the part about what young men (especially athletes) are capable of, you just might be ignorant.


I think it's bad to assume your kids are "smart" and they'll be "okay".

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If you school your daughters on the realities of campus life, and LEAVE OUT the part about what young men (especially athletes) are capable of, you just might be ignorant.


I think it's bad to assume your kids are "smart" and they'll be "okay".

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I was in a local mall not too long ago, and saw this teenage boy yanking a girls arm in a direction she clearly did not want to go.... It coulda been his girlfriend.. But she was crying, so I acted.


I said something firm and generic like 'LET GO NOW'. -He did, and she walked away... I asked if he wanted to grab my arm like that... -An offer he declined.


I told him I never wanted to see him handling a girl like that again, and let him be.... Twenty minutes later I walked out of Nordstrom Rack and saw them on a bench together.


You can't live these kid's lives for them... All you can do is try to show them what's acceptable, and what isn't... Doesn't always work, but I think it's better than nothing.

Edited by #34fan
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I was in a local mall not too long ago, and saw this teenage boy yanking a girls arm in a direction she clearly did not want to go.... It coulda been his girlfriend.. But she was crying, so I acted.


I said something firm and generic like 'LET GO NOW'. -He did, and she walked away... I asked if he wanted to grab my arm like that... -An offer he declined.


I told him I never wanted to see him handling a girl like that again, and let him be.... Twenty minutes later I walked out of Nordstrom Rack and saw them on a bench together.


You can't live these kid's lives for them... All you can do is try to show them what's acceptable, and what isn't... Doesn't always work, but I think it's better than nothing.

Dude....Nordstrom Rack???? Lololol

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I was in a local mall not too long ago, and saw this teenage boy yanking a girls arm in a direction she clearly did not want to go.... It coulda been his girlfriend.. But she was crying, so I acted.


I said something firm and generic like 'LET GO NOW'. -He did, and she walked away... I asked if he wanted to grab my arm like that... -An offer he declined.


I told him I never wanted to see him handling a girl like that again, and let him be.... Twenty minutes later I walked out of Nordstrom Rack and saw them on a bench together.


You can't live these kid's lives for them... All you can do is try to show them what's acceptable, and what isn't... Doesn't always work, but I think it's better than nothing.

Did you find the heels to match that new mini you bought? i know you were worried.

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yes true


and, believe it or not, theres more


i had a couple experiences in college that scared the bejeebus out of me


first one was when i had this girl pick me up at closing and wanted to go home with me. i got her in my bed and she kept saying no when i went for the home plate shot. so i did what i always did in that situation, i said ok thats cool but im tired and id rather not make out indefinitely so lets just go to sleep. well the next day she was all over campus telling everybody i was a big jerk and that i had lied to her and tried to get her to have sex when she didnt want to. it was just flat out untrue but i still had ppl scolding me all day. i did what i was supposed to and i got crazy girled for it. now imagine she was just a little more unhinged and claimed finger rape or something


the other incident was at a house party i had hosted. it was wrapping up and a bunch of us were getting ready to go out to the bars and there was a group of about eight girls talking. somehow the topic came to rape and one of the girls said she was raped. well lo and behold the other girls ALL proceeded to claim they too were raped (!!!!). like what kind of bizzarro scenario would make all those girls say they were raped? perhaps they were just trying to make the first girl feel better, but you do that when somebody has a pimple NOT ABOUT FREAKIN RAPE. or did they really think they were all raped? i was now so terrified of these girls i didnt even open my mouth but that was super messed up imo


rape is one of the absolute worst crimes you can commit. but after witnessing those incidents i have a little less confidence that all rape claims are valid. thats another convo parents should have with their girls, not to play games with that highly destructive topic

I've had a similar story play out against me.

Imagine someone telling you, and others, 'you practically tried to rape me' when you would never ever do anything of the sort under any circumstance.


A woman can also be the aggressor and still point the finger. I'm sure it's rare, just like an actual rape is rare, but a life changing event nonetheless.

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yeah it definitely happens like that. and the female is almost ALWAYS going to be believed. you have to have some pretty good evidence or have the woman have a bad track record to have anyone believe the male in such a situation


the other thing that young women do that put them and the guys chasing them at serious risk is they will say no when they actually mean yes. young women want to have sex as much as young men, but young women are conditioned that they are supposed to be chaste an demur. so they will tell you no to protect that self-image but really want you to push through anyway. i had an awful lot of women spend the night but we didnt have sex for that reason, bc i always took no for no and refused to play that dangerous game. a lot of guys i know just went ahead and kept trying and tell me afterwards they had to keep at it for hours to get her to break down. im like hell if im going to take that kind of risk. all it takes is for her to change her mind and she could be hauling your ass to jail

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yeah it definitely happens like that. and the female is almost ALWAYS going to be believed. you have to have some pretty good evidence or have the woman have a bad track record to have anyone believe the male in such a situation


the other thing that young women do that put them and the guys chasing them at serious risk is they will say no when they actually mean yes. young women want to have sex as much as young men, but young women are conditioned that they are supposed to be chaste an demur. so they will tell you no to protect that self-image but really want you to push through anyway. i had an awful lot of women spend the night but we didnt have sex for that reason, bc i always took no for no and refused to play that dangerous game. a lot of guys i know just went ahead and kept trying and tell me afterwards they had to keep at it for hours to get her to break down. im like hell if im going to take that kind of risk. all it takes is for her to change her mind and she could be hauling your ass to jail


Here's something you should do: go look in the mirror. The person looking back at you has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

Edited by Coach Tuesday
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that's not blaming the girl. That's looking at reality. Situations seldom involve a brute force of someone randomly picked isolated and innocent of poor decision making. It does not excuse any bit of anything from rape or murder to stealing or lying


However, if you can use your head and realize the danger you out yourself in through making poor choices you will less seldom find yourself in the consequences of misfortune. You'd not walk down an inner city street with diamonds all over you. You'd not walk on to an airplane with a shirt reading I have a bomb. You'd not enter a temple wearing a hijab. You'd not wear a string bikini while ice fishing. You'd not enter a mans home who has threatened you physically.


See, when you think about stupidity there is usually quite a bit of it. And stupid decisions can lead to bad results.


The guy clearly need mental help and she was an idiot to not call police to have him taken to a psych ward. Now, she ended up in the hospital and he ends up in jail. This isn't a point about rape I am making. And I'll likely hear the Nancy Grace think of the children type rhetoric.


But of this was my daughter she'd have a gun, tazer or ability to defend herself if she got in that position. And if she did I would have a lengthy talk about why she showed such poor decision making ability.


But again, I am about responsibity. Not blame. And that'lllikely be missed by the 'eenlightened' snowflakes here



Father of the year. You should give seminars.

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I added you are the father of the year, and should give seminars. You seem to have everything figured out.

I have a mug that agrees with you! I keep it next to my participation trophy and banana sticker

You sure about the total, Boystmartie??

yes. My son wrestles in Texas. Just won the state title.
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