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So Who's Fault Is It Really ?? Coach or Players ?

T master

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Okay i know every one here is pissed because we aren't going to the play offs AGAIN & every one is calling for Rex to be fired but is it really his fault ?


Was he the one that shanked 2 field goals ? Was Rex the one that didn't drag his second foot on what could have been a Clay TD ? Was Rex the one that didn't wrap up on the Gilmore tried tackle (if that's what you call it) when Gilmore hit him (didn't wrap up) & let him run for another 20 yds on a 3rd & long to make a 1st down ? Was it's Rex fault when Sammy ran straight out of bounds on a catch on a 3rd down then leave less than a yd from the first down marker ?


Was it Rex fault that Ajayi ran through most tackles or the D over pursued to allow more yards than needed to keep the drive going ?


NO !! Rex couldn't control any of those things that happen on the field ! Plus if you watched Dareus play the last couple weeks he's not playing lights out like he was before his big pay day .


The guys on this team should all take a long hard look at tape of Kyle Williams & learn how to be a Buffalo Bill he leaves it all on the field & just like last year when Kyle was hurt & there were no leaders on the field this D will really be hurting . If he decides to retire this D is screwed for leadership !


Sure Rex has his controversial things that he's done but he's not the Prima donna CB that misses crucial plays , he's not the guy missing tackles, but he's the guy in the end that will take all the crap for it !!


I think Rex needs to bench a couple of his so called defensive stars & let the guys like Zo & others show the rest of them how it's done.


There were a ton of plays left on the field that Rex scheme had put the guys in the right place but when they can't remember how to tackle or (in Gilmores case) think your so bad that you can just knock a guy down with out even trying to use your arms to wrap them up then something in the player needs to be brought to the fore front . Call these guy s out before the season is over not after. Oh but that might hurt their feelings ...


Oh & I'm thinking more players than Coach !!

Edited by T master
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Teams with sub-par leadership don't perform well and lack discipline.


This is true for any team, in any business.


Rex Ryan is the classic "Country Club" type Manager. It's never a successful style, long-term. This is why he peaked very early in his HC career and has sucked ever since.


The lack of discipline leads to a lack of execution and a lack of accountability. All of that leads to a very talented team going .500, which is likely going to happen for the second straight year without true leadership.


It all starts and ends with the head coach.

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Okay i know every one here is pissed because we aren't going to the play offs AGAIN & every one is calling for Rex to be fired but is it really his fault ?


Was he the one that shanked 2 field goals ? Was Rex the one that didn't drag his second foot on what could have been a Clay TD ? Was Rex the one that didn't wrap up on the Gilmore tried tackle (if that's what you call it) when Gilmore hit him (didn't wrap up) & let him run for another 20 yds on a 3rd & long to make a 1st down ? Was it's Rex fault when Sammy ran straight out of bounds on a catch on a 3rd down then leave less than a yd from the first down marker ?


Was it Rex fault that Ajayi ran through most tackles or the D over pursued to allow more yards than needed to keep the drive going ?


NO !! Rex couldn't control any of those things that happen on the field ! Plus if you watched Dareus play the last couple weeks he's not playing lights out like he was before his big pay day .


The guys on this team should all take a long hard look at tape of Kyle Williams & learn how to be a Buffalo Bill he leaves it all on the field & just like last year when Kyle was hurt & there were no leaders on the field this D will really be hurting . If he decides to retire this D is screwed for leadership !


Sure Rex has his controversial things that he's done but he's not the Prima donna CB that misses crucial plays , he's not the guy missing tackles, but he's the guy in the end that will take all the crap for it !!


I think Rex needs to bench a couple of his so called defensive stars & let the guys like Zo & others show the rest of them how it's done.


There were a ton of plays left on the field that Rex scheme had put the guys in the right place but when they can't remember how to tackle or (in Gilmores case) think your so bad that you can just knock a guy down with out even trying to use your arms to wrap them up then something in the player needs to be brought to the fore front . Call these guy s out before the season is over not after. Oh but that might hurt their feelings ...


Oh & I'm thinking more players than Coach !!


Poor tackling Rex's fault? = individually no but when it is team-wide yes - shows lack of mental preparedness


Why are you just using this last game as the reason the Bills are not in the playoffs?


Surely there are better games to point to than this one. But even if you just want to use this one, the primary reason the Bills lost is because they allowed the other team to score 34 points. It's supposed to be Rex's defense right? So yeah, he shares a huge percentage of the blame for that game along with plenty of other games this year where the defense didn't show up.

Edited by PolishDave
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Teams with sub-par leadership don't perform well and lack discipline.


This is true for any team, in any business.


Rex Ryan is the classic "Country Club" type Manager. It's never a successful style, long-term. This is why he peaked very early in his HC career and has sucked ever since.


The lack of discipline leads to a lack of execution and a lack of accountability. All of that leads to a very talented team going .500, which is likely going to happen for the second straight year without true leadership.


It all starts and ends with the head coach.

Hell froze over. I agree 100% with Gugny.


These players would not have made it to the NFL tackling like that. But it's human nature to slack off, even unconsciously you slip back into bad habits.


So even in the NFL, you need coaches that correct sloppy technique when it creeps in. Calling Rex a "country club coach" couldn't be more accurate. He wants to be everyone's buddy. Maybe it's because he thinks it will save him when people critique his poor coaching. At least the players love him, right?

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Okay i know every one here is pissed because we aren't going to the play offs AGAIN & every one is calling for Rex to be fired but is it really his fault ?


Was he the one that shanked 2 field goals ? Was Rex the one that didn't drag his second foot on what could have been a Clay TD ? Was Rex the one that didn't wrap up on the Gilmore tried tackle (if that's what you call it) when Gilmore hit him (didn't wrap up) & let him run for another 20 yds on a 3rd & long to make a 1st down ? Was it's Rex fault when Sammy ran straight out of bounds on a catch on a 3rd down then leave less than a yd from the first down marker ?


Was it Rex fault that Ajayi ran through most tackles or the D over pursued to allow more yards than needed to keep the drive going ?


NO !! Rex couldn't control any of those things that happen on the field ! Plus if you watched Dareus play the last couple weeks he's not playing lights out like he was before his big pay day .


The guys on this team should all take a long hard look at tape of Kyle Williams & learn how to be a Buffalo Bill he leaves it all on the field & just like last year when Kyle was hurt & there were no leaders on the field this D will really be hurting . If he decides to retire this D is screwed for leadership !


Sure Rex has his controversial things that he's done but he's not the Prima donna CB that misses crucial plays , he's not the guy missing tackles, but he's the guy in the end that will take all the crap for it !!


I think Rex needs to bench a couple of his so called defensive stars & let the guys like Zo & others show the rest of them how it's done.


There were a ton of plays left on the field that Rex scheme had put the guys in the right place but when they can't remember how to tackle or (in Gilmores case) think your so bad that you can just knock a guy down with out even trying to use your arms to wrap them up then something in the player needs to be brought to the fore front . Call these guy s out before the season is over not after. Oh but that might hurt their feelings ...


Oh & I'm thinking more players than Coach !!


All of those things you just mentioned, you get better with practice, so yes, it's Rex's fault, because he doesn't care about it or his players don't think getting better at their craft is important.

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Okay i know every one here is pissed because we aren't going to the play offs AGAIN & every one is calling for Rex to be fired but is it really his fault ?


Was he the one that shanked 2 field goals ? Was Rex the one that didn't drag his second foot on what could have been a Clay TD ? Was Rex the one that didn't wrap up on the Gilmore tried tackle (if that's what you call it) when Gilmore hit him (didn't wrap up) & let him run for another 20 yds on a 3rd & long to make a 1st down ? Was it's Rex fault when Sammy ran straight out of bounds on a catch on a 3rd down then leave less than a yd from the first down marker ?


Was it Rex fault that Ajayi ran through most tackles or the D over pursued to allow more yards than needed to keep the drive going ?


NO !! Rex couldn't control any of those things that happen on the field ! Plus if you watched Dareus play the last couple weeks he's not playing lights out like he was before his big pay day .


The guys on this team should all take a long hard look at tape of Kyle Williams & learn how to be a Buffalo Bill he leaves it all on the field & just like last year when Kyle was hurt & there were no leaders on the field this D will really be hurting . If he decides to retire this D is screwed for leadership !


Sure Rex has his controversial things that he's done but he's not the Prima donna CB that misses crucial plays , he's not the guy missing tackles, but he's the guy in the end that will take all the crap for it !!


I think Rex needs to bench a couple of his so called defensive stars & let the guys like Zo & others show the rest of them how it's done.


There were a ton of plays left on the field that Rex scheme had put the guys in the right place but when they can't remember how to tackle or (in Gilmores case) think your so bad that you can just knock a guy down with out even trying to use your arms to wrap them up then something in the player needs to be brought to the fore front . Call these guy s out before the season is over not after. Oh but that might hurt their feelings ...


Oh & I'm thinking more players than Coach !!

Every single thing that you mentioned is correctable with good coaching. If tackling isn't a priority in practice and fundamentals aren't a priority in practice, then they won't be executed properly in games. If they are a coaches priority to emphasize, then those mistakes won't happen. It all starts and ends with the coach. We have talented players, they are just poorly coached.

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Okay i know every one here is pissed because we aren't going to the play offs AGAIN & every one is calling for Rex to be fired but is it really his fault ?


Was he the one that shanked 2 field goals ? Was Rex the one that didn't drag his second foot on what could have been a Clay TD ? Was Rex the one that didn't wrap up on the Gilmore tried tackle (if that's what you call it) when Gilmore hit him (didn't wrap up) & let him run for another 20 yds on a 3rd & long to make a 1st down ? Was it's Rex fault when Sammy ran straight out of bounds on a catch on a 3rd down then leave less than a yd from the first down marker ?


Was it Rex fault that Ajayi ran through most tackles or the D over pursued to allow more yards than needed to keep the drive going ?


NO !! Rex couldn't control any of those things that happen on the field ! Plus if you watched Dareus play the last couple weeks he's not playing lights out like he was before his big pay day .


The guys on this team should all take a long hard look at tape of Kyle Williams & learn how to be a Buffalo Bill he leaves it all on the field & just like last year when Kyle was hurt & there were no leaders on the field this D will really be hurting . If he decides to retire this D is screwed for leadership !


Sure Rex has his controversial things that he's done but he's not the Prima donna CB that misses crucial plays , he's not the guy missing tackles, but he's the guy in the end that will take all the crap for it !!


I think Rex needs to bench a couple of his so called defensive stars & let the guys like Zo & others show the rest of them how it's done.


There were a ton of plays left on the field that Rex scheme had put the guys in the right place but when they can't remember how to tackle or (in Gilmores case) think your so bad that you can just knock a guy down with out even trying to use your arms to wrap them up then something in the player needs to be brought to the fore front . Call these guy s out before the season is over not after. Oh but that might hurt their feelings ...


Oh & I'm thinking more players than Coach !!


What I said in response to another 'it's the players, not the coach' post on Monday:


"But you make the point of so many who want a new coach, who want Ryan fired, in your own words that I have underlined above--that is the point, those things, over and over and over and others, again and again, a sure sign of a team that is undisciplined, unprepared, and so, week after week, and especially against well coached winning teams, are not able to win.


"You can likely say the same thing about business, school, and most other 'teams'; it is the coaching, the leadership, that enables those miscues, the kind of things that you point to above, that undermine the potential."


Well coached teams have players playing up to their potential on a much more consistent basis than poorly coached teams, and the players make fewer mental and physical errors. Like I said yesterday, the same is true in almost all other aspects of life: good leadership, good coaching, leads to teams moving toward their potential. Poor leadership and coaching leads to the underlined above, consistently.

Edited by Mister Defense
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There is much more to it than players play and coaches coach.


Obviously Rex can't get out there and do it for them. But as stated above, it is his responsibility to set the tone and outline the culture for what kind of team he wants.


Why do the Seahawks tackle so well? It comes from the top. PC makes it a priority and the team responds.


Maybe Rex should have spent "victory Monday's" working on tackling fundamentals.


It may not be totally fair, but when you are the HEAD coach (with 25+ assistants) it's on you.

Edited by Juice_32
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Watching the Miami game, I couldn't help think that the problems with Buffalo's defense is systemic. Miami continually ran the ball wide and there wasn't ANYONE there. Rex is always talking about setting the edge but we don't even have an outside linebacker there in position to do that.

His defensive system is outdated and ineffective. He telegraphs his blitzes so the opposing QB can check to a different play or adjust his protection.

Maybe that's why he can't beat an experienced quarterback.

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Teams with sub-par leadership don't perform well and lack discipline.


This is true for any team, in any business.


Rex Ryan is the classic "Country Club" type Manager. It's never a successful style, long-term. This is why he peaked very early in his HC career and has sucked ever since.


The lack of discipline leads to a lack of execution and a lack of accountability. All of that leads to a very talented team going .500, which is likely going to happen for the second straight year without true leadership.


It all starts and ends with the head coach.

You are eerily spot on man. It really is a problem that starts with the ownership and trickles all the way down to the field. The disconnect in the front office translates directly to a disconnect on the field between the players. All the players love Rex only because of his leniency and the fact that he rarely holds players accountable for their actions. Why wouldn't the players love him? I believe the Pegulas got really bad advice on hiring him to the be coach in the first place.


I don't think Rex is a terrible coach but in order for him to be successful he needs to have a veteran QB who doesn't need any guidance and can pretty much solely run the offense. He also needs stellar players on defense in order for his out of date and over complicated defense to work.


With the way our QB situation was when he was hired, it was extremely confusing as to why we wouldn't hire a coach who was familiar with working with young QBs. I mean look at franchises like the Redskins, Cowboys, Raiders, Chiefs, Dolphins....etc. The Bills just seem like they're trying to build a house without a blueprint.

Those Tyrod stats would make certain people's heads explode.

Tyrods stats aren't nearly as bad as people think they are.

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Or maybe, just maybe, Rex's defense is so overly complicated the players can't play instinctively. They are too busy trying to remember checks and what they're suppose to be doing instead of just reacting.


And the CBA, with its time limits, has made it impossible for the players to see enough of the field during practice. Rex chooses to fill these players heads with complicated schemes and game plans. And it started way back in training camp, when they could have been working on reacting to plays. Using instinct.


This largely same group of players played defense perfectly fine under Schwartz. Did they have their warts? Yup. Were they unusually healthy as a unit? Yup. Sure, they let long runs on 3rd down. They let Tom Brady pick them apart. But that defense played better. They made stops. They got the offense the ball back.

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This was a great article by Chris Trapasso outlining the issues with Rex's scheme.


I agree with all of that. So for the sake of continuity should Lynn be made HC, Kromer OC and bring in Gus Bradley as DC?
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I agree with all of that. So for the sake of continuity should Lynn be made HC, Kromer OC and bring in Gus Bradley as DC?

Maybe not a bad idea. With the offense you have a repeat of two years ago with Schwartz's D. Why take a #6 offense and try to "fix" it?
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