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RIP Joe McKnight

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Oh I know, your beef was that McKnight deserved to be shot because he was a dumb ass.




Sorry that's all I got.

How thick are you? No one has said, or even suggested that.


It's tragic that he was shot, but his own choices and actions caused his shooting. This doesn't mean that he deserved it, it just means that the shooter is blameless.


I disagree 100% with the part in bold.

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You can choose to place blame on someone acting in what they believed was defense of their life.


I choose not to.


I cannot, at this time anyway, absolve the shooter in any blame on this. I was not there, I have not seen eyewitness reports to determine how much of a threat there was to his life. I am not placing any blame on him nor am I declaring him blameless at this point. All I'm saying if McKnight had not been a dumbass and not let his temper get the best of him and stayed in his car he would be enjoying life today.

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I cannot, at this time anyway, absolve the shooter in any blame on this. I was not there, I have not seen eyewitness reports to determine how much of a threat there was to his life. I am not placing any blame on him nor am I declaring him blameless at this point.

Fair enough. I tend towards sympathizing with the shooter given what we know, but your position is reasonable in my view.




All I'm saying if McKnight had not been a dumbass and not let his temper get the best of him and stayed in his car he would be enjoying life today.

This we completely agree on.

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All I'm saying if McKnight had not been a dumbass and not let his temper get the best of him and stayed in his car he would be enjoying life today.


You don't know that either. If he'd stayed in his car, he might be sitting around today thinking "Damn, I wish I'd got out of my car and confronted that guy. I hate my life."

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You can choose to place blame on someone acting in what they believed was defense of their life.


I choose not to.

we don't know who did what enough yet to even cake close to say that


You don't know that either. If he'd stayed in his car, he might be sitting around today thinking "Damn, I wish I'd got out of my car and confronted that guy. I hate my life."

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I just read a great article in GQ concerning that other New Orleans road rage shooting of Will Smith. The man that shot and killed him was arrested and remains in jail even though he did the exact same thing the shooter in this incident did. He remained at the scene, removed the magazine from his pistol, placed it on the hood of the car, requested that eye witnesses stay at the scene, and waited for police to arrive. He then surrendered peacefully.


He is black though. His trial starts today I believe.


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Yes, Will Smith was reaching into his car to retrieve a firearm, whereas McKnight had no weapon in which to reach for.


However there is one glaring similarity in both of these situations. They both got out of their cars and they are both dead. End of story. Ok, ok those are two things that are similar but you get my point.

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Why are you so emotionally wrapped up in this dead athlete? There are far worse things happening in this world.



You're right. It's a sick, crazy, sad world out there. Senseless violence and threats of violence are rampant. Deadly fires, sink holes that swallow up cars. Wars and rumors of war. And yet this story saddened me somehow.

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